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Posts posted by -Goose-

  1. While we are talking about bugs, anyone like escargot? Its some pretty good stuff.

    Edit: lol this was before things switched to Selena Gomez

    Nope, but I would like to try a chocolate covered insect once.

  2. Speaking of Taylor Swift... i have to partially listen to either Love Story or One Republic's Apologize for 8-9 hours each day at work.

    (I work at a place that produces mobile surveillance and DVRs and for some reason, those were the two songs chosen to be used when testing/recording).

    All respect to you Main Mam and both of them but if you listen to the same songs 8-9 hours a day straight, 5 days a week, i think anyone can just go a bit crazy..

    Thank god we can listen to our own music while we work there.

    None taken.

    In all honesty there are only two or so songs of the top of my head that I really like from her album. The others are good, but not something I'd listen to on a regular basis.

    Kid Cudi has an album coming out in September too. Can't wait for that one as well.

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