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Canucks are Bieksallent

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Status Updates posted by Canucks are Bieksallent

  1. just name the place and i'm there.

  2. haha thanks. i usually do too, but not tonight lol.

  3. yeahh it does. and what sucks is that it's playoff time now. and im just not in the mood to spend all my time studying. good luck with your tests though! :)

  4. no, you're not. you're perfect. it's just me, i'm a little scared. you have such high expectations, and i want to fulfill them. but i dont know if i can.

  5. <3...

    but i'm not her!! i'm kind of wishing i was though... you seem pretty fond of her.

  6. why do you like her then? thieves are bad. especially ones that steal your heart.

  7. wow, this girl must have really caught your heart.

  8. yeah i took some. i'll share them with you as soon as i'm done studying. i've got like 4 tests all in one week! stupid teachers. :(

  9. i know! i love it.

    the game was kind of depressing, i think i jynxed them by going to it. they didn't score any goals! :(

  10. i know!! linden too. he made my day :)

  11. haha. watch the entire game last night? sooo intense eh? ps. i added you as a friend :)

  12. aww thank you.

    i'll take lots of pictures, just for you.

  13. you're welcome! haha, and i will, thanks! :)

  14. haha yeah, i've still got like 2 months of school left. but then i'm done highschool! good luck with your exams! :)

  15. i'd feel as if i was cheating on you. but i don't think dq would ever do that.

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