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well, i'm a fairly observant guy and I posted in this thread in the first place because it was unusual to see VPD supervising the skytrain platform at all, let alone checking fares at the top of the stairs. maybe i was wrong but i doubt it. do transit police carry tasers along with lethal weaponry? (not to say that tasers aren't lethal, which is what all law enforcement wants people to believe but is in fact a load of sh**).

Unless you went up close and saw that their police uniform said "VPD," it was transit police.

Transit police carry fire arms, maze, and the tasers. Again, they are just like any police officer.

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Unless you went up close and saw that their police uniform said "VPD," it was transit police.

Transit police carry fire arms, maze, and the tasers. Again, they are just like any police officer.

But their jurisdiction spans over transit, correct? I'm not 100% sure on that matter, in fact am quite curious

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But their jurisdiction spans over transit, correct? I'm not 100% sure on that matter, in fact am quite curious

They can enforce any criminal or motor vehicle code violations anywhere. Not just on transit vehicles and property.

Jurisdiction boundaries are more a thing between police departments. City of Vancouver pays the VPD to protect Vancouver. If VPD happens to cross boundary into BBY to go for lunch, and see a speeding car they won't do anything. Though they technically could. Now if they see a dude with a gun, they would respond.

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They can enforce any criminal or motor vehicle code violations anywhere. Not just on transit vehicles and property.

Jurisdiction boundaries are more a thing between police departments. City of Vancouver pays the VPD to protect Vancouver. If VPD happens to cross boundary into BBY to go for lunch, and see a speeding car they won't do anything. Though they technically could. Now if they see a dude with a gun, they would respond.

How does the RCMP work then? They got the Burnaby RCMP and Coquitlam RCMP. Would the Burnaby RCMP in Coquitlam do anything? They are all apart of the RCMP E Division.unsure.gif

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I guess you didn't make it.

Haha, well it was interesting to say the least.

Things went fairly smoothly except that the raft was partially pulled under the seabus when the crew failed to pull in the sea anchor. I've now seen parts of a seabus I never thought I would... like the underside of the hull.

They also did a man overboard drill which went smoothly. They basically strap a crew member to a harness and have them swing a hook at the person who fell overboard.

One thing I did note was that the lifejackets are actually surprisingly difficult to get out from under the seat. They are contained within a pouch that is sealed with velcro and then once you open the pouch there is actually another strap holding them in. It isn't rocket science to get them out and usable, but in an emergency I could see someone having a hard time.

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How does the RCMP work then? They got the Burnaby RCMP and Coquitlam RCMP. Would the Burnaby RCMP in Coquitlam do anything? They are all apart of the RCMP E Division.unsure.gif

They don't patrol in another town becasue they aren't paid to. But if a chase happens in Vancouver and heads to UBC which is RCMP, the VPD will continue the chase onto campus and make the arrest even though they are technically outside of Vancouver. Same as heading towards BBY. They will of course be assisted by the local force.

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Okay, so today's like the third time this week I've heard that annoying "warning: you are on the platform blah blah blah CCTV" message at a Canada Line station. But there's no one on the platform! What triggers this?

At the ends of the platform, there are lasers that beam lights and detect any intrusion beyond a certain point of the yellow strip. It's all automatic.

There are more lasers on the track itself at stations. If even an object falls, the whole system grinds to a hault and green shirts will be radioed in to find out what's wrong.

On the old Expo Line, all the have are metal plates on the tracks that detect weight (someone falling on the tracks). Trains will stop if weight is detected. On the newer Millennium Line, infrared sensors are located along the tracks at the stations...again, trains will come to an immediate hault if an intrusion is detected. And of course, the Canada Line goes even further than what we have for the Millennium Line.

Of interest, under the "Fair Paid Zone" signs at the ticketing concourses in each Canada Line staion there are infrared sensors that count the number of passengers the Canada Line sees each day.

Edited by nitronuts
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It's about damn time. There's stops at the ends of Kits, but nothing in the middle.

Great for convenience, but the one thing the 99 doesn't need is more passengers which is what more stops will create. I highly doubt Translink is going to add more buses to the route.

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Great for convenience, but the one thing the 99 doesn't need is more passengers which is what more stops will create. I highly doubt Translink is going to add more buses to the route.

True, but when a major bus artery fails to put a stop in the heart of one of the city's busier districts, something's not right.

Anyways, more clout for the skytrain to UBC group, what with the higher demand for the route and whatnot.

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