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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. 55 minutes ago, IBatch said:

    Nope he went directly to the NHL scoring 48 points on mostly the third, and then the second line....with out lineup he’d probably have moved up even faster.    Those points would have helped us in the standings, and we could definitely expect the same lottery balls... that said yes maybe we’d still have EP, but I’d still rather have EP and Hughes for sure then MT, x and x players.   And like I said I hated that we passed on him. 

    I don’t think you can play that game. It’s not as simple as if we had tkachuk we would have had more points = better results.


    There’s no saying that if canucks had tkachuk perhaps granlund doesn’t get the same opportunity to score 19 goals. Or baertschi doesn’t get the pp time to put up 35 points. It’s not just a simple addition. That move subtracts else where in realistically balances itself out.


    Canucks didn’t finish that low simply because we were missing a 48 point rookie. Canucks finished that low because our goaltending was poor and we were annihilated with injuries. Tkachuk doesn’t change that. 


    Every move has a ripple effect that is impossible to predict. So trying to add hindsight doesn’t work in this situation. There’s no saying that canucks would have been better. Canucks could have just as easily been worse and ended up drafting Dahlin in 2018. 

    • Upvote 4
  2. 3 hours ago, Snapshot85 said:


    Ok here's my point guys.


    You have 2 teams playing a game.

    Team A

    Nikita k

    Connor M

    Patrick K


    Brent B

    Mark G 

    3 forwards and 2 defense. Combine for a whopping 511 points . Playing against team B


    Team B

    Alexander O

    John T

    Leon D


    Morgan R

    Dougie H


    Team B only has 393 points


    Who wins?

    Well team a has 159 goals

    Team b has 186 goals 


    So team b wins ...  despite having many less points and no heart trophy winner.


    Goals win hockey games not points 


    *All stats are 2018-19 season

    Leon’s goal production drastically decreases without McDavid feeding him the puck.  This very important fact doesn’t seem to be clicking in for you. You’re trying to silo goals into there own grouping as if they exist without any outside intervention.  But that is not the case, goals are the byproduct of other actions. When you take out those other actions, you will not see the same goal production.  So that 186 goals you are claiming “wins the game” drops significantly. 


    Also if Patrick Kane is playing with McDavid. His goal production increases. He likely puts up 60 goals. And that is why your logic is flawed. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Snapshot85 said:

    When's the last time a trophy won a hockey game??? 


    The hart trophy is the best and most valuable player in the game each year. That is how the league values players. Thus debunking that goal scorers are the most important. If that were the case there would be no Hart trophy. That would just belong to the rocket richard winner. 



    2 hours ago, Snapshot85 said:

    Look I'm not sayin other stats dont matter. And mcdavid brings so many things to the table other than points. What I'm saying that for forwards goals matter significantly more in general .

    Most goals do not happen without assists. How many goals does Rob Brown get if he’s not playing with Mario. Goals are the product of others. Very few goals are a pure individual efforts. Which is why it’s stupid to claim that goals are more important. If jake was canucks 4th best at scoring goals why was he only the 17th on the roster for PP/TOI. The whole purpose of the PP is to score. Why....because there is more that goes into scoring then the simplified terms your trying to make it out to be.


    Leon doesn’t get 50 goals without playing with McDavid. His goals are the byproduct of the assist of his linemate. It’s pretty easy to score goals when all you have to do is stand in front and wait for the other guy to do all the work then feed you a puck with a wide open net. But according your logic. Leon scored more so apparently he is a better forward then McDavid. Lol




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  4. 3 minutes ago, Snapshot85 said:

    No.... it's not flawed logic. Points are great.... and assists are good...hits are good...defensive play is good... leadership is good. There's lots of traits that make a player good. But most important stat for value for a forward is goals plane in simple. 


    Without goals you simply cannot win.

    A player can score by himself

    But a player needs at least one other player to put up a assist..... 

    In theory... the assist was not needed to score the goal in the first place , giving a assist no value.


    Yes I know it's a bit abstract and not real world .


    But the point is that goals are what win hockey games.


    In my opinion


    Tell that to hank who won the Hart trophy while being outside the top 25 in goals scored.


    Draisaitl out scored McDavid last year. Guess that’s why Leon makes more....wait.....yeah you’re opinion is wrong. 





