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seriously? gonna have to start tuning in, even though i can't watch impact anyways cause i work graveyards tuesday, wednesday, thursday, unless spike has full episodes on the site

Yeah, won with a piledriver too. Dangerous move but always looks so nice when done to perfection like he did.

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Yeah, won with a piledriver too. Dangerous move but always looks so nice when done to perfection like he did.

WWE banned piledriver in 2000. But there is special exception. Talent have to get permission from Management to use it.

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Rumored matches for SummerSlam and WM 31

Source: F4Newsletter

Penciled in at the moment: Roman Reigns vs. Triple H at SummerSlam and Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock or Cesaro at WrestleMania 31. Brock-Cesaro seems like such an obvious direction and such a perfect match to elevate Cesaro that it seems dumb not to do it. On top of that, with Rock being increasingly fragile and Undertaker being hurt in the "safe" version of a Lesnar match, I'm not sure it's a good idea for safety/The Rock's film insurance reasons.

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Chris Sabin is done with TNA. According to PWinsider his contract ends this weekend and renewal negotations couldn't be agreed upon.

Dixie is TNA's biggest draw right now

Last night's episode of Impact Wrestling averaged 1.42 million viewers, according to TV By The Numbers. It was the most viewers for the show since the February 6th episode.

The audience was up a whopping 27% from last week's episode, which garnered 1.119 million viewers.

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Lots of news Evolution/Shield Plans, Punk still gets payed? Angle returning to WWE? Vickie's departure, Christian's status, NAO likely finished as active talent.

- As noted last night here on the website, WWE looks like it is teasing an Evolution vs. The Shield match for the Extreme Rules PPV. Word is that the match was in the works prior to WrestleMania 30. The reunion of Triple H, Batista and Randy Orton will likely be temporary, and is mostly being done to put over The Shield. At this time, Ric Flair is not scheduled to get involved in the Evolution reunion.

- Despite initial reports to the contrary, the latest word going around is that CM Punk is still receiving his merchandise checks from WWE. As noted on Thursday, WWE has been continuing to sell Punk merchandise, including the distribution of new Punk merchandise at WrestleMania Axxess in New Orleans this past weekend. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin has mentioned several times when reflecting on his walkout of WWE that during his hiatus, he was not receiving money from WWE, including profits earned on his merchandise being sold. He noted when talking about Punk walking out on the company during recent podcasts and media interviews that Punk is leaving tons of money on the table, but apparently that is not the case. At the time Punk walked out on the company, he was the number two merchandise-mover, trailing only John Cena. At this point in time, while the latest official figures have yet to come in, it is believed that he is still among the top five wrestlers in the company in terms of current merchandise sales, and possibly as high as number three.

Along with the contracts of Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian ending in the next few weeks, Kurt Angle is next on the chopping block. His deal with TNA will is set to expire in August or September. The feeling backstage is that he has said all the right things in order to get back in WWE. However, WWE hasn't had very much interest in re-signing him. There are also those worried that Angle couldn't even pass a physical, which is required to work for the company now. Of course, Jeff Jarrett's new promotion is looking for talent so it's possible Kurt may end up there. We shall see.

- We reported last week that following the WWE WrestleMania 30 pay-per-view this past Sunday night, Vickie Guerrero officially departed WWE. She is parting ways with the company on good terms and simply needs a break from the business. Guerrero has been an on-air character with WWE since 2005, when she debuted in an angle with her late husband that involved Rey Mysterio and a secret involving his son Dominic. In an update on this, there is absolutely no heat on her for leaving the company. As noted, she parted ways with WWE on very good terms and is welcome back at any time.

-- As of Friday afternoon, Christian was still not cleared to wrestle. There are many people who feel he'll be leaving WWE sooner rather than later when his current contract expires. We'll keep you posted as we

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that former WWE Tag Team Champions the New Age Outlaws are, for the time being, "likely finished" on WWE television. Their recent run was scheduled to end at WrestleMania 30, but it was previously rumored that the duo would still remain on the scene after dropping the WWE Tag Team Championship to The Usos; however, the decision was instead made to team them with Kane against
The Shield at WrestleMania 30, which the team lost. That loss, coupled with Billy Gunn's recent injury, shows that the New Age Outlaws are more than likely finished as active competitors. Both Gunn and Road Dogg still, however, have full-time jobs with WWE, as Road Dogg works as an agent for live events and Gunn as a trainer at the WWE Performance Center. Since their current run as active competitors has come to an end, both men will go back to their regular positions.

-- WWE Superstar Hornswoggle is being billed as Dylan "Hornswoggle" Postl in the WWE Studios' Leprechaun film that will be released later this year.

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seriously? gonna have to start tuning in, even though i can't watch impact anyways cause i work graveyards tuesday, wednesday, thursday, unless spike has full episodes on the site


This is where I watch them.

I don't see EY holding the title very long. He either drops it back to Magnus at Impact next week or at PPV. TNA's way of "thank you" to EY for his years of services. Similar to Sabin's short reign.

TNA copied WWE by having EY win right after Bryan won at WM.

Agreed. But this will be alot better than Fail Sabin.

And if anything WWE copied TNA by having Bryan win the belt at Mania against the odds & authority like AJ Styles did at BFG.

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WWE banned piledriver in 2000. But there is special exception. Talent have to get permission from Management to use it.

Ya its a shame, Pile Drivers are always nice to see now & then, though I can understand for safety reasons keeping them a limit.

The bigger issue is them taking away blood, not realistic at all, and takes away alot IMO.

Rumor going around is Sabin's done with professional wrestling as a whole.

