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Posts posted by Baggins

  1. If the coaching staff and management of the Canucks thought the way a lot of the forum members think, there would be no Burrows , Kesler. Sedins ect... The amount of useless topic started the last couple weeks is making this forum look stupid beyond belief.

    Six games and the panic button is about worn out already.

  2. Once again, something is wrong in Vancouver, and someone has to go. In my books, the scapegoat isn't to be Luongo or AV, but Gillis, who should be replaced with someone who truly cares about this team, who's made his home in Vancouver, and who is respected by every hockey persona in business. That man is Trevor Linden.

    The guy runs a business - okay, running an athletic centre isn't the same as managing an entire franchise, but to people who say he has no business experience, well he has, not a lot, but he knows what he's doing. Given all of his credentials, backed by his personal character, he is more than capable of being GM here.

    Under Linden, players who want to play for Canucks, who want to make their home here with the fans, and who wil make every connection with this community (as opposed to token deeds) will play here. Under Linden, well, the fans will learn to stand pact and not holler and howl when things go wrong. He will be up front and honest about situations when things go wrong, and do everything in his power to make things right. Worse comes to worse, if it's obvious Canucks cannot win the Cup in a given season, he will tell the truth, but then ask fans not to give up hope, before coming up with a plan to get the team going for the future. He would then take the message to the players and coaching staff, and they will get their act together. Under Linden, they will want to win, not just for themselves, but for the city - I don't see much of that under Gillis, just some selfish, gutless players who fizzle (although there are others with real desire).

    There's a reason why the Canucks are ranked among the worst of NHL franchises, as low as third to last of 122, above only Montreal and Toronto by some accounts. And even I, an ardent Canuck fan, am growing dissapointed and even ashamed to call myself a Canuck fan. If Gillis were doing a better job, we wouldn't have this problem. So once again, I call for a change in management.

    When you finish kissing Lindens arse maybe you can answer a couple of questions.

    1 - Does Linden even want to be a GM? Last I heard from him, although he missed "the guys", he was really happy that for the first time in his adult life he didn't have to travel all the time.

    2 - God help me, but I have to ask: What blogging idiot has us ranked as one of the worst NHL franchises?

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  3. Didn't he start playing with the Sedins after midseason as well? I remember lol'ing when he went on that tear to end the season, because he already locked himself down at a bargain price. Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong.

    He played with the Sedins the final 29 games of the season.

  4. Id be curious to see some hockey analytic stats regarding Danny's absence from Hank and Burrows (i do realize that that first line was tinkered with...and Burr was not always Hanks winger in that span).

    While it is totally true that the Twins do not need Burrows....from watching the game, you can easily infer that the a "goals created" stat is much stronger when those 3 play together.

    As I've said several times, Burrows has a chemistry with the two. I'd say away from the Sedins both Burrows and Bernier are relative equals productively. They play a similar game, hard hitting and go to the net. Yet with the Sedins Burrows is head and shoulders above Bernier. Why? For whatever reason he just seems to have a chemistry with the two. I don't really care why as long as it continues.

  5. In the first 3 months of last season, Kesler had 20 points, and then had 39 the rest of the way when he started playing with Sundin and Demitra. He's now scoring almost a point per game without either of those players. Players change and improve. Because Kesler saw such dramatic improvement with Sundin, a lot of people claimed that he wouldn't put up the numbers without him, but he has. He's improved as a player and has been put in a scorers role and has responded.

    Likewise, Burrows was on the checking line with Kesler for those first 3 months, and then broke out after being put in a scorers role with the Sedins. How much of it is the Sedins, and how much of it is the new role and Burrows' own improvement? It's hard to say. Granted he did struggle when Daniel went down, and has now been producing a lot more with him back. But I would argue that the top line never found consistent chemistry when Daniel was gone, and I think Burrows might have moved away from what he does best to make up for the loss.

