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Posts posted by diesel_3

  1. Why are guys stealing my pics and posting them as their own progress pics?!


    Had a bunch of beers over the weekend while building a table in my garage...love when I can do that and manage to fit it into my calories because I barely ate anything all day.

  2. It's a typical bro-split that a rank novice has no business doing.

    I'd much rather you spend 6-9 months focusing on building a base level of strength in the squat, bench, and deadlift. If you must, I'd keep the isolation work to 1 or 2 exercises at most. At your stage you simply don't need much more than the basics.

    Belief in the system you use is big. If you believe a system will work, you'll work harder than if you do something you don't think will work, and hard work trumps pretty much everything when it comes to getting bigger and stronger.

    For arms/chest, why not just do an extra exercise for each group on your bench and press days?

    I understand why you scaled your squat back, but starting at 135 and only moving up 5lbs a month is wasting your time. Personally, I'd follow the Starting Strength protocol for your squat. Starting light, squat 2x per week and add 5lbs per session paying careful attention to your form and making sure your lower back is maintaining extension throughout the movemtn..

    I'm not trying to slowly build up to a heavy weighted squat, I just want to try and rehab it properly. I won't be doing the reps outlined on squats, rather keeping them high like in Rippetoe's back rehab protocol (50-100 reps)

    That's the only reason i'm starting so low, I know that if I was trying to bulk, that would be a huge waste of time, but while I do my cut...just want to rehab the back. I can't afford to hurt myself like I did last time.

  3. What are your current numbers?

    My biggest issue with 5/3/1 is that without an arseload of assistance work, the big lift volume isn't enough to drive progress from someone who isn't squatting 450+, benching 315, and deadlifts 500+. In addition, the progression is pretty fracking slow, although the counter argument is that slow progress is better than no progress, and that is undeniable.

    I started fairly low.

    OHP - 105LBs

    Deads - 300LBs

    Bench - 225LBs

    Squat - 135LBs

    Just from re-reading the e-book, Wendler states how it's a great program for people on a cut, because like you said, you are still increasing weight/reps over time, if you ever do stall out, you just basically do a de-load and regroup.

    Other fitness guys I follow on YouTube such as Brandon Campbell and Jason Blaha have said to not over complicate things and stick to a program I actually enjoy doing.

    I would absolutely find my self trying to switch things up if I was unhappy with my progress of current program, I know Wendler's and feel comfortable doing it. I feel if I have a really lagging body part (Arms/Chest) I will just target it with some direct ISO's on my 'off' days since i'm lifting 4 days a week but could do ISO's on 2 of my 'off' days.

  4. I need some help from you pros...

    I recently lost 24 pounds, and am now considered "Normal" weight for my height. Now I realise that I have practically no core.

    Could someone tell me some good exercises? Thanks

    I personally don't isolate my core.

    I usually target my abs indirectly through compound movements.

    Just my .02

    But as Mr.Plow said, variations of Planks are very good.

    • Upvote 1
  5. And that's because the typical 'bro-split' is a horribly, horribly suboptimal protocol for 90% of trainees. Not enough frequency, and then when you do train, the volume is so stupidly high that the muscles need a full week to fully recover.

    Push/pull/legs and upper/lower/off splits are much better, IMO.

    Except not. Hypertrophy is localized and your arms will not grow because you're squatting. The reason people need to train with compound lifts isn't because they systemically make you bigger, but because they are brutally hard, and brutally hard is what forces the body to adapt and get bigger and stronger.

    But don't do compounds past 8pm because you ACTUALLY lose lean body mass.

    And, of course, consume all your carbs before 10am for the day or else carbs ingested past 10am are stored as fat.


  6. Anyone have serious advice for nutrition to build muscle (not "mass")?

    I seem to work my a$$ off at the gym but only notice some gains in strength and sometimes none, but it seems very hard to see any size gains.

    I used to be 300lbs of solid fat and lost over 100lbs. I had no problems putting a diet together to lose weight but I seem to have a very hard time putting a diet together that builds muscle mass.

    A couple of things I think might be contributing is I do some pretty intense cardio 3X per week and I love hitting the steam room after a workout (I at times drop 5-7lbs in one cardio workout and steam).

    So...any tips you got?


    Cardio burns calories.

    If you are burning more than you consume, you won't gain mass. It's physically impossible.

    You must be in a caloric surplus to gain mass. And it's NEVER 100% muscle, you will always gain some fat on a bulk, but the amount is based on your caloric surplus. Most people will find their maintenance and then eat 200-300 calories OVER their maintenance and as weight increases, they re-calculate their maintenance and do the same thing...so on and so forth.

