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2utgv3d.gif LiG 2utgv3d.gif

How was your day? Was it better smile.gif

Hey!! :)

Yeahh it was better compared to yesterday for sure... at least nothing bad happened to me today and translink was operating properly haha.

Met an old friend from highschool today in one of my tutorials and he said since he also has classes at 8 and his dad works at the ubc hospital, he could give me a ride on mwf.

That's really great news actually... an extra 45min of sleep means a lot to me in the morning!

How was your day??

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My leg is cramped up, can barely walk, I guess that's what happens when you have to train for hockey in school :lol:

I've done nothing all summer, just hung out. Then I go and run 4 miles in 2 days + Basketball + Hockey + Gym :shock:

Edited by Bryan McCabe.24
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Oh that's good that you didn't miss your bus this time :P and that's awesome that your friend's dad can drive you "mwf" haha laugh.gif. That's the thing about cities is it's super easy to carpool with people. I can't do that in agassiz because everyone works from like Boston Bar to Vancouver that I know of sad.gif or different hours than me, but oh well! And hey, you get to sleep in a whole lot 2utgv3d.gif!!! That's super awesome, at least you don't have to get up at like...6 or whatever every day!

My day was meh. Work sucked. I didn't get anything done so now I have to try and do it all tomorrow morning, which I won't be able to do at all. And my boss will probably be mad at me for the empty cooler but oh well sad.gif

Why are you slacking off!!!! :shock: You are supposed to be the best full-time employee at that cheese place!! Now i won't be surprised that your boss will start yelling at you again... say goodbye to that raise you were talking about :lol:.

Ahh just kidding... what did happen? How come you didn't get anything done? Busy day? :huh:

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