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Status Updates posted by jehovasvictimchowgow

  1. why are there soooo many dumb people still posting on CDC?

  2. Thanks bro!! I missed all you crazy buggers!!!

    Glad I wasn't forgotten with the other fallen

  3. So good to be back. Didn't realize I was missed so much haha.

  4. hahahahah. Yeah. I'm back and better than ever. This time I can BEHAVE myself hahaha. At least I HOPE so.

  5. Heya. Yeah it's been too long. Mods kept banning me haha. But I'm back, and this time I think I can keep it together without being tossed again. Here's hoping anyway.

  6. jehovasvictim and chowgow are back from the dead. U can call me JVCG for short :D

  7. Cool! I'll give that a shot. If I fail... then so be it. I'll just make this one my account.


  9. I LIVE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Guess who's back. Back again. Jehovasvictim's back... tell a friend. Did EI get tossed?

  11. Aighty. Glad to be back.

  12. haahahaha. Yeah. I don't know how they banned me until 1970. I thought time was linear not cyclical. Guess they're waiting for the second coming of Christ and then another 1970 years until I'm allowed back in on there. Which of the "big wigs" should I ask???

  13. Thanks for welcoming me back. Good to be here. Just hoping to get my chowgow or my jehovasvictim account back up and running. Any idea on if you or Debluvscanucks can do that? I just hate using my wife's email. But dammit. I love this team and I can't seem to stay away from this site.

  14. I'm BAAAAAaaaaack! Did ya miss me?

  15. So any idea on if my jehovasvictim account can be reopened?

  16. hahahhaa Thanks you guys!!! I sort of gave up on CDC after my... umm... 6th banning haha. But this season is just TOO good to be away for!!! Deb, any way you or Bertuzzi Babe can get my jehovasvictim account back going again? It says I'm banned until 1970 hahaha. I am no astrophysicist but unless there is a tear in the space-time continuum I don't think that can happen.

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