I wish him the best. Was a good worker but he really fizzled out as far as entertainment value after the MCM run.

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Warrior's wife is receiving help from WWE


The WWE is helping Ultimate Warrior's wife cope with her husband's sudden death ... flying two senior WWE officials to Arizona to stand by and help her.

We're told the WWE sent the employees almost immediately after Warrior died ... their main task is helping his wife Dana handle little things -- grocery shopping, letting other family members know what's going on -- so she can focus on being with their daughters.

It's sounds bizarre ... top officials leaving their jobs to handle mundane chores, but that's how important Warrior was to the WWE.

As we previously reported, Warrior died outside an Arizona hotel Tuesday ... after suffering what officials called a "catastrophic medical event."

During his recent WWE Hall of Fame induction, Warrior had high praise for his wife.

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Undertaker Shocked Undertaker Guy talks to wwe.com

Pretty cool Matt Hardy reached out to the guy. I'm wondering if HHH is his favorite wrestler then why does he wear "Just Say Yes" shirt?


WWE.COM: You became the unofficial face of 21-1 at the end of The Undertaker match. What was going through your mind at that moment?

The face you made when you realized Undertaker lost.

ELLIS MBEH: I was actually rooting for Brock Lesnar! For the past few years I’ve been rooting [against The Streak]. I rooted for Triple H, who is my favorite wrestler … I rooted for CM Punk. But I never expected [any of them would win]. I knew Undertaker would win. Somehow, someway, Undertaker always wins. So with Brock, in my head I didn’t think it would actually happen, you know? When it happened, my mind was stopped. It was like, “Oh my God, what happened … I just witnessed history.”

WWE.COM: At what point did you realize you’d become an Internet sensation?

MBEH: I realized when someone behind me in the second row tapped my shoulder and showed me a phone. [it was a meme that said], “The face you made when you realized Undertaker lost.” And I was like, “Oh, crap.”

WWE.COM: Did you have a favorite out of all the memes that were made of your reaction?

MBEH: There are some pictures up there where everyone’s face was my face, like the guys behind me all have my face. There are a lot of them, and the majority are funny.

WWE.COM: You also got a shout-out from Matt Hardy on Twitter. What was that like?

MBEH: That was cool. I saw it when I was coming back to the hotel and realized, “Oh wow, everyone saw this.” It was cool that Matt said, “Be cool, it’s okay, embrace it.” It was helpful, because it helped me get back to the fact that … I was there for history.

WWE.COM: You’ve been to two WrestleManias. What were some of the highlights of your experiences?

MBEH: Last year was all about meeting Triple H. His [book, “Making the Game”] was the first one I actually read outside of school. It gave me confidence that I could work out. At one point I weighed 375 pounds, and that was in 2010, 2011. Something happened with me in a hospital I couldn’t explain; my blood pressure was really high … I took what I learned from Triple H and just committed myself. Every day I just went to the gym, worked out for hours with what I saw in the book and I just stayed determined. I know for a fact that if I’d never read his book I would not be here.

WWE.COM: What happened when you met him?Who gets to meet the person who saved their life?

MBEH: Someone told me I only had 30 seconds, so I go “OK. I’ll just say what I have to say real quick, show him [my before and after picture] and that’s it.” I’d never been to Axxess before, never been to WrestleMania before.

I get in line and I’m third in line, my wife is right behind me, and the two guys in front of me just walk away. I guess they were going to see other Superstars. So out of nowhere, I was first and I’m crapping my pants. All the planning I had about 30 seconds ago is gone. I see him and he’s like, “How you doin,’ man?” and I go, “Um, I’m good.” He signed my title belt and I said, “I just want to thank you for saving my life,” and I just started crying. I just kept on talking and he just stopped and looked at me and I told him everything.

Like, who in the world gets to [meet] the person who saved their life, you know? People don’t get that moment. And he just listened to everything I said and he said, “I’m proud of you. You say you look up to me, but I’m proud of you.” Just hearing that made me feel like I did something right. He got the camera crew, we did an interview, he told me he was proud of me, he hugged me and that was it, but it meant a lot to me.

WWE.COM: What about this year?

ELLIS: When I met John Cena, I told him, “as a fan, I like you and dislike you.” I like him because he’s a great person to kids and a great role model. Also I train at CrossFit, and we always talk about him. We lift cleans, jerks and deadlifts. We always see him do it and we’re really impressed. I respect his work ethic and his training ethic. But I told him I dislike him because he beat my heroes. He beat Shawn Michaels, he beat Triple H. He said he can respect that, he stood up, shook my hand and took a picture. It was a very, very cool moment.

During Axxess, I [also] met Xavier Woods. I told him the coolest thing from his debut was when he did the Power Ranger thing, yelled “It’s Morphin’ Time!” flipped and did an actual Power Ranger jump. That was so cool. He said, “Yeah, man, it’s all about embracing your inner geekdom. There’s no reason anyone should be ashamed of what they love or what they’re passionate about.”

WWE.COM: So we’re going to end on a fun question, because this is all about fun. Who would win in a bench press contest: You or “Brock Lesnar Guy”?

ELLIS: Oh, me! I can totally bench more than Brock Lesnar Guy.

WWE.COM: That could happen for WrestleMania 31, you never know.

ELLIS: I rep 225 pounds. If it happens at WrestleMania 31, I guarantee I will win. He’s not ready

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If Kurt Angle returns, please put him up against Brock Lesnar, they had an awesome feud and matches. Shooting star press... Never knew a big man like Lesnar could do that! One of the most shocking moments I witnessed.


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