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Canucks are Bieksallent

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Status Updates posted by Canucks are Bieksallent

  1. Haha that's cute.

    You and Willie have something special going on :)

  2. Just to think... there would be a game on right now...

    Geez, the Canucks are so hard to get over! :(

  3. Haha, I can just be fine sometimes, and then it'll hit me and I'll become all sad and grumpy. Trust me, haha I know what it feels like. lol :)

  4. Me too! Lol.

    We make a good team!! :)

  5. Haha, okay! it's a deal. :)

  6. Group therapy!? haha, yes! definitely. :)

  7. ..i'm already counting the days. :( i NEED something to get my mind off the Canucks, cause right now.. it's pretty much all i can think about.

  8. Haha, whenever I see any Canuck-related things, I feel sad. Especially when my whole room is full of Canucks things. I had to throw away the Province too, it was making me sad. :(

  9. I know! :( I'm heartbroken. I can't believe there aren't gonna be any Canucks on TV for sooo long. It's like there's something missing in my life.

  10. so i've been pretty depressed for the last little while.. :(

    how have you been?

  11. Ah. I know. He practiced today though.. hopefully he'll be back soon. I miss him a lot. :(

  12. Don't know if you've seen this before but it's a song called "The Great Escape" by Patrick Watson. I am absolutely in love with the song and the video, and I'd thought I'd share. :)

  13. Haha, yes! They definitely have stepped up all of them... and I love them for doing it! :)

  14. Mitchell's awesome, and I've been very impressed with Lukas lately. You're welcome for the pic :)

  15. Yeah I know I want him back too! But at the same time, I hope he really gets better, I don't want to rush him, and risk him getting injured more severely. It's just that he's such a fun player to watch, I miss him :(

  16. Aww, lovekesler thank you for sharing those videos with me! :) Nicole's amazing I love "I'll Be Your Love"... and I agree Kelly was definitely the best of all the idols.

    Thanks again!

    <3 :)

  17. :)

    I like Nicole, she's got an amazing voice. Really? I never heard of Melody's album.. interesting. Haha, I know... like Survivor soooo overdone lol.

  18. how many new members do they need!?!?! seriously. and i know, Asia is not a very good singer, and if it's true that Nicole leaves the group and Asia becomes the lead singer.. PCD is gonna go downhill :(

  19. That's not true!

    Why don't you believe me??

  20. I think Melissa S' evilness was starting to take over Melissa R... Haha

  21. i was there and i didn't see you.

    you stood me up. :(

  22. thats good

    i've been doing pretty much the same. i hope the canucks can finish off dallas tonight!


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