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Why is this team not playing for each other?


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I think after last night's game, most people have realized (even those who were clearly given a higher degree of optimism than most) that this team just ain't up for playing. They can blame injuries all they want, but we the fans, more over we being Vancouver CANUCKS fans, have never enjoyed this piss poor boring style of play, where team members just don't play for each other.

What exactly gives? Why is it that a simple guy like Adam Burish, Brad Marchand, Dave Bolland can essentially take our top line out of the game by simply agitating them? But moreover, why is no one there STILL to show something back when that happens?

I have to say, I miss our Canucks, the ones that every team in the league hated, not only because we were the best in most stat categories, but because we would annoy the living shi!t out of teams. What happened to Max Lapierre and Alex Burrows of old? I know we asked them to stop bickering after plays but maybe this team needs exactly that to get INTO the games themselves and start to play for each other because this product is unsellable. The only player I saw even make a good rush last night was Alex Burrows, no one else.

It even goes as far as looking like the Coaches have demoralized our team, no defensemen are even standing up for themselves and hitting hard.

So the question is, what do the Canucks have to do to become successful again? Should they not just start being the most hated team again and get back on their proper track record?

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It's not just not playing for each other I have an issue with. Somewhere along the way this team has become a mentally fragile mess.

How many times have we seen parts of periods or games like we saw last night, where they lose control of the game for a few minutes and then things snowball from there. They collectively fold and appear unable do anything about it. It happened in Edmonton the other night. It happened in the finals against the Bruins.

That empty look on Hanks face while sitting on the bench when the team around him is folding like a cheap tent just sends me.

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It's not just not playing for each other I have an issue with. Somewhere along the way this team has become a mentally fragile mess.

How many times have we seen parts of periods or games like we saw last night, where they lose control of the game for a few minutes and then things snowball from there. They collectively fold and appear unable do anything about it. It happened in Edmonton the other night. It happened in the finals against the Bruins.

That empty look on Hanks face while sitting on the bench when the team around him is folding like a cheap tent just sends me.

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I like the Sedins but seriously doubting if the guy is Captain Material, its almost like watching Vigneault chew his gum.

assistant ? sure but not an Alpha dog leader. guys on the team wont even fight for him.

Id trade the twins this summer before

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yep, no need to wonder anymore. We built the team around the Sedins for the last 5-6 years already in case if you were out of lunch saving lives in Afraica and rescuing dogs in Asia during those years..

We forgive you for not knowing.

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