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Posts posted by -Goose-

  1. lol Mam I love how you just go on discussing this while everyone else screaming at each other.

    Anyways I use Windows 7 mostly because I got a legit free copy. I dual boot it with Ubuntu. The customizable nature of Linux is awesome. I look forward to seeing Chrome OS come out.

    Forum drama, seen a lot of it durning my time on the Internet.

    Ubuntu is good, but the lack of compatible programs sucks. Bill Gates actually said he has steam working on a solution for dual booting Os's.

    As far as my experience with Ubuntu, my friend setup a pretty cool file server with it.

  2. I've never had to use iTunes (thank god?). That's one reason I try to stay away from Apple products. But, to be fair, they are great if you're the creative/design/art type.

    iTunes is a great piece of software but it runs horribly on the PC. I have nothing against Macs, it's just that I don't see how it runs so bad on my computer, but so great on my sisters MacBook Pro, even though my computer is way better specs-wise.

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