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Status Replies posted by TIGER SINGH

  1. Not long till Lu will become enemies against his friend n former teammate

  2. how can i prove myself?

  3. how can i prove myself?

  4. how can i prove myself?

  5. how can i prove myself?

  6. Who wants to play kabaddi?



      True, I should get out more...

      Oh well, my best friend's gone to India...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  7. favourite freezies: go! mine's the red and blue ones :D

  8. favourite freezies: go! mine's the red and blue ones :D

  9. [OFFICIAL] Rangers to play Canucks in the pre-season

  10. Luu will bring the cup home to Vancouver this season

  11. Luu will bring the cup home to Vancouver this season

  12. Luu will bring the cup home to Vancouver this season

  13. Reebok p4 gear is awesome

  14. Canucks need some Singhs

    2nd place is not an option
  15. Cup or Bust. There is no in between.

  16. Cup or Bust. There is no in between.

  17. Lol Luongo tweets!

  18. Changed the name of TIGER SINGH's meme thread to Meme Thread™ so more people would be encouraged to post their memes on it

  19. So if Gillis doesn't win the cup this year he's fired?

  20. AHH!! I had a dream Sedins were traded! Phew!

  21. LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU n Kesssssssssss!! Dynamic Duooooooooo

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