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Posts posted by Aladeen

  1. It will be interesting to see the final outcome of this situation.

    On the one hand I don't blame the SUV driver for being scared out of his mind, but really he did almost kill someone fleeing the scene of an accident. I guess it all depends on what led up to him taking off like that. If he did it just cause he was scared is one thing, if they were verbally threatening him or physically assaulting his car that is another thing altogether.

    But really it seemed like the biker the SUV initially hit was responsible for the whole thing. It looked like he purposefully got hit by the SUV. It makes sense that idiot was arrested.

    What exactly do these bikers think is going to happen? How long can they ride like that before there will inevitably be an accident?

    The only reason why I think there may be some fault on the part of the SUV driver is that I bet most of the bikers really only stopped to see what was going on and most (I hope) never actually intended the SUV or its occupants any harm.

  2. Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been able to play games, I have been having some issues with the GM connected. Everything is fine in every other aspect of the Game (ie I can play all the other modes np) However when I log into GM connected it starts up fine and I can see everything on the first page. After about 5-15 minutes of doing anything the whole thing freezes up on me. Then I have to manually shut down the PS3. Then it asks if I want to do a full file scan which takes 2-3 hours.

    I actually had it running this morning so, maybe that fixed the problem, though I'm not sure if I can be in the league if it doesn't :( . If it does I should be available for games after 7ish tonight.

    SJS btw :)

  3. I would be interested in playing, I was going to pick up NHL 14 today after work. If San Jose is still available I will take them. PSN - RUD12C4ABJ lol

    I have never played in a league and know nothing about how to set it up or what to do if that matters. I am sure I can figure it all out let me know if it's cool and I will check back around 6ish when I get home from work!

  4. I really do get sick of the CBC whining.

    1 - CBC is a business and as the Leafs draw the largest audience, and viewers translates to revenue, they get more games televised.

    2 - Montreal has the most games as they are televised on French CBC.. No other team will draw the same rating as the Habs on French CBC. That's their market

    3 - Your tax dollars are nothing compared to Ontario and Quebec. You complain it's "your tax dollars" yet if CBC televises fewer Leaf games and more Canuck games they'll need even more of "your tax dollars" to make up for a smaller audience.

    4 - People whine about the CBC commentators and say they prefer SN or TSN, then whine when CBC isn't televising a game. It seems to me many here just want to whine about CBC for the sake of whining about them. Is it any wonder other teams fans call us Canuck fans whiners?

    Next up: more whining about the early game running late.....

    So what you're saying is you love to whine about people whining?
    • Upvote 3
  5. I have come here searching for a sport that has more credibility than the NHL does! It seems I am in the right place... Someone give me the run down on everything that I have missed in wrestling since I last paid any sort of attention years ago.

    Is Hollywood Hogan still the bad guy?

    Is the Undertaker still the undisputed champ?

    • Like 1
  6. He isn't far off his pace of last year's goal total, give him some leeway to learn a new system, and a more defensively minded conference and I say he is doing pretty good.... Just don't compare him to what Salo is doing... he is not Salo - no doubt the Canucks would have loved to have kept Salo just not at the price TB was offerining and I am happy for Salo that another team recognized what he brings to the table and was able to shell out the $$$s to get him to leave a place he was happy in for so long.

    • Upvote 1
  7. It's early into the season but when it's a 48 game season it's hard to stay patient with what I consider a pretty "sub-par to awful" debut for the Canucks defenseman.

    All I've been hearing throughout the off-season about Jason Garrison is how he's a younger Sami Salo with great defensive abilities and all around game. From what I've seen throughout the season so far is that he is a terrible skater with average speed and very little mobility. Something that's going to expose him in a lot of puck battles and turnovers in neutral zone. This has been very evident in 5 of the last 6 games we've played so far this season.

    He just doesn't have the skating to stay in great position and he tends to lose his man a lot. That's not Sami Salo at all. I think this is something that hurts him in the offensive zone too like the PP when he doesn't have the skating ability to get to open ice and hammer the puck. He seems to take a long time to wind up and get his shot off so it's no surprise that rushing it has made his accuracy abysmal.

    I commend his hard work, because he truly does play like he gives a damn but just because you try hard doesn't mean you'll get the results.

    Anyone else worried about his skating? His stride is horrific and very short and when he is forced to pivot and turn on a dime he consistently gets beat. Him and Edler have been a nightmare in their own end, unable to move the puck up the ice.

    I'm only concerned because our window to win a stanley cup is rapidly closing with this core and we don't exactly have that great of a promising prospect pool in the calibre of Edmonton's talent.

    Yes you are so right and it has nothing to do with the fact that he is adjusting to a new city and a new team and a new D partner :picard:

    Why don't you start playing Defence and work your way in the NHL and get a contract by the Canucks because obviously you have all the answers to what it takes to be an NHL D-man :rolleyes:

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