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Bertuzzi Babe

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Everything posted by Bertuzzi Babe

  1. Greetings, Oh Southern One! And I get your comment cherry! Haha!

  2. Many thanks for the birthday wishes! :)

  3. Thank you for the birthday greetings, Champ! I saved ya a piece of birthday cake! :)

  4. Oh how the cage bars do rattle! Just waiting for the microwave popcorn to finish for the viewing of the final death throes of the She-Monster! Hahaha! Senorita Fonzerelli gives two thumbs up to ya, OC!

  5. You be correct! I was only the Wench for pirate nights! Haha! And I must apologise, I wasn't always very nice, I like to think I've grown up a wee bit since then!

  6. Hmm, Drak's Wench ring any bells? It's CG, and *sigh* yes, flames.com lore, may it rest in peace! ;)

  7. Many a long night on a rival team's board? A martini or two, pirates and vikings! Perhaps a hot tub thrown in for good measure? The Packrat Lounge? ;)

    Of course, there's a ton 'o' water under the bridge since then!

  8. Aww, you mean you've forgotten already? *sigh*

  9. Hey, MCM! Long time no see! How're things in the big K?

  10. Are ya ready for so-oooome Hock-ay??

    I guess we better get our Canucks bears working their mojo for tonight! :)

  11. Received and answered, OC! Check your Inbox! ;) I was away, helping out a friend and didn't see it til last night!

  12. Happy Birthday, Grabner! I hope it's a great one & you get all you're wishing for!

  13. Oh duh, it's not your 98th today after all! We'll call it an advance on birthday greetings!

  14. Oh, and Happy 98th Birthday! May you get all you wish for on this illustrious commemoration of your entrance onto the World Stage! :)

  15. Thanks, OpusC! :) I think sometimes we're talking concepts around here that are just plain above the maturity level of some of the posters who respond! Haven't had a chance to check out your remedy, yet! Kudos to you too for trying to keep some level headedness & maturity in these threads that tend to veer off into La-la Land sometimes! Lol at the definition of 'butt'! Get, 'em, tiger! Hahaha!

  16. Woo hooo!! Look who's back!! Sooo.. happy to see you here! Just in time to cheer on the guys in the playoffs! Oh, and the *fingers, legs, toes & eyes crossed* Division title!

  17. Hmm, I get your cherry! Your comment cherry, that is! :o)

    I'm great, how've you been? Hugs for way the season is ending for you guys; been there, done that and got the t-shirt :(

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