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Status Updates posted by MattWN

  1. are you dead?

    RIP if you are.

  2. haha no..

    i am going to have to decline that offer.

    crappy ending tonight, very depressing.

    i went to the exs house tonight, it went well.

    back to work in a couple of hours, talk to you soon.


  3. hahha..

    nooooooo way

    ps good afternooooon

  4. about time you hollered back

    im going to bed now though, long dayyy.

    hockeyy tomorrow, il talk to you later!

    have a good night, ciao

  5. holla..



    hows that paper coming along?

    dayyy off tomorrrrrow

  6. "Are you ready? You think you can tell us what to do? You think you can tell us what to wear? You think that you're better? Well you better get ready.. To bow to the masters... Break it down.."

    Gahh, im off to bed. Talk to you soon, good luck with the paper tomorrow.

  7. haha, I have a couple of those CDs too.

    I liked Y2J's theme song, it was real good.

    New age outlaws were also pretty good. "Oh you didn't know, your ass better call somebody!"

  8. the rock is my idol.

    I wish I could be like the rock, that would be swell. I also like Chris Jericho.

    I thought he was rather funny.


    good old wwf days

  9. JAY LENooooo youu suck.

    I hate when they have these boring, half assed political figures on the show.


    john cusack on obrien isnt much better =(

  10. the roof

    the roof

    the roof is on fiaaaa

  11. this stuff is very entertaining.

    americans are almost twice as likely to search "we suck" compared to canadians.

    no kidding eh

  12. chile searched the word gay more times then any other country, canada searched tom cruise, teen, lesbian, marijuana, boobies and teen lesbian.


    .... OH CANADA!

  13. on a side note, I found a funny survery I wanted to share with you.

    "Internet users in Egypt, India and Turkey are the world's most frequent searchers for Web sites using the keyword "sex" on Google search engines, according to statistics provided by Google Inc.."

    (one more comment to finish this long quote)

  14. I've seen it four times now...

    yes.. im a loser.

    its so good..

    I wish I had/was a transformer.

    I would be one badass mofo.

  15. nice work, it sounds like your starting to pick up the pace with it. I always found that the start was the hardest part. the first couple of sentences.

    have you seen transformers?

  16. hows the paper coming along?

  17. work was long

    i close again tomorrow, so that should suck.

    i wish I was a transformer

  18. my toast is cold

  19. im hunnnngry hungry hippo.

    i miss that game, and mousetrap. I never knew how to play either one, but they seemed cool.

    this week is going to be long and dull.

    lots of work, no hockey.

  20. well done

    whatcha writing about?

    work today was very long, i hate closing shifts.

    10-6 tomorrow.

    that meanns i have to wake up early =(

    I hate early.

  21. yeah I feel like a slave worker, but hey im guessing you know how I feel. you have been at that paper 24/7 lately. I hope lukas is better by friday too, but I'll be sad to see weaver replaced.

    hes playing so well

  22. He shouldn't be playing if thats the case. But you may be right.

    Weaver is playing awesome, he's impressed me so far. I hope McIver gets some games in once hes healthy.

    Back to work tomorrow morning, hows that paper coming?

  23. too bad he couldnt score.

    ohlund was brutal tonight

  24. mmm greek food.

    Im helpless when you smillllleee

  25. I woke up at 330 today =)

    I hate san jose games, they;re never that good.

    Oh well, better than nothing.

    hows yoru day goin

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