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Posts posted by -Goose-

  1. Whats the one with the whole music video being a bunch of clips of her in her everyday life/friends/adventures?

    I really like both the song and the video for that.

    I'm Only Me When With You - a compilation of clips with friends etc.

    The Best Day - Great song with clips from her childhood, but she had to remove it because of the pedo's.

  2. Apparently the insanely criminal priced "Extreme Speed" package isn't much of an improvement.

    It's alright though, I don't mind. Why wouldn't I want to give them over $130 a month for the right to use up my less than valuable time on their bandwidth and their cable package that seems destined to not carry a key sports channel in this market? Seriously, I can't think of anything more awesome than this kind of anal intrusion.

    That intrusion will only get more uncomfortable as European countries begin making broadband access a right.

    We are so far behind in terms of communications. It makes me quite angry sometimes when I'm downloading material at horrid speeds, which is pretty much always.

  3. Yeah i know that... i personally don't hate it at all, loved it when it first came out lol and had it on my ipod. But as you said... almost 8 hours a day... 5 days a week... :frantic:

    I find "its TOO late to apologize....its TOO late...!!" to be much more annoying to be honest.

    Whatever, a little under a month, i'll be back to school so i think i can get through it.

    Just two songs? That's it? Damn. I'd probably lose it too.

  4. I'm using remote desktop right now because I needed to access some files on my work PC. It keeps booting me off and going slower than a 97 year old's bowel movement when she hasn't had her prune juice.

    Seriously, I'm about ready to throw this stupid computer across the room.

    That function was so bad when I had the lite-speed package from Shaw.

  5. Okay for some reason I'd always thought that Main Mam was a woman.

    My name is a typo. I'll have to wait until October to change it. As for people thinking I'm a female, I'm pretty sure it's spelled ma'am. :D

  6. That was my little experiment :D I didn't have time to see how I could get positives by making lame threads that say how great a player is, like the Rypien one in CT right now. I was testing to see how big bandwagonners, CDC users were with my thread on whether we would have Ovechkin or Luongo. Anyone who didn't have any homer glasses on would have picked Ovechkin but I was surprised at how many Canucks homers there were. Then along the way, it almost became fun to to repeat the same crap that has been said a million times over.

    And the atomic bomb thread? :P

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