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Posts posted by diesel_3

  1. It's not a big deal. Think of it as a "refeed" and move on. Getting hung up on these kind of things when not competing is pretty useless. If it becomes a habit (binging/eating like crap every week), then worry about it.

    Well, it sort of has.

    The 3 week window between transferring gym memberships in Calgary then moving to Comox and getting my new one were a nightmare, gained 10LBs. Just started back up 2 weeks ago and had a pretty bad weekend. I'm getting back on track, just frustrating...even though i'm cutting for an entire year this cut, I just hate spinning my tires.

  2. This crap is getting frustrating. Put in 2 good weeks of calorie deficit, sister and brother in law visit and I just eat like crap again.

    I used to be a cutting machine and now I have the will power of a pregnant women with cravings. This is brutal...Might need to hammer the ephedrine again.

  3. Depends on if you're talking squat, deadlift, bench strength, or strongman (pick stuff up and move it) style strength. Short people definitely have a leverage and ROM advantage for powerlifting. The easiest way to improve your PL total is to figure out how to shorten the ROM as much as possible and stay within the rules, and thus shorter people naturally have an advantage. It's no coincidence that the best PLers ever, IMO, Kirk Karwoski and Ed Coan were both 5' 8" or shorter and 220+ (can you say PEDs).

    In contrast, the best Strongmen are all 6' 2" or more. The nature of strongman mostly relies on deadlifting and other "pulling" strength. Guys with long arms tend to be good deadlifters, and therefore good strongmen. This only applies to the heavyweight strongmen (200+ LOL, all the competitive guys are 280+). In the lightweight (<200lb division) of strongman, power midgets reign supreme.

    To recap: Yes, short people have an ROM advantage, but that doesn't mean tall people can't also get really strong.

    I use a rosin bag. Similar to chalk but a bit tackier. I swear it adds 50lbs to my deadlift because I can hold onto much more weight before grip becomes an issue.

    Hm, interesting...I'll have to look into that!

  4. I've wanted to see that for a while. I like Michael Shannon's movies.

    He's really good in it. The movie obviously goes a little hollywood on some parts, but i've been watching videos on the real Richard Kuklinksi and Shannon did a good job portraying him, they sound the exact same.

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  5. I don't understand how people can get through a real dirty bulk; I eat this junk food crap, I feel like crap.

    I was cutting (on and off..but more on) for over 2 years. Lost about 100LBs while maintaining a good amount of LBM.

    When it finally came time to bulk. I kept it nice and slow, eating only 200 cals over maintenance..it doesn't take long before the inner fat kid just says "I'm on a bulk, sure i'll eat that pizza" It is such a mind phuck!

    I agree, though. The 3 weeks where I didn't have a gym membership and was in the packing/moving process, we weren't very healthy and I felt like total crap. Now that i'm back weighing my food and counting my calories, I have 1000x more energy then I did before!

  6. I need to eat minimum 6 meals in order to gain as my goal is to add another 30lbs.

    Also breakfast has become so vital for me that if I miss it, I'll feel cranky and weak the whole day.

    Its different for everybody I guess.

    Yes, like I said, if it fits your lifestyle. Some people prefer lifting/cardio while fasted while others need some food in the morning.

    The reason you are adding mass or WILL be adding mass is because you are in a caloric surplus, not meal timing and not meal frequency.

  7. There is too much broscience being passed around here lately.

    - You do NOT need to eat breakfast.

    - You do NOT need to eat every 2 hours or have 4-6 meals a day.

    Sure, you can do it if it fits into your daily routine the best, but it's NOT necessary for fat loss.

  8. War Thunder.

    It's a free online multiplayer WWII dog fighting game, I am so addicted. You can pick from 5 countries and their respective planes, earn points to upgrade your weapons/engines.

    Go head to head with people all over the world in bad ass dog fights. If anybody else downloads it, let me know, we can squad up! I have a mumble server, too!

  9. 1st day back in the gym after a few weeks. Weighed in at 215.6LBs this morning. Going back to my roots with Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 where I saw good strength/weight progression.

    It feels good to be back.

    I don't have a goal weight, just a BF% goal before next bulk!

  10. Finally moved in to the new place. Going to get my gym membership today or tomorrow.

    Starting my 9-10 month cut on August 5th after the ol' dreamer bulk...Feels good to weigh food and track calories again, the last few weeks before moving and having the in laws visit were out of control.

    Going to go back to 4 days a week in the gym basing everything around compounds with some assistance, Need to buy a new notebook for weight progression.

    A little afraid of getting back in and doing squats, my lower back has deteriorated quite a bit in the last few years, some mornings I can barely even get out of bed and that's without even having done anything the day before, this should be interesting!

  11. Anyone take Beta Alanine? I mixed it with Muscle Pharm assault and man I was so wired. Felt like I could stay in the gym forever but the prickly feeling you get is just overwhelming.

    I used to log pre-workouts for big companies just so I could get free swag but found none of them really did much for me because I guess I am just so stim resistant.

    I finally found something that I am going to buy that's 1/3 the price of big companies pre workout powders and a tub lasts much longer, it's also as effective as ephedrine.

    Haven't ordered/tried it yet, but I will when I move next week i'll see how it works. Not essential, but some days I need a kick in the pants to go to the gym.

  12. i was respinding to ryp37's comment

    I agree that meal timing isnt all that important but he was suggesting no carbs after a workout which is actually an optimal time to have them.

    But again, i do believe just getting all your macros and micros by the end of the day is more important that meal timing.

    Whoops, I figured, too....I responded anyways LOL.

    Oh, forsure. When I first started (2009) I knew NOTHING about macros, but then again, I was so overweight that just some changes in eating had me melting the fat.

    I love days when I hammer the protein and get some good dietary fats in. Except I usually pay for it the next day on the can when I have to drop the protein submarine.

    Speaking of which....BRB!

  13. Also its not one of those "it may not work for you but it worked for me" things. Its science, carbs after a workout is critical to grow muscle on a bulk and retain muscle in a cut.

    I'm not talking about Carbs/Protein, I'm talking about general meal timing and overall calories.

    Obviously protein is important for LBM retention and growth, Obviously carbs are important to control cortisol levels after a workout, but it's not the 'Omg I have to eat carbs/protein 10 minutes after a workout or else my body will be in a catabolic state!' Your muscles are repairing themselves for 48 hours after actually lifting the weights. You can have post workout nutrition 15 minutes or 2 hours after a workout.

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