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Media And "fans"


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is now a "right" time to talk about this?? C'mon media and those who called themselves "fans". We're in a middle of the cup run. We should be excited to have two league top goalies in the team. Cheer&Support behind them is what we need to do. This is one thing Vancouverite " canucks fans" need to learn. sighz..... :picard:

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There many fans who not only cheer for and support the canucks, but also want to analyze the team and gain more in depth information, rather than just yelling "Believe in Blue".

Also, it's the media's job to report and analyze what's going on, not cheer for the team. Unless you want propaganda artists like Jack Edwards covering the Canucks.

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I talked about it at work today. But don't worry, I talked real quietly so the Canucks wouldn't hear.

Just kidding. The fact is, this goalie controversy stuff isn't news to either Luongo or Schneider anyway. The media isn't hitting them with any ideas they haven't likely already thought of themselves. They know where they stand much better than we do.

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It has to be talked about. No player is more important to their team's success than the goaltender. Look at the Chicago-Phoenix series. Chicago is the better team--they have allstar defensemen and explosive forwards and tons of playoff experience. Yet they are down 3-1 in the series solely because Crawford keeps letting in softies and Smith is playing lights out. The goaltending situation has completely turned that series around. That shows why its so important and why the Canucks can't afford to make the wrong call with their goalie.

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I am okay with discussion and depth about what to do. What bugs me is people who are overly negative, it only gets in the way of things. It brings down the fans and can bring down the team too. (Ex: booing the team, etc).

I think most true fans understand the difference though, and just sometimes get heated up.

So yeah, I'm all for discussion and even criticism (not nasty criticism, that gets us nowhere), just as long as at the end of the day, you cheer your heart out for the Canucks.

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Wooo, another new goober telling us we aren't real "fans"

It is getting pretty offensive really... they aren't smart enough to understand that just because we know that it is difficult to come back from a 3-0 deficit... it doesn't mean we don't "hope" that they do.

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Well, I kind of agree with the "new goober" "Fans" and those who fancy themselves sports journalists in Vancouver have already packed Luongo's bags for him. in the past 4 years Luongo has played 250 games and Schneider has played 68. Luongo's GAA average is better. His playoff GAA is better. But still everyone wants him gone. It's pretty pathetic. What happens if Schneider lets in a couple of "soft" ones and the Canucks are out of the playoffs, because Schneider has been lit up more than once. Will Schneider then be the new whipping boy? I bet Luongo doesn't want to stay here anymore and Schneider has plans to get the heck outta Dodge as soon as the season is over.

Anyway, I'm still hopeful that they can go further on. Go team!

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