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Posts posted by -Goose-

  1. I am not sure but my older brother who can't find a decent job and is mooching off my parents was like, "oh your hard work is getting you nowhere because the government is going to take a huge chunk of it, believe me". I am thinking he is just being a jerk but I am not sure.

    I think it's annually. Oh and sorry for the bad spelling, I had just woken up.

  2. Hey does anyone know anything about government taxing me on my paycheck? I just worked a whole lot and I have more to work but someone told me that I will lose a lot of money because I reach another tax bracket. Is tax bracket only determined annually or weekly as well?

    I'm fairly sure your tax bracket changes once a year and that is when you fill out your taxes. I coil be wring but I'm fairly sure it works that way, it seems more efficient.

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