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Posts posted by Dogbyte

  1. Okay it seems like such a troll job but just in case this guy is serious there is one big thing he's missing. When your parents and life told you that you would be succesful if you stayed in school and got a degree they didn't mean you'd be better off than all of your friends, driving a Lambo, and dropping money like a hip hopper. They meant your parents wouldn't be worried and you wouldn't be starving and living on Hastings.

    You can make a lot of money with a degree but as was pointed out employers pay for quality and experience. Face it. You have none that an employer can see right now. Factor in that it sounds like you slipped your way through school without doing much work and you'll be spotted instantly. Work isn't like lying to your prof about an assignment and if you feed them any of the stuff you've been spewing here then good luck! You'll need it.

  2. Honestly....read this.


    I think he's completely serious.

    The world is going to be what you want OP. It's a much harder place.

    Ha ha yeah that's the guy. I hope for the best for everyone but people like this really deserve nothing. People like this will completely bomb out or they are one of the few that end up actually making good money and then they're the people that you sit back and wonder at how the hell they ever got a job in the first place, and how they actually got a decent job.

    I dont understand where you are getting the "40k" figure? If average rent is $1500, average cost of a degree is $30,000 and there are only 1 out of 10 people to compete with, then according to my calculations there is a lot of jobs available and few people to fill them.

    Why would anyone be out of work if they have a degree in a special field? New jobs are created all the time, ecnomy is growing constantly, the need for jobs is always high. I dont doubt I will find a job, its a matter of how high I can negotiate a salary to, the key to getting a large wage is putting your foot down with the employers and showing them you will not back down, you will not be intimidated or f*ed around for low wages.

    I almost want to come to an interview, put my feet on the emloyers desk and say " I know what I am worth I want to negotiate" I mean you really need to let them know you are not a feline and you are willing to work hard for their company.

    Employers dont have 40k in their mind, they will give you what you feel you are worth. Based on the ecnomomic conditions of Vancouver there is no reason why we cant ask for higher salaries, especially because so few people I would suspect finish college/university, and those who did already have jobs.

    What does your rent or the cost of your degree have to do with your salary? Nowadays you can almost make more money in a trade then you can with a degree, in fact you can probably make more. What school is giving you a degree, there is no way you did that on your own. Not that a communications degree is anything to hang your hat on.

    Maybe I should move into a mansion and get a $500,000 dollar raise. Now why I didn't I think of that.

  3. Lol that is so not true. If you're gonna put up arguments, at least make them credible. It's not that hard.
    He does absolutely nothing against top teams? Sure he didn't have any points against USA, but he still dominated in that game. I bet you didn't even watch any of those games, if any u18 game at all. So you're saying it's somehow a "red-flag" that he had 16 points in 7 games? Lol. Finland is a "crap team". They lost to Czech Republic in the group stage (3-4) who later went on to win gold, and USA (3-4) who were also finalists. Then Sweden completely smashed Finland in the playoffs. I will never understand people like you. Why do you make up things to make prospects look worse?

    Yeah i can tell..

    Well I did say that I don't know the players enough so I don't know what more you want. I was just talking point wise. At the same instance that people look to his 16 points he scored 1 against the 2 best teams in the tournament. I would make that part of my evaluation. I just don't put much stock in an U-18 tournament that happens in April and likely has a lot of these players playing in an international stage for the first time.

    My apologies to you Mr. Hedman, I did not make the comment to condemn a prospect it was just a comment based on what I've seen over the years, and I didn't call him crap I just said it would raise awareness if I was the one doing the picking.

  4. Watch him play in the under 18's then tell me what you think.

    Totally inferior tournament at the end of the year where 80% of the players don't even show up. It's not a good judge of hockey future.

    0 point against the Canadians.

    1 point against the US.

    All his points came from playing against inferior teams and shutdown against tougher opponents.

    This, if anything his play in the tournament should put up a red flag or two. He does absolutely nothing, zero, zilch, nada against the only good teams he played and then piled on points against crap teams when most players would have been content being up 5 goals thats where he pours in his points. This tournament can't make a player but it can break him. I don't know enough about these guys to say who to draft but if it was my job I'd be very worried considering his performance in this tourney.

