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Petraeus Resigns For Marital NOT Martial Affairs:


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If the worst thing that a supermod can talk to me about is the use of one borderline naughty word and shooting back at someone, I'm sure I'll be fine. This forum wouldn't still be here if people weren't allowed to disagree. Why don't you stop doing their jobs, like you said, surely they'll be around to talk to me regarding my insolence soon.

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And the conspiracy crowd is out in full force over the resignation.


Gen. David Petraeus’s sudden resignation as CIA director on Friday quickly ignited widespread speculation among media pundits and journalists about whether the White House had stalled the bombshell announcement until the election was over and some wondered if there was a Libya connection.

“Petraeus resignation. Timing, everything suspicious,” tweeted Rupert Murdoch, the CEO and founder of News Corp. “There has to be more to this story.”

Dana Perino, the former White House spokeswoman for President George W. Bush, noted on Fox News that Petraeus’s announcement came several days before Senate hearings on the attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, at which he was supposed to testify but now no longer will be.

“Five days before the [benghazi] hearing … it does legitimately raise some eyebrows,” Perino said.

Others on Twitter pointed to news reports highlighting the CIA’s connection to the Benghazi Consulate that came under attack.

“COINCIDENCE?! Petraeus is set to testify NEXT week at a closed door session on Capitol Hill abt Benghazi. Did BHO push him out? This stinks!” tweeted conservative radio host Laura Ingraham.

Ben Shapiro of the conservative Breitbart.com thought the Obama administration was involved and had covered up the news until after the election.

“This is only the latest in a string of groundshaking events demonstrating that the Obama administration hid information vital to the American people during the last days of the 2012 election cycle,” he wrote. “The fact that the most respected soldier of his generation, Petraeus, would be leaving the administration during an Obama second term, had to be known by the White House prior to the election. And they said nothing in order to run out the clock.”

After reports emerged on Friday night that the FBI had at some point begun an investigation after receiving a tip about Petraeus’s affair, Steve Hayes of the Weekly Standard said it was important to find out who knew and when they knew it.

“If [FBI director Robert] Mueller kept it from the president or the president kept it from the country, it’s a huge scandal,” Hayes said on Fox News.

And it wasn’t just conservatives raising questions.

“Petraeus: cheating husband or scapegoat on #Benghazi?” tweeted Elise Labott, a foreign affairs reporter for CNN.

Noam Scheiber of The New Republic asked, “In practice, is there really such low tolerance for spies who have affairs? I’d be shocked if so.”

“The substantive case for stepping down seems to be that you can blackmail an adulterer. But can you once the lapse is known?” tweeted The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein. “IE, if Petraeus admitted the affair to his wife and perhaps the WH, what good would the blackmail do?”

Still, Petraeus had some high-profile defenders. Among them: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who released a statement in the general’s defense. “We are immensely grateful for General Petraeus’s decades of work on behalf of our nation, our military, and our security,” the statement read in part. “Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.”

Max Boot, the neoconservative foreign and military policy expert, also had kind words for Petraeus.

“#Petraeus has devoted his life to serving America. Few have done it better,” he tweeted. “Let’s keep that in mind as wolves circle.”

But speculation continued to swirl.

“Presumably, he could have resigned without the confession. So why did he offer it? wrote Paul Mirengoff at the conservative blog PowerLine. “…First, the confession could have been an attempt to preempt the theory that his resignation is Benghazigate related — it provides an alternative explanation. Second, the confession eliminates the opportunity for others (such as folks in the White House) to try to influence his future conduct, including potential statements and/or testimony about Benghazi.”

The conservative blogger Allahpundit raised a slew of questions at HotAir.com, in a series of updates.

“Why would an affair mean that he couldn’t run the CIA anymore? Was he being blackmailed? Or is there more to it than this? Stand by for updates,” Allahpundit wrote in an early post.


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Now it seems this may have been a cage match between two mistresses. :o

A senior U.S. military official says the author who had an affair with David Petraeus sent harassing e-mails to a woman who was the State Department's liaison to the military's Joint Special Operations Command.

The official told the Associated Press that 37-year-old Jill Kelley in Tampa received the e-mails from Petraeus biographer Paula Broadwell that triggered an FBI investigation.

The official, who was not authorized to discuss the case publicly, spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

Another person who knows Kelley and Petraeus confirmed their friendship and said she saw him often.


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Now it seems this may have been a cage match between two mistresses. :o

A senior U.S. military official says the author who had an affair with David Petraeus sent harassing e-mails to a woman who was the State Department's liaison to the military's Joint Special Operations Command.

The official told the Associated Press that 37-year-old Jill Kelley in Tampa received the e-mails from Petraeus biographer Paula Broadwell that triggered an FBI investigation.

The official, who was not authorized to discuss the case publicly, spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

Another person who knows Kelley and Petraeus confirmed their friendship and said she saw him often.


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Paula Broadwell was the co-author with Vernon Loeb of All In: The Education of General David Petraeus - Patraeus' biography and she lives in Charlotte NC with a husband and 2 boys




Her husband (perhaps not for long??):


She was reportedly under investigation by the FBI for illegally trying to access the General's e-mail. That may well be how the affair came to light.

Oh for the good old days when J. Edgar just kept this sort of stuff in his secret files.

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The masses continue to treat this as a smutty soap-opera...meanwhile;

Petraeus Personally Investigated Benghazi Attack

In late October, Petraeus traveled to Libya to conduct his own review of the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

While in Tripoli, he personally questioned the CIA station chief and other CIA personnel who were in Benghazi on Sept. 11 when the attack occurred.

The Libya stop was part of a six nation trip to the region. Petraeus intended the review as a way to prepare for his upcoming testimony before Congress on Benghazi.

"He was looking forward to testifying," a Petraeus friend told ABC News. "He wanted to be fully prepared."

The trip was so recent that the CIA has told the Congressional Intelligence committees that the trip report has not yet been completed.

Petraeus' personal involvement in this investigation is one reason some in Congress are likely to insist he testify on Benghazi.

But now Petraeus is telling friends he does not think he should testify.

Petraeus has offered two reasons for wanting to avoid testifying: Acting CIA Director Morell is in possession of all the information Petraeus gathered in conducting his review and he has more current information gathered since Petraeus' departure; and it would be a media circus.


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