  5. 2 hours ago, Yung1 said:


    I really don't like using this kind of logic to determine which line a player is capable of playing on. It totally ignores the fact that half the teams don't make the playoffs and thus do not have capable players playing on appropriate lines.


    If we were to use this logic, the correct way to do it is to say that the top 15 players for each position statistically are capable 1st line players. Anyone below is theoretically not a 1st line player on a playoff team, for example.

    Exactly it’s like saying they’re 31 number 1 goalies in the league because there are 31 NHL teams.  We all know that not every team has an actual #1 goalie.


    So it doesn’t make sense to try taking the number 40th ranked goalie, comparing him to the 31st ranked and then claiming that the 40th ranked guy is basically a #1 goalie because his stats are close. 


    Add in the fact players move up and down the line up, players can move from left wing to right wing to center.  For example, cap friendly list Goldy as only LW, but Goldy plays both wings and is listed on NHL.com, hockey DB and even canucks.com as a RW.  


    But…if you keep him as a LW and use the same flawed logic that was done with jake. Well.....Goldobin amongst all LW according to cap geek.


    70th in all points

    44th  in points per game

    63rd in points per game

    23rd overall in best cost per point

    15th overall in best cost per assist


    So it goldy a top 6 winger? No. Heck we’re debating if he’s waiver bait or not. 


    • Upvote 1

    On 9/22/2019 at 11:24 AM, ba;;isticsports said:

    We also had Edmonton taking Olli Juolevi at fourth overall. Oilers GM Peter Chiarelli also suggested the team was looking at defense until Jesse Puljujarvi fell into their lap. That means both Edmonton and Vancouver also had Olli Juolevi ranked number four. 

    In fact, any team that was doing its job properly scouting had a similar draft board. Vancouver Canucks D Olli Juolevi was hands down the next best prospect behind “the big three”.



    This part is funny, how they came to this conclusion all based off the writers own poor speculation.  


    Oilers publicly stated sergachev was the D they were going to take. That means joulevi was not ranked number 4. 


    Canucks also had Dubois as there number 4, not joulevi. A player they were hoping would fall to them had oilers ended up picking a defense.  


    This idea that joulevi was the “Next best after #3” is erroneous. It would be had to find a scouting service that had Joulevi in the top 4 at the final rankings.



    I don’t know who wrote this piece but clearly their hockey “expertise” shouldn’t be taken seriously. 

  7. 9 hours ago, Snapshot85 said:

    With respect,

    like I said.... he scored more goals than over 60% of 1st round forwards in his draft year (yes small sample size) Hes defneitly worth a first rounder. Not all picks can be petty boeser or hughes.


    The problem is you are focusing on a very specific stat that is hand picked in jakes favor.


    Why just goals?  In 2012 hank only scored 14 goals (and 81 points). Would you claim that jakes season last year better? Not every player is defined as a goal scorers. Plenty of forwards are play makers (hank, Thornton), Defensive specialist (beagle) and enforcer/enegry types.  Value isn’t based on goals. Fiala last season while only putting up 14 goals, put up 40 points. 


    why just the first round? Why just jakes draft year?  Some years are poor draft years. In 1999 Taylor pyatt was the 5th most productive goal scorer players picked in the first round. According to your criteria he must have had value. 


    The point I’m trying to make is jake has only been ok. He’s 23 years old. He’s at the point where is draft status is no longer going to give him a free ride and he will have to start earning his spot over other players who are pushing for that role. If other players start to pass him then it’s totally understandable for them to be shopping.  


    • Upvote 4
  8. 14 minutes ago, aGENT said:

    Problem with hanging on to Goldy would be:

    I agree with your quote but you also likely get him into some games. Players will get banged up or need a healthy scratch for a wake up call.


    Have him rotated in the line up every now and then and if we still don’t see any promise by the time then it’s time to move on.  


    14 minutes ago, aGENT said:

    A Baer (or Pearson/Leivo/Virtanen) trade would also 'solve' that issue but Benning would have to have something pretty much lined up now and ready to pull the trigger. Don't think he'd plan the roster around 'hoping' for that to occur.

    I could see it happening in November depending on the type of start we get. 

