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Status Updates posted by rachel26

  1. your sigs are halarious

  2. so true especially with me......

  3. hey hows it going?

  4. hahaha nice comment

  5. happpppy 24th barfday or birthday get drunk have a few for me and get laid, hahaha

    have a good one lol from

    ~the bitch~

  6. happy birthday dude have a good one, get drunk and get laid, hahaha

  7. hey mcm, i cant stop looking at your "eyes"

    eyes are something special hey???? and the new jerseys are pretty ****ing sweet

    luv your harshness on CDC keep us asshole in place, right?

  8. congrats on the 10 000th post, you are now famous.

  9. german thingy i see, but you are hot girl, OWN IT

  10. happy birthday

    have a good one

  11. sup dude? i came home yesturday and feel asleep right away, from work, i cant get to sleep now *sad face* its 5:30 am right now

    *unhappy face*

  12. sup maxim hows things?

    take care, sweeeeet nice looking day right now

  13. happy birthday dude

  14. happy birthday


  15. the police!

    love them:)P

  16. acne profile pic? no worrys dude we have all been there....

    thank god its past me

  17. do you have a thing for mark cuban? you keep defending him sorta????

  18. dude you have some pretty funny quotes

  19. hmmm im pretty mad that lost returns NEXT year 2008

  20. hmmmm let me say you enuck and flinch are like the bullys on this message board and put people in their place

    hmmm probably a good thing

    or not...dont respond to anything i ******* write K

  21. methinks you are one hot slut

  22. i agree with rinslet you keep it real

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