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Mr. Anderson

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About Mr. Anderson

  • Birthday 06/07/1988

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    Lake Cowichan, BC

Mr. Anderson's Achievements

Abbotsford Prospect

Abbotsford Prospect (2/14)



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  1. If Weber can get away with just a fine then Bitz shouldn't get any more then that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grapefruits


      sadly $2500 is the max the CBA allows. That needs to be changed

    3. RunningWild


      Agreed. Webers a repeat offender, Bitz is 1st time offender. Should get no more than Weber.

    4. goalie13


      Agreed. I saw in another post that a $2,500 fine for an average NHLer is equal to $16 for someone earning $50G per year. I think in the new CBA they need to tie the fines into the individual player salaries. Get fined a game's pay, that will sting a little more.

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