    • Cheers 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, aGENT said:

    Yeah I'm not waiving Leivo either.


    Ferland, Pettersson, Boeser

    Baer/Pearson, Horvat, Miller

    Baer/Pearson, Sutter, Leivo/Virtanen

    Motte, Beagle, Leivo/Virtanen


    Eriksson as 13th until Roussel's off IR

    That’s what I’m thinking too. I could maybe see us holding on to goldy till rousell gets back Incase we get a top 6 injury that needs a skill role to fill. I also see us holding onto just have a suspicion that Sven could be shopped this year. 

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  10. 3 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    MacEwen has looked very engaged and could be the player that makes the team. I'm certainly rooting for him. I can see a Gagner-type of demotion occurring.

    Macewan over Goldie for sure at this point. But really I see two spots left. 


    Brock Ep ferk

    miller bo sven

    Pearson suts ______

    ____ beagle motte. 


    Two holes coming down to jake, Leivo, goldy, macEwan, LE. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Rush17 said:

    Vanilla is the term I would use. Jake got heated from being Cross checked from behind. What does Green do he sends him right back out there after a short rest. The play dies and Jake's energy is gone. 


    Green then puts Jake with Petey and Ferly about 5 minutes later then Jake kills that lines momentum... He gets another look with Petey and Ferland late but he doesn't capitalize. 


    He backed down from the pushing and shoving later in the game. He is perplexing and extremely frustrating to watch when he is indecisive. He tends to flip flop. On shift with Ferland he ran a guy over. Next few without Ferland he's tip toeing around.

    Yep. Very similar to kassian. One shift he gets it, the next 5 shifts he doesn’t. That’s ok if he’s a bottom 6 role player but if we want him to become that top six scorer he’ll need to start putting in the extra effort.


    Now I will caveat this as my own opinion but I think he’s just used to things coming to him naturally, spoon fed too much. He’s not used to having to fight and claw for every inch like in players with less draft pedigree (burrows, macewan types). An example has been his off season training. Even this year. If the team gave you a goal, being close to that goal shouldn’t be the focus. He should have came in with that goal blown out of the water. Go the extra mile, put in the work and earn your teammates respect.  I’d love for him to play with that earn everything instinct. 

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  12. 3 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    Preseason. I think once the roster is fully defined (and lines hopefully settled upon), and the team is 15 games in to the season that matters, is when one can truly make a solid judgement of players.



    While I agree you can’t really judge preseason. I do see a guy like zack mackewan pick up his game last night, working his butt off trying to earn a spot that doesn’t exist. 

    • Upvote 1
  13. 10 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    Oh Forsberg.


    I get that you think you know more than anyone else on here, and are desperate to let everyone know that. It's funny that you're so triggered by a post that you have to resort to calling someone a nobody because they don't need to signal who they know or how ensconced they are in the world of hockey.

    You insult me first, I can throw it right back, seems fair. 




    Your "buddy" is the head coach of the Blackhawks? Did you want a big boy badge? Maybe I could bake you a cake instead? When I think of a kick to the nuts, some random poster on a hockey website claiming to know people in the NHL doesn't really apply, but hey whatever pumps your tires, stud. Keep feeling special, because you are, and don't you ever forget it, buddy.

    Yes, I would like a cake. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. 38 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    C'mon Alf. I was watching the preseason game against Edmonton with Linden, Bure, and McLean. They felt the same way.

    .....Because Sheldon Ferguson is the same as the canucks greats. :picard:


    Just because you are a nobody doesn’t mean the rest of us are. Here’s another kick to the nuts. Another buddy of mine is the head coach of the Chicago Blackhawks. 

    • Haha 2
  15. 30 minutes ago, 5Fivehole0 said:

    Sorry, Forsberg, you're just wrong on this one. You're looking at this as if it was even match up but it wasn't. That was an AHL squad with a couple vets vs an almost regular season squad. Of course they looked poor. It wasn't a lack of effort... But rather a lack of talent... This isn't basketball where 1 guy can truly carry a game... It takes effort.


    Its outstanding that JV put up 2 goals playing against the team he did. While no one else was even generating shots on net, he was scoring. You kind of have some hater shades on here... They didn't play poorly... That whole team played above their level to pull off a win against Gaudreau Hamilton Giordano Monahan Lindholm etc.... 

