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True, but when a major bus artery fails to put a stop in the heart of one of the city's busier districts, something's not right.

Anyways, more clout for the skytrain to UBC group, what with the higher demand for the route and whatnot.

True...kinda odd how they didn't have a stop there for the 99 in the first place.

There will most definitely be a SkyTrain station at Arbutus when the UBC extension goes ahead.

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What authority do the "greenshirts" that work the Canada Line have? Transit police, or regular skytrain attendants?

The green shirts are SkyTrain attendants who do more than their Translink SkyTrain counterparts as their pay is heavily dependent on work performance.

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At the ends of the platform, there are lasers that beam lights and detect any intrusion beyond a certain point of the yellow strip. It's all automatic.

There are more lasers on the track itself at stations. If even an object falls, the whole system grinds to a hault and green shirts will be radioed in to find out what's wrong.

On the old Expo Line, all the have are metal plates on the tracks that detect weight (someone falling on the tracks). Trains will stop if weight is detected. On the newer Millennium Line, infrared sensors are located along the tracks at the stations...again, trains will come to an immediate hault if an intrusion is detected. And of course, the Canada Line goes even further than what we have for the Millennium Line.

Of interest, under the "Fair Paid Zone" signs at the ticketing concourses in each Canada Line staion there are infrared sensors that count the number of passengers the Canada Line sees each day.

Interesting, never knew about that. Thanks.

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Two more stops are being added to the 99 B-Line. Arbutus Street and Fraser Street.

Effective Dec. 14.

I like the Arbutus stop. I've always found the gap between Macdonald and Granville kinda weird.

I had been calling it for years. Blue Dragon can attest to that.

Edited by BuckyHermit
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Great news about the Arbutus stop for the 99. Now I might actually use it, although it's not very likely. Odd that the 43 and 480 both stop at Granville, W. Boulevard (Arbutus), then Carnarvon (MacDonald/MacKenzie), while the 99 goes straight from Granville to MacDonald.

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Great news about the Arbutus stop for the 99. Now I might actually use it, although it's not very likely. Odd that the 43 and 480 both stop at Granville, W. Boulevard (Arbutus), then Carnarvon (MacDonald/MacKenzie), while the 99 goes straight from Granville to MacDonald.

Exactly. That never really made sense to me.

Although I've always found the 43/480 stop at Carnarvon a bit weird too, even when the 22 still terminated there years ago. (Blue Dragon might also recall that I called for the 22's present-day termination at Dunbar Loop.)

Edited by BuckyHermit
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i havent read through this thread or anything, but i'm curious

do any of you not drive (at all) in vancouver? how do you find the public transportation is for you? obviously its got some flaws, but how does not owning a car (or at least not driving it as often as some others do) work out for you?

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i havent read through this thread or anything, but i'm curious

do any of you not drive (at all) in vancouver? how do you find the public transportation is for you? obviously its got some flaws, but how does not owning a car (or at least not driving it as often as some others do) work out for you?

Most of the time, it depends on:

1) whether you're in the City of Vancouver

2) whether you're close to a shopping center

3) whether you're north or south of the Fraser River -- if you're the latter, my condolences to you

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i havent read through this thread or anything, but i'm curious

do any of you not drive (at all) in vancouver? how do you find the public transportation is for you? obviously its got some flaws, but how does not owning a car (or at least not driving it as often as some others do) work out for you?

My wife and I have 1 car and she uses it for work, so I'm relegated to public transit. We also live in Kerrisdale and it is possible for us to walk for all of our shopping.

We do use the car to visit family and to do big grocery shopping runs, but if it wasn't for her job, we could be carless and just use a zipcar for the other stuff.

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Hadn't ridden the B-Line in a while until today. I see a 99 B-Line and the sign reads:



Took me awhile to figure out what it was suppose to mean.unsure.gif

Well, it'll either say that, UBC, or Boundary. Take your pick :P

...although I'm really not sure why they didn't just go with Commercial Stn for the 99.

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Well, it'll either say that, UBC, or Boundary. Take your pick :P

...although I'm really not sure why they didn't just go with Commercial Stn for the 99.

Just horrendous abbreviations by whoever does the signs.:lol:

Thought there was an error on the signs....

Could they not have done..




on the sign.:unsure:

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I find it annoying when a sign reads


Where are you suppose to go? Boundary or Commercial-Broadway?


I like to Canucks too.


The bus is half empty.

They have Merry Christmas now? I thought it was Happy Holidays.

When these flash on the sign, they don't have the route number like you say.;)

I personally love these things, but yes it gets annoying when there are too many of them.






Can be annoying.

Edited by 【Opmac】
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They have Merry Christmas now? I thought it was Happy Holidays.

When these flash on the sign, they don't have the route number like you say.;)

It could have been Happy Holidays. I don't remember exactly.

Not showing the route number makes it even worse when I'm downtown.

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