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Bertuzzi Babe

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Everything posted by Bertuzzi Babe

  1. Better to be taking over than have no visitors at all! *sniffle* Hope your day is a great one! ;)

  2. Hey,JAH! Was that you I saw this morning with that swing in yer kilt? Loved seeing the Seaforth's out there at the Remembrance Day ceremonies! ;)

  3. It's snowing, (albeit, lightly), here in the sprawling metropolis of Quesnel right now! I don't know whether to start playing Christmas carols or begin storing food for the 6 month hibernation season!
  4. Someone who deserves a hell of a b!tch slap.........
  5. I wouldn't talk too fast or get too smug, there was wet sloppy snow between PG and Quesnel yesterday!
  6. Don't see anywhere that I've made up any rules, or are you just having fun fishing for something to say just for the sake of saying it?
  7. Mmm, no, they're not, actually. The comment about chickens and hypocrites only concerns posters making insulting comments about someone's appearance and is directed at those who choose to make only nasty comments about someone's looks yet refuse to post their own picture for others to see and comment on.
  8. Then why do you feel the need to comment at all? As far as I can tell, Prismatic's picture is the only one you've chosen to comment on (negatively or otherwise) in this thread. Again "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" Nobody's forcing you to comment, nobody's forcing you to say something you don't want to, or anything at all, for that matter. All you had to do was 'click' and leave, yet you chose not to and decided to insult a poster based on their appearance instead.
  9. Chick-chick-chickennnn...... Hyp-hyp-hypocrite..........
  10. And yet you feel free to judge someone else............ a tad hypocritical wouldn't you say??? Hyp-hyp-hypocrite.....
  11. It's blatantly obvious that a little pissant like yourself has never heard of the "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" line of thinking. But then again, it's easier to sit behind your computer, too cowardly to post your own picture and let people comment on it, right? Chick-chick-chickennnnn.......
  12. It was said before in this thread and bears repeating once again for the poster above.....
  13. And because it's the 32nd anniversary of the death of The King.....
  14. Yeah, I know it's the Ritz cracker song!
  15. And therein lies the beauty of not living in the lower mainland!
  16. You took out your pics, but I wanted to tell you that you look just as I pictured you from your posts!
  17. Verra, verra nice, GD! Love the playoff beard and the shaved head!! (Kinda got a hint of the Ryan Gosling look going on in the second pic, only without the head follicles! And that's a good thing! )
  18. I hear ya... I swear it's dependant on barometric pressure, the moon being in the 7th house, Jupiter aligned with Mars and whether you tied your shoes right over left or left over right on the day in question! Aww, no current mug shots to share with us, GD? (And yep, it does make me feel a little less aged, it does! )
  19. You are too, too sweet, GD, thank you! You've made my night! ;-) (And my old granny always told me a lady never reveals her age, though 'lady' may be a bit of a stretch for me! lol)

  20. This thread makes me feel so damned old............
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