  5. Yeah I'm totally down for putting a package out for Reinhart.

    It would be nice to only give one young asset with the sixth and a vet. If it takes 2 young assets plus the sixth I'm cool with it as long as it comes back in the Kesler deal.

    Chances at top end talent don't come around too often. If we can get the kid we totally should.

    I'm fine with giving away any roster players and a prospect not named Horvat in order to get this deal done.

  6. Yeah thats fine, my point is, you don't trade one of your top tradable assets for spare parts. You fix your first problem first and that would be a first and second line winger.

    I've been trying to get this point across forever. Some of these guys think they have infinite assets to screw around with. We're already going to be short as it and we got people trying to bring in a 6th top 4 defender.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Well I dont see Edler having a worse season so there is hope ;)

    Edler says he plays better when he doesn't think too much and yet Torts had him constantly thinking about what he was doing, hopefully we get a coach that turns him into the player he is expected to be.

    I don't see our D looking any different if they keep Edler. Doubt they buy out Garrison and I have read they'd like to get Conrado into the lineup this season . They keep going with the group model of D but if you look at the teams having the most success they all have one stud D man . I would love to see the Canucks do that as well but I don't see them being able to do that any time soon.

    As far as those saying trade Bieksa, he fits the style of play management wants with his physical play plus Bieksa said he was a lifetime Canuck and was going down with the ship I doubt he'd agree to waive his NTC.

    Hopefully we get the right coach to work with this group.

    Says it all right there.

  8. I disagree and here is why:

    Like I said in an earlier thread we have no bonifide clear cut second liner other than Kesler. Not one. Name one. So who else has earned a second line position or is a mainstay playing with Kesler. Nobody has since Raymond and Samuelson who are no longer with us. Schroeder is of the age and the ilk to deserve a shot on that line with Kesler since no one else has his upside. There is no rock and a hard place because no one else has proven they belong which is why it makes perfect sense to give Schroeder a shot to be successful in a position he is suited be in.

    3rd liners: Higgins, Hansen, Kassian, Matthias, Booth, Richardson, Kassian, Dalpe. All third liners.

    These guys are not upgrades on the second line and if they are it would not be much. Most of them are older and do not have the offensive upside.

    Exactly why you can't sign him on a blind hunch,or a shot as you put it. We already have 8 3rd liners not to mention Sestito, Archibald, or youth. There are player and money limits to consider here.

  9. So coddling/allowing them to coach themselves from AV didn't motivate them and being hard on them from Tortorella didn't motivate them. What exactly is left?

    Has anyone considered that maybe the group needs more than cosmetic changes?

    Bieksa and/or Edler need to go. One huge defensive liability on the blueline is more than enough.

    Well said. One is bad enough, two is disaster.

  10. I think we should at least wait and see what changes happen before chicken littling our way through the summer. No one really knows yet what Benning is going to do or not do. I suspect he will hang onto the core because Vancouver demands a winner - or at least the perception of a potential winner. If he trades too many guys right away the ans will be clamoring for his head or more importantly not renewing season tickets. We will win nothing with this core though imo. They are stale as a group. We need to be younger, faster, and much, much hungrier. As long as guys like Edler, Bieksa, etc. are guaranteed their prime positions on the team with no challenge from below, this team will suck defensively. Those two especially are very overrated defensively. Both suck actually.

    But there should be some changes, most notably in our drafting and development departments. Both need a fresh approach as both suck.

    They asked Drew Daughty the other day about how he gets the offence to his game. He said he doesn't think about it all. He said he is a defenceman and his only job was to play defence. He seemed insulted and bewildered by the notion that people would mistake offence from the defence as a defining quality.

  11. People just want everything without figuring out how we are going to get there.

    I can't see us keeping him at the expense of Santorelli or youth. Best thing would be to add him as a package or trade him for a draft pick. He's a first pick, he should be able to get us a fourth ... no?

