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Posts posted by Trebreh

  1. hes got a cushier position in calgary and he hates is not on good business terms with the aqualinis from what ive read.

    But he loves Vancouver though, deep inside it probably kills him to see the two players he worked hard to draft being wasted away in their final playing years of their career.
  2. What a pathetic and embarrassing home stand... heads should be rolling after this debacle.

    Playoff teams don't have Mike Santorelli and Higgins on their top 6 for fracks sakes. This team on paper is a one line team.

    I think I've said everything that needs to be said about Luongo in the past... . another CLASSIC Luongo meltdown.. play well for 55 games then absolutely shiet the bed for the final 5 mins of the game.

    A lot of 3rd and 4th liners disguised as top 6 forward on our team, that's why we cant score any damn goals. But our GM is 'patient' so don't look for any major changes...

  3. Awful call on the no-goal but it's not why we lost

    How many PP's did we have? And how many shots on goal did we have? And how many times did we cash in?

    The goal droughts are inexplicable on this team. When none of Daniel, Kesler, Burrows, Hansen, Higgins, Kassian, Booth, Santo or any of the Dmen can hit the scoresheet, that's a real problem.

    And it's not that Lehtonen was stellar. How many high-quality chances did we have on him? Shots from the perimeter ain't going in on any goalie in this league folks. All the end up doing is giving the goalie more and more confidence as he makes more and more of those saves. And poor Luongo at the other end is just chilling, hasn't had a touch of the puck in forever, and then we give up an odd man rush and expect him to bail us out? Not fair at all.

    The Canucks have always relied on scoring from the back end. How long has it been since Edler or Garrison scored? Heck how long has it been since Garrison hit the net with a freaking shot?

    Either all these above mentioned players better bump their slumps in a hurry, or else MG has to manufacture a trade. Offense can't go cold at this stage in the season. Against the old NW division, these points were easy to make up. Not any more. A few more losses and we won't be able to make up ground to get back into playoff positioning.

    Our pp is basically the Sedins playing pass to each other then pass back to the point for a shot. Very predictable and easy to shutdown. While the California teams PP are all down low plays shots from 10-5 feet away.

  4. I don't care about the blown call.. this team cant.friggin.score! We're getting a ton of shots but they're all from the perimeter.

    This team other than Kesler and the Sedins are filled with hard working THIRD LINERS. Absolutely no secondary scoring unless one of our grinders gets on a hot streak.

    What will it take for our incompetent 'patient' GM to make a move? we've been on a top 6 forward search for like 3 years now. All that time, we saw James Neal traded, Bobby Ryan, Tomas Vanek, Richards, Carter etc. go to other teams while we pick up 'projects' like Booth, Sturm....

    Gillis would be a great assistant manager for his re-signing skills but the guy have no clue how to make a deal.

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  5. Every team in the league wants a top 6 winger who can score goals consistently...they don't just grow off trees. To get one Gillis will have to give up a quality piece (Edler? Horvat?) If a player that fit our team came at a good price Gillis would have gotten us one a long time ago.

    If Gillis does a trade like that, people will start complaining about our poor defensive depth and lack of blue-chip prospects in the system...

    It's still early on in the season, I wouldn't worry too much. Yes the Canucks aren't playing up to the standard that the fans expect them to but to be frank the regular season doesn't matter that much. The 8 seed LA Kings were average all year before getting hot in the playoffs; the 2009 Penguins had a terribly average season and ended up winning the Stanley Cup.

    I know that those situations don't happen often but fans should stop panicking so early into the season. I'm seeing a lot of positives from the Canucks this year. I'm liking the Canucks never-give-up attitude and it's great to see us continue playing hard even when we have a lead.

    While Hamhuis has been bad. Edler has really stepped up his game. I'm sure that Hamhuis will be able to find his game soon. Also, Booth has been playing great recently....not to mention we are missing Burrows.

    Believe in the Canucks!

    Well we've been searching for a winger to play with Kesler since 2008, its nearing 6 years later and were still looking for one. What kind of GM is he then if he cant even make a risky deal to get that top 6 forward. Ottawa lost Alfredson this summer and their GM was proactive and immediately traded for Bobby Ryan who was available all summer. He gave up Silferberg + Noesen and their 2014 1st round pick. MG did not even attempt to trade for a top 6 this off-season, no rumours or report that we even looked to get one.

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