    That's funny because I spent the intermissions at the game with my friend/neighbour who is a head scout in the NHL.  He thought the same and was expecting more energy from our young guys looking to make an impression. But if you (and a few others who didn't even watch the game) say I'm wrong I guess it must be.


    I'm the last thing when it comes to having hater shades on with Jake. I got to know him a bit when he was with the hitman and out with the shoulder injury.  He was a really solid kid who didn't mind sitting next to some guy at the dome when the Canucks were in town.  I'm routing for him more than most, but i'm also not a blind homer that gets trigger because a person who actually watched the game has a different perspective than my interpretation of the box score.

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    • Haha 2
  16. 31 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    It's your view that Jake's OT goal was not an exceptional showcase of his valuable and unique skill-set that is troubling.  Again, list the players in the league who could score that goal.  From the intimidation factor that caused the turnover, to the incredible speed, to the look off, to the dangle, to the patience, to the shot.  Many players could do some parts, but it's rare to find a player who can do all those things like Jake put on display.  

    Alf when did I say he goal wasn’t good? Seriously,  I never mentioned anything about his goals. His OT goal was a great effort and he showed great patiences with the puck


    I said his overall game (like the rest of the teams) was poor.  Even jake would be the first to admit that he could have played much better. 

  17. 53 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

    There are no extra points awarded for brilliance...it's win or lose.


    And they (Calgary) iced a team of names I knew at home...the Canucks were outmatched but still managed to steal a win.


    If the Canucks were garbage what does that make Calgary?  Let's give credit where it's due?


    We didn't have as many shots but...


    Faceoffs:  50% 

    Hits:  Calgary 24 Canucks 22

    Blocks:  Calgary 9 Canucks 21!

    Giveaways:  Calgary 21 Canucks 9!



    You’re right Deb your stats prove that canucks played amazing last night. What a game by our players, flames we’re lucky to carve out an OT point out of that pummeling we laid on them...lol


    Flames ran into a hot goalie who kept the game close long enough for canucks to get 3 by Talbot on 9 shots. 


    That’s the thing about this sport, one goalie can win singlehandedly win a game regardless how the rest of the team plays. How many times did we see luongo we us games we had no business being in. anyone who watched the sports shouldn’t have to had that explained to them. 


    Hey but don’t take my word, How about....Virtanen’s


    "He was just standing on his head all game. He kept us in it," Virtanen said of Bachman. "You never want to leave your goalie hung out to try, but we kinda did. But I’ve played with (Bachman) before in Utica (AHL) and played against him. You know what you’re going to get from him. He’s a small goalie, but he works his (butt) off."


    I’m sorry people get offended by the idea that canucks didn’t put forth a very good effort last night in Calgary but it’s what happened. The fact that people are upset about hearing that is really quite sad, is this really the maturity level some this fan base has dropped to?



  18. 37 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    Jake looked great, especially on that winning goal in OT.  He stole the puck in his own end because the Calgary guy didn't want to get run over. Then raced up the ice.  Next he made the D man look incredibly stupid with a nifty bit of puck handling.  Finally he snapped it easily past the goalie.  Great skill, size, speed, and back check, went into that goal.   Only a handful of players in the league can do that.

    Oh tell me more Alf how you came to this conclusion based on watching a 10 second highlight clip.


    The Canucks as a whole in Calgary last night were garbage. Zero effort except for the Biega and Bachman. I’m glad jake took advantage of the open space in OT but outside of two shifts he looked uninspired like the rest of the club. 

  19. 35 minutes ago, 5Fivehole0 said:

    It's hard for me to say JV did not carry the team... Obviously Bachman played above his level, but look at the roster difference... That Flames team could hang with a lot of full NHL squads. Outshot heavily and JV finds a way to put a couple home.


    This is one of those moments where you have to give credit where credit is due. Jake and Bachman are the reasons the Canucks pulled off an outstanding upset in Calgary

    When you team gets grossly outperformed and jake, Sven, beagle are part of the problem you can’t really give credit. That’s like saying peter klima carried the oilers in the 1990 finals. 


    The only one who deserves the credit is Bachman who was rightfully named the first start. 

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