  12. I'll tell you how you get it done.

    --------------Trade 1----------------

    To Buff: Edler, Higgins/Burrows, Schroeder, 3rd round pick

    • Alex Edler - veteran defensman with all star potential if put in the right situation. Christian Ehrhoff wouldn't mind playing with Edler again.
    • Chris Higgins/Alex Burrows - Another veteran forward to complement their young core. I'd prefer if they took higgins, but Burrows is still doable.
    • Jordan Schroeder - 22 year old equal to a b level prospect to still add a young role player piece to their core. He's got a some games under his belt so he could make an impact if given the chance. (looks like the fans don't want him here anyway)
    • 3rd Round - Just an added bonus to seal it.

    To Van: 2nd overall

    • 2nd overall - Sam Reinhart.

    --------------Trade 2----------------

    To Win: Markstrom, Hansen, 6th overall

    • Jacob Markstrom - Winnipeg gets a 24 year old young goaltender who could potentially be their number 1 this season. The Winnipeg fans want Pavalec gone, and their not too hot on Montoya either. Yeah they could go to free agency, but it would be wise to take a 24 year old with that potential either way.
    • Jannik Hansen - speedy third line veteran that can up his game if playing right. Last year he was one of our best players, just not so much this year. Still, on a fairly cheap contract, not bad
    • 6th overall - Winnipeg drafts nik ehlers. Speedy skilled player who could make a major impact. Also from Denmark, can be mentored by Jannik Hansen. Also, Ehlers _____ Hansen, does look like a good speedy wing combo.

    To Van: Morrissey, 9th overall

    • Josh Morrissey - Young puck moving defensman that Vancouver fans want so bad. Also, really good friends with Hunter Shinkaruk so they could feed off each other.
    • 9th overall - Draft Virtanen.

    --------------End Result----------------

    Canucks lose: Edler, Higgins/Burrows, Schroeder, Hansen, Markstrom

    Canucks gain: Reinhart, Virtanen, Morrissey. (Most importantly, while keeping Kesler like Benning wants.)

    Minor tweaks and I could see these happening.

    I don't want anything to do with Morrisey. Very unimpressed from what I've seen from him.

  13. Trade chips willing to move, Edler, Kesler, draft picks. Not things top team in draft want or locations NTC willing to move too. And we need to keep youth not trade it.

    Yeah it was more of a hail mary request. He looks like the real deal. Gilmour but grown man sized. Amazing.

  14. Strongly disagree. Nonis left us the Sedins and Kesler just entering their prime,. GIllis left us with one of the worst defensemen in the NHL making 5 million with a NTC, along with eating cap-hit for a player who isn't even on the team. Gillis did an absolutely terrible job and it's going take a long time to undo the long-term damage he caused for this franchise.

    The epitome of a bell curve. Terrific in his first 3 years and then all down hill. His role as a player agent definitely compromised his judgement. That signing was so unbelievably stupid. It just explemplified MG's stubborn, eogtistical God complex behavior in that he couldn't let any player go because he was also acting as everyone's agent. In a perfect world we all get NTC's and live on the beach but even the little babies that make $5 million dollars a year should have to try in life every once in a while. I hope to hell that country club is gone.

    They arent trading Edler. You dont trade a guy when his value is at an all time low its moronic.

    Unless of course you can do simple math in your head and realize this is hockey and not a stock market portfolio, then you realize it doesn't matter and just fix the problem. Keeping a player that you don't want on your roster for a year or 3, in order to maximize value, is just plain dumb.

  15. I think Jared McCann and Perlini are better than a few players listed above and I think both players are being underrated big time by alot of fans. I have McCann ahead of Fabbri as of right now because I think he will be the better of the 2 in the NHL. Perlini is also a really big skilled winger who should be viewed in the same tier as Virtanen/Ritchie because of his size/skill and that he put the same points up as the them in less games I think he should be getting alot more talk then hes been getting.

    Yeah, I get a feeling from watching his interviews that he is a kid Linden and co will really like.

    Just watch the chaos here when we select Perlini number 6 overall with Ehlers, and Dal Colle still on the board. :)

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