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OMG Snow?


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:o . I hope none of you got injured. Did they take anything?

:lol: We were having a massive snow war, then these 4 guys come, and my friend throws a snow ball on the guy, btw there were 6 of us but 3 ran to their houses, so we're getting chased and then a guy finds me, he facewashes me and trips me and i dunno what happened to the others

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:lol: We were having a massive snow war, then these 4 guys come, and my friend throws a snow ball on the guy, btw there were 6 of us but 3 ran to their houses, so we're getting chased and then a guy finds me, he facewashes me and trips me and i dunno what happened to the others

:lol: oh you meant that kind of jumped. lol. I thought you were attacked. lol. your friend shouldn't have thrown the snow ball at the guy.

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Over 25 cm of snow now in North Delta..it looks like the trees are made out of snow cause theres so much of it and you cant see any green..

I shoveled half of my monster driveway just after I worked 8 hours and im dead tired..I couldnt finish the other half, there was just too much snow, and it hadnt been shoveled beforehand the last couple days...

Its still coming down hard outside.

Apparently theres 10 more cm on the way overnight into tommorow, then Tuesday night into Wednesday another 10-15cm possible with the next storm off the ocean

This...is frozen hell

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I really hate people who shovel snow onto the road.

Hahha.. I was outside for a bit helping my dad, and my neighbour was trying to get out of his driveway, but couldn't due to all the snow on the road...... It was just funny trying to his attempts at getting out. I'm pretty sure he gave up and didn't go wherever he was going to go.

edit: The snow is well over my knees now.

Edited by iheartluongo
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I really hate cars who splash black snow on me while driving fast.

I don't understand why/how some people drive so fast... I'm driving at 50 which is the limit anyway, and I see people blasting by me while swearing and giving me the finger. I mean, I know generally people don't keep within the limit and I admit I don't either under good conditions, but come on, it's not like I'm driving ridiculously slowly. And it's not like I'm blocking them from passing, I'm just minding my own business in the right lane, I don't get why they have to be such asses about it.

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I don't understand why/how some people drive so fast... I'm driving at 50 which is the limit anyway, and I see people blasting by me while swearing and giving me the finger. I mean, I know generally people don't keep within the limit and I admit I don't either under good conditions, but come on, it's not like I'm driving ridiculously slowly. And it's not like I'm blocking them from passing, I'm just minding my own business in the right lane, I don't get why they have to be such asses about it.

Because Vancouver people are jerks.

I've come across nicer people in downtown Los Angeles.

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