    You can take that to show that he's not a top line player, and I agree, I never said he was. I also never said he would produce as much as he does with the Sedins. And I like that he realized this when looking for his new contract, unlike Anson Carter. But I think keeping him in an offensive role with good players (even if they aren't as good as the Sedins), such as Raymond and Kesler, he would still produce more than the 31 points he put up in 07-08, which seems to be what a lot of people think he'd do without the Sedins

    It seems to me Henriks production was quite consistent while his brother was out.

    You do realize that when Kesler/Burrows played their checking role they led all forwards in takeaways. A great deal of their success as shutdown players was taking the puck away and keeping the other teams top line in their own end. Two years ago among our forwards Kesler was 3rd in shots (some pp time) and Burrows was 6th (no pp time). They were out shooting the 2nd line players in their checking roles. But Burrows simply wasn't particularly productive playing with Kesler. This season without Sundin and Demitra, Kesler is currently on pace for 15 goals. One could draw the conclusion his current linemates aren't quite the same caliber as playmakers. Among our forwards Kesler is third in shots and 6th in goals. Last season he was 2nd in shots and 3rd in goals. We're only a third of the way in the season and things could change but thus far Kesler hasn't been as effective in the goal scoring department as he was with Sundin/Demitra.

    Don't get me wrong here, I'm not knocking either. I think both have improved their play over two years ago. Still there's some pretty good evidence there that they both benefited offensively by playing separately with superior players than each other are.

  6. Your contention is Burrows isn't a top line player because when he was on the 3rd line he wasn't putting up 1st line numbers?


    My contention is no coach in the league would choose Burrows to build a first line around. He is a first line player on THIS team because of his chemistry with the Sedins. His even strength ice time increased by one minute per game when he was put with the Sedins. ONE minute. Yet look at the difference in his production. Chemistry can't always be explained. But he certainly has it with the Sedins. If he is truly a first line player in his own right why doesn't he play the PP?

    I'm not knocking Burrows I love the way the kid plays. But he doesn't have the skills to carry a top line. The Sedins don't need Burrows and they've proven it. Can the reverse be said?

  7. Also, I think people underestimate Burrows ability to produce without the Sedins. Kes and Raymond are still two good players, and they would allow Burrows to use his speed off the rush more. I think he could still put up some half-decent numbers with them

    Last season in the three months (Nov, Dec, Jan) prior to being moved up to the top line Burrows had a total of 14 (4, 4, 6) points. To put that in perspective in Dec alone Daniel had 16 points and in Jan alone Henrik had 15. Is Burrows truly a top line player? No he's not. No coach in the league would look at Burrows as the guy to build a top line around. But for whatever reason he has chemistry with the Sedins and produces well when playing with them. For that reason alone he is a top line player on THIS team.

    There were many who thought Burrows signed for considerably less at $2M than what he was worth. My response was, unlike Carter, Burrows knows who is buttering his bread. Burrows has better chemistry with the Sedins than anybody else we've seen since Carter and chemistry goes a long ways. On his own merits Burrows would be a boarderline top 6 player. He's shown himself to be a mediocre producer when playing without the Sedins.

  8. Now I know another 20 pages in the short time left in the season is a tall order. It's going to require that people lower their standards a bit. (I somehow managed to type that with a straight face) There will need to be several substanceless posts, eg. "Clutch = Fail", etc., maybe some finger pointing (Nelson's HA HA! is always a nice touch), and anything else that we can come up with.

    There's always who we should trade the useless bum for during the off-season. as he's going to be overpaid next year....lol.

  9. Ok 23 goals with the sedins. Of course burrows is going to get points with them. Vignault had to put him with them cause he took kesler away from him. he'd be nothing without kesler. Vignault got french love for him.

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

  10. lol

    armchair gm's from b.c. that probably never stepped on the ice make me laugh.

    Ive watched and played hockey all my life and i know garbage when i see it. It just goes to show how mixed up vancouver canuck fans are when it comes to hockey. most of you should try playing the game before thinking your experts by watching it.

    Well this ought to put to rest the notion that playing the game actually makes you knowledgeable. :lol:

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