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Everything posted by BieksaRocks

  1. its not snowing up on sfu...yet...
  2. thats the good thing about SFU er...could be a bad thing depending on how you look at it
  3. F BJ GSP better knock the living daylight out of that morass next saturday can't believe the classless jerk would badmouth someone as down to earth as GSP
  4. THAT looks freaking amazing! sigh...if only we got those NOW...
  5. wow....mad props to you. I fell asleep at 4 lol. latest i've stayed up is 5 30 lol
  6. lolo block him, delete him anyways im out goodnight
  7. i bet he still dun believe/ thinks ur a girl lol
  8. ROFLMAO oh oh the guy that was on iSketch? D something something?
  9. nothin much really debating whether or not i should go to bed
  10. ROFLMAO now THAT would be AWESOME :lol:
  11. ARE YOUS EIROUS?! omfg....ima have sOOO MUCH fun going up the mountain
  12. FAWK! that happens SOO Many Freaking times on ma bus. Notice...almost ALWAYS, its a group of asian girls, and ONE of them will get a seat. the rest will just CROWD around her and chat. they dont and WONT MOVE back to the end of the bus when its getting crowded let alone MOVE OUT OF THE FAWKING WAY! DO THEY LIKE NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH OR WHAT?! AND THEY ALWAYS TALK SOOOO LOUD IN Canto (sorry but...i've noticed....most of them are canto) or mando or W/E while the rest of us are trying to sleep! wtf where are your manners?! SPEAKING OF MANNERS on my way back home from post-secondary today, i got off the skytrain, got on the bus, sat down at the REAR of the bus (the 5 seats one...), 2nd from the right, and then this F@Wking guy who was sick got on, and sat down next to me. ok so the guy caught the flu, big deal, its normal! i get sick too! so i didnt mind him at all, EXCEPT All of a sudden he got on his phone and talked....sorry that was an understatement...he SHOUTED on the phone (exaggeration) in Canto WHILE EVERYONe in the rear was trying to sleep. HE coughed without making ANY attempts WHATSOEVER to cover his mouth, SPRAYING EVERYWHERE, PICKED HIS FREAKING NOSE AND WIPED IT WHO KNOWS WHERE, burped out loud, AND FAWKING LEANED BACK, YAWNED and STRETCHED, AND PUT BOTH his arms on the back of the seats left and right of him. FAWKING pissed me right off since i had to sit to the left of him, leaning AWAY and Forward for the whole f-ing trip. I would have switched seats EXCPET the ONLY empty seat left was TO THE RIGHT OF HIM. No one dared sit there after seeing him pick his nose and cough nonstop, and me inching away... No fawking manners whatsoever. If he was a little kid, then ok whatever i wouldn't care. But He was a 35+ man. like WTF? Good thing i was drained of energy from all the midterms....ohterwise i would have snapped at him, tell him to F-off, and learn some f-ing manners.... AND THE OTEHR THING that piss me off is when people take up TWO freaking SEATS on the bus. ONE for their oh-so-precious backpack and one for themselves. THEY KNOW the bus will get full cuz it ALWAYS does but nooo they go to sleep! I gave my seat SEVERAL times to people older than i am (i'm not talking about seniors in this case cuz its one of those things where you dont think. you just get up and give your seats to them...i'm talking about people 35-50s) because i jsut CANT stand other people Lableing racial minority as the same. 60% of them are fawking rude and have no manners, doesnt mean the rest of us are too sorry for all the swearing....
  13. thats what this is for right? think it'll actually work? More Buses Now
  14. I got one of the MBN petition thing today too! its kinda confusing though...it says "postage paid if mailed in Canada" yet on the back it says "fill out the attached, perforated mail-in coupon, PUt on a stamp" aint it paid for already?
  15. pfft hes already with u u cant just ditch him now

    taylor'll get angry at ya

  16. xP

    ya i think u got a lil mixed up

    the guy ur with is Tom pyatt

    not taylor

    hes over here

  17. u mean tom pyatt? o btw he likes ma juice better. . .

  18. too bad he likes grapefruit juices ): )

    *plz fall for it*

    lol nyways i'll just pull out ma special juice mix and he'll come running back xD

    he likes it better

  19. lol no way~

    Kevi's gonna protect me and pie~

  20. o emphasizing TOOOTALLLY now r ya? perfect example of needing reassurance

    well u aint getting any

    he likes me more <3

  21. Lol even u know it, too! he likes me better!

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