    For somebody who lost 100LBs, it's a VERY strange feeling to be eating more than your maintenance and seeing the scale move up, just be diligent with your diet. You can't just guess and hope, if you want to be accurate, you need to weigh/track your food. Trust me...a bulk can turn in to a fulk very fast because we all have that inner fat kid!

    EDIT: Not saying you shouldn't do cardio, but just make sure you fill the calories you burn with food so that you aren't just creating a deficit.

    My advice is strictly on person experience and opinion...not broscience, but it is fat loss/fat gain simplified...Calories in vs calories out!


  7. Those are pretty solid. I'd shove the knees out a touch more to tighten everything up at the bottom, but otherwise very nice.

    Also, nice shoes. It's nice to see someone actually invest in proper footwear for squatting.

    ATG is stupid, IMO. It's a way for lifters to have a superiority complex with no justification. Simply because their squatting style is harder. Yes, it may be, but harder does not always equal better, this case being a shining example.

    In addition, to squat that deep, tension under the bar in sacrificed, specifically tension in the adductors and hamstrings which help anchor the back angle and provide the 'bounce' out of the bottom. Most ATG squatters I see bounce off their knee joints out of the hole instead of tensioned muscle mass. Which seems like the better long term plan to you?

    I love those shoes, got them for free, too!

    Buddy of mine ordered them online, they didn't fit him, so instead of him sending them back he just gave them to me!

    I'll never squat or do deads without them.

  8. I ended up recording my form on my last set of 25 of my 100 rep working set @ 65LBs.

    I wanted to get the video when fatigue was setting in, even though the weight was really light, I was really feeling the burn and since my cardio is crap...I was feeling gassed.

    I thought I muted the audio when I put the video in Sony Vegas, but I guess not...I guess you'll have to suffer through my breathing haha.

    So, this was about as low as my flexibility will really take me, let me know what you think.


  9. It's essentially the same thing. Start super light with sets of 25 and slowly add weight and reduce reps each week.

    The thing with backs is that they don't get better with rest, they get better by being work. Unless you have pain radiating down one or both of your legs, you should be okay to squat. Squat to depth, start LIGHT, and progressively overload.

    Also, given you history of back injury, be extremely strict on not allowing your lower back to lose extension under load.

    You are massively oversimplifying this. The tiny bit of casein protein in milk is not going to suddenly slow the absorption of whey by orders of magnitude. In addition milk has whey protein in it and more importantly, luecine, the amino acid that is the greatest trigger of muscle protein synthesis.

    Do you also think the post workout 'anabolic window' is only 30 minutes?

    Right on, i'll give this a go. I think i'll start with 100 reps today with maybe only my 10's on the bar. I'll do 65LBs this week on each leg day, then bump the weight up to 95LBs and go down to 75 reps and so on.

    I used to figure rest was the key, but it was only a couple weeks ago I was reading/watching a ton of Rippetoe stuff and realized I was going about it the wrong way.

    There. Joined the 500lb club for deadlifts. 1 rep, 2 sets. Very hard but definitely doable. Nailed 455 x 6 so I figured why not go all out..

    Atta Baby!

    Those are what mine look like. Good enough if you ask me..

    Any deeper and you might as well just sit on your ass.

    I will aim for parallel with lighter weights, I am not flexible enough to do ATG, keep in mind i'm a former 270LB D-Lineman and my flexibility never increased even with 100LBs weight loss LOL.

    BRB....Ephedrine kicking in.


  10. I love that Khalil Mack dropped to the Raiders, guy will be a play maker.

    excited to see who the Raiders grab at 36 tomorrow. Unfortunately, If the Texans pass on Derek Carr, I think the Raiders will grab him.

    Would love to see Jernigan, Bitonio or Lee drafted by the Raiders in the 2nd tomorrow.

  11. You sadistic bastard. Those are a great option, but I still think D3 would be better off following the Starr protocol for his back.

    Yes. I've also found that whey doesn't dissolve in milk as well in milk as it does in water.

    Is it similar to Mark Rippetoe's rehab? (In fact, they may even be the same)

    Basically where I would just start with the bar and crank out 2 sets of 50 reps on day 1, then go up from there doing massive amounts of light weights?

    I just want to strengthen my lower back...I think years of obesity just killed my lower back as the gravity from my gut wanting to pull down put a lot of strain on it over time. I don't have a pelvic tilt, but my lower spine had more of a curve than I see on most people.

  12. Why above parallel?

    This is what it looked like. Could have used a fraction of an inch more depth, maybe.

    Cuz my back is still jacked, haven't went to physio yet and I can't NOT squat when doing my Legs/Back day. Feel like Deadlifts just aren't enough.

    I guess I could do lunges...

    I hate lunges.

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