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The Official Transit Thread


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The hint is in his Richmond location, isn't it?

What they need is a 10-lane highway going in that direction.

What is the other forum that you speak of (aside from the two SS forums)?

lol, the third isn't an other...rather, it's this forum CDC.

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Along with the businesses, a huge amount of residents along Broadway came out to the meeting to show support for not building the skytrain extension. Guess you didn't hear about that.

And by ever else, I mean all other peoples that wouldn't use or benefit from the skytrain extension, yet would expected to fund the project with their tax dollars. They will never go for it.

What right would the people of Burnaby, New West, Surrey and Richmond have to complain about it, having had their Skytrain lines funded by the provincial government and all?

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I took the 98 everyday until the bus stops started getting ripped up for preparation of the skytrain

I never experienced any of the problems you mentioned. it was a very fast and efficient mode of transportation

And I mentioned the 98 going down granville as opposed to the sky train going down cambie. The granville route is much better than cambie not only because its faster, but because of the stops along the way. More important businesses, schools, high traffic areas, etc.

Both Granville and Cambie are equally the same in terms of the important stops along the way.


70: Marpole district

49: Magee; UBC

41: Kerrisdale, Dunbar, UBC

25: Private schools on KE (York House and others)

Broadway: major district; that's self-explanatory

4: Granville Island, Emily Carr


Marine: New transit hub there connecting ALL Marpole trolleys to the station

49: Langara

41: Oakridge Center

25: Walking distance of QE Park, woman/children's hospitals

Broadway: VGH, City Hall

Olympic Village

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I took the 98 everyday until the bus stops started getting ripped up for preparation of the skytrain

I never experienced any of the problems you mentioned. it was a very fast and efficient mode of transportation

And I mentioned the 98 going down granville as opposed to the sky train going down cambie. The granville route is much better than cambie not only because its faster, but because of the stops along the way. More important businesses, schools, high traffic areas, etc.

1) You used to take the 98 everyday? HA. lies.

2) HA!

3) SkyTrain going down Granville would only make the trip maybe 3 or 4-minutes shorter than Cambie....but Cambie is clearly the much better route because of its employment and population centres.

What important businesses are there on Granville??? All you have is the Central Broadway/Granville Rise, some high schools, and the retail bit near Marine Drive. With Cambie, you have: Central Broadway/Upper Cambie, City Hall, VGH, Children's Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Park, Oakridge Mall, and Langara College.

Providence Healthcare has future plans to build a major hospital at 33rd Avenue and Cambie, also site of a future Canada Line station. Also at that location is the redevelopment of the massive RCMP headquarters into condo towers as they are moving their offices to Surrey. Oakridge Mall will also see some crazy expansion after 2010: the mall will grow in size, quite a few office and residential towers, and densification of the entire neighbourhood. And don't forget about the redevelopment of the Marpole bus depot.

Cambie is also near the geographic centre of the city.

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What right would the people of Burnaby, New West, Surrey and Richmond have to complain about it, having had their Skytrain lines funded by the provincial government and all?

With NIMBY's and people like him, nothing would ever get done if they got their way. They have only self-interests at heart, are ignorant, and are irrational.

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No, no they won't. Thats why those highrises come with 5 levels of garages underneath them.

Well, they're not going to be widening the Oak St. and Arthur Laing Bridges anytime soon, so they'll have to get used to it.

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Eco-nazis like Mr.X are the ones that are irrational

Mention expanding highways and roads instead of public transportation and watch him blow a gasket lmao

I came into this thread to prove that the UBC extension will never happen, and I think I did that. You can bombard me with surveys and graphs made by UBC students proving that the skytrain extension is viable, but the reality is it will never happen.

Long live the Gateway Program

Edited by Galvatron
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No, no they won't. Thats why those highrises come with 5 levels of garages underneath them.

With the Canada Line, Richmond is lowering the requirement of garages for new condo towers. No.3 Road is being planned as a pedestrian and transit friendly area.

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Eco-nazis like Mr.X are the ones that are irrational

Mention expanding highways and roads instead of public transportation and watch him blow a gasket lmao

I came into this thread to prove that the UBC extension will never happen, and I think I did that. You can bombard me with surveys and graphs made by UBC students proving that the skytrain extension is viable, but the reality is it will never happen.

Long live the Gateway Program

You came into this thread and got bombarded left and right by posters who felt your ideas were idiotic and NIMBYist.

You've proved nothing because you haven't seen the result of overcrowded buses, commuters stuck at Broadway Stn waiting for a bus, and the turmoil resulting from a broken-down bus on one of the busiest east-west arteries in Vancouver.

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By the time you reach the 3rd level, you'll need a submarine.

Man, I forgot that they were near or below sea level. So much for Galvatron's story's credibility.

I thought the water level was too high for even single homes to have a basement or crawl space. How do you even go down three levels???

Edit: Nevermind. He explained it.

Edited by Buggernut
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Eco-nazis like Mr.X are the ones that are irrational

Enjoy your membership on this board for a few more hours. ;)

Mention expanding highways and roads instead of public transportation and watch him blow a gasket lmao

I'm not against expanding roads, rather I'm for expanding roads strategically and thus while also expanding transit.

I came into this thread to prove that the UBC extension will never happen, and I think I did that. You can bombard me with surveys and graphs made by UBC students proving that the skytrain extension is viable, but the reality is it will never happen.

Long live the Gateway Program

Talk about being delusional. You proved nothing.

Surveys and graphs, produced by the City of Vancouver and Translink. ;)

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With the Canada Line, Richmond is lowering the requirement of garages for new condo towers. No.3 Road is being planned as a pedestrian and transit friendly area.

I've seen the renderings of 3 Road you're in love with. So far I fail to see much physical change to the area other than a bike lane. None of the high rises along 3 road so far have skimped on the garages. They're massive.

You can preach about this pedestrian friendly 3 Road all you want, but as of right now no high rises are cutting down on garage space. Not to mention the fact that the highrises are filled with rich asians that refuse to take public transit.

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I'm talking from the ground up

Do your research

You never mentioned from the ground up. You only said 5 floors of parking underneath the high-rise.

My research tells me that you need to work on your word choice, as well as how you use those words to form a sentence that makes sense.

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Talk about being delusional. You proved nothing.

Surveys and graphs, produced by the City of Vancouver and Translink. ;)

of course, then he'll say that the CoV and Translink are actually puppets of the UBC Development office, and that they're there because of poor UBC students.

i actually think this is all because galvatron can't get into UBC, so he's taking it out on a perfectly good transit proposal.

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I've seen the renderings of 3 Road you're in love with. So far I fail to see much physical change to the area other than a bike lane. None of the high rises along 3 road so far have skimped on the garages. They're massive.

You can preach about this pedestrian friendly 3 Road all you want, but as of right now no high rises are cutting down on garage space. Not to mention the fact that the highrises are filled with rich asians that refuse to take public transit.

So what exactly are you, and what right do you have to go about and clump (1)rich people and (2)Asians into a group that you think is higher-than-you?

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