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Status Updates posted by MattWN

  1. breakkk time over, still waiting on mky songs..


    but seriously im waiting.

    talk to you later tonigght

  2. im looking forward to the new tracks, hopefully i can listen tonight after work :D

  3. ..


    (cool face)

  4. Ive been walking around, inside a haze. between the lies of reason, hiding from the ghost of yesterday. feels like im barelt breathin.

  5. I close the door, like so many times before. Im gonna let you walk away tonight, without a word.

  6. OR

    we could agree to disagree..

    and then serenade eachother til the morning sun

  7. i meant his sheild... I dont know why I said hole..

  8. yeah, hes like the classic spartan warrior.

    too bad his hole is made out of bamboo, and his spear is foam.

    also hes fighting dragans with metal skin, and laserbeem eyes.


    hes great

  9. haha, you did it! you need to celebrate by listening to the cd again, and again. I also dont like Ohlund.

    So yes.. Edlers awesome. also Morrison and Cooke

  10. still wrong haha

    but dont worry, 9th times the charm..


    But seriously.

    Its all about the but.


    sedins are lazy, and the red hair/beard makes it worse.

  11. haha SUUUURe


    they bug me, no heart. seeing them in the defensive done standing still doing nothing shift after shift.

    i just dont like them.

  12. thats horrrrrrrrrible, you better start listening.

    or ELLseeee

    yeah good game, i dont like the sedins anymore.

  13. I dont wanna be somewhere where you can watch me as I bleed, so leave me here in pieces. I cant take the chance of running into you, so I lock the door and close the windows, til the day inside of my future when I'll be on my feet.

  14. i saw american gangster tonight... it wasnt ad good as i thought it would be..

    that new one with will smith looks awesome though, "I am Legend."

  15. Save me I'm falling again

    Keep me from breakin' in a million pieces

    In the end no matter what I do

    There's nowhere to go but you.

  16. should have resigned rory

  17. goodmorning.

    looks like a nice day so far, hopefully it stays that way.

    talk to you later, have a good one.

  18. ps, sure you dont haha.


    (one day I'll leave.)

    ok im going.

    goodnight =)

  19. Meh, it made me laugh..

    hopefully you will too , okok I SWEAR TO GOD I AM LEAVING NOW!


  20. Marge: Homer, the plant called. They said if you don't show up tomorrow don't bother showing up on Monday.

    Homer: Woo-hoo. Four-day weekend.

  21. im juuuust kidding, I like your way better anyways.


    okok im actually going this time haha, goodnight.

  22. i hate being cutoff, i never remember what im ranting about..

    but yeah, they piss me off.

    talk to you tomorrow, goodnight

  23. wow, you've managed to butcher my saying, each and every time you use it...

    And its always with different wording.. impressive, or pathetic?

    Im not sure...


    I just wanted to ad one thing, thats how ashamed I am of the "fans" at GM place tonight. Total bull????.

    Im glad Morrison stuck up for Lu.

    they make us look so bad, i

  24. So..

    Ohlund Mitchell

    Weaver Miller

    Bourdon McIver

    haha yeah, were screwed... ahh im going to take some sleeping pills and forget this mess until tomorrow. try to get some sleep tonight, it wont be easy.

    talk to you soon, goodnight


    dont worry, be happy.

  25. on the bright side, were looking at a nice top 3 draft pick lol..

    who am I kidding, this is horrible..

    I could honestly care less about hockey right now, I just hope they both make a full recovery.

    the bieksa one didnt look too bad at first, that was such a freak injury. and Salo's was just nasty. the blood was just gushing out of from under his hand.

    but yeha,

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