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Everything posted by Psylocke

  1. 16nucks is giving away free subs.
  2. Sorry I wasn't here to save you. I was too busy enjoying the free Subway.
  3. lol It's been pretty quiet the past couple of days. Wonder where everyone went.........
  4. Actually there wasn't much going on while you were away anyway. btw, what did you mean by your "flood control" comment?
  5. I hope so. The Lounge has been so dead the last couple of days.
  6. Guess everyone's at isketch again.
  7. Yah. I don't get the obsession either. I never read the books so I can't comment on them. But, I agree, if it gets people to read then it's all good.
  8. haha His planned backfired. Depends on whether or not you're into vampire/human love stories I guess. I haven't come across a person that has read the books and not enjoyed them though.
  9. No, I haven't. haha For sure. I know some people who've read the books and didn't like the movie. But some of that might have to do with the hype and their expectations/excitement. I also know some that are reading the books because of the movie though. lol
  10. I never read the books so I never got into the craze. haha... I totally laughed at a lot of the scenes that weren't meant to be funny as well. It's probably only being called that because it did well at the box office.
  11. haha He did look better with the makeup. But without makeup.... Same here. I didn't really even want to watch the movie to begin with but just tagged along cuz my friends wanted to watch and I had nothing else to do.
  12. Good to hear it's getting better.
  13. I agree with chiklets. He's not that good looking and he definitely is not as cool as other vampires.
  14. Hopefully it's nothing serious. He did practice out in the open. But he was never a peeping tom.
  15. Has that ever happened before?
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