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Mafia: The Game [Cosi Grossi Testicoli] Game Over - Please Sign Up!


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mau5trap (Unknown)

Episode 3

War My Dear

Town Hall

The Mayor walked out on to the balcony that led out from his office on the top floor of the town hall. He brought his calabash pipe to his lips and gripped the end of the pipe with his teeth, then proceeded to strike a match against the side of the match box. The smell of sulphur tickled his nostrils as he lit the tobacco in the bowl. He took extra care not to singe his bushy moustache. Taking in a big draw from the stem of the pipe, the smell of sulphur was replaced by with a sweet aroma from the now burning cavendish. That smell always reminded him of his time in the trenches during the Great War. It was the only small luxury that was afforded to him during that time.

He had always thought that he had seen enough death for ten lifetimes, but as he looked down on the courtyard the sound of hammering reminded him that he would be seeing more of it tonight. The frame for the gallows was now almost complete, and the velour hanging ropes were just being installed. The Mayor prayed that those being lynched tonight were guilty and that innocent blood would not be on his hands.

He walked back inside to his office, and walked past his large oak desk to a wall where he kept his massive book collection. He pulled off the shelf, a little book The Art of War and began scanning the pages and muttering to himself while still smoking his pipe.

His reading was interrupted by a knock on his door and the voice of his secretary saying, "Mr. Mayor, the Justice of the peace is here to see you."

Mayor: “Thank you Marjorie, please show him in. And a couple of coffees too.”

Marjorie: “Of Course Mr. Mayor.”

The Mayor walked back to his desk and took a seat in his plush leather chair as the Justice of the Peace was shown into the room.

Mayor: “Hello Thomas, are the orders all prepared?”

JOP: “They are, your honour, all that is required now is your signature and these death warrants will be legal.”

Mayor: “And you’re confident that they are all guilty?”

JOP: “Well Mr. Mayor, nothing is guaranteed in this life but the evidence is pretty convincing that they are all associated with the Mafia.”

Mayor: “Alright then, bring them here.”

The Mayor proceeded to sign a bunch of documents the Justice of the Peace placed in front of him.

JOP: “There is something else Mayor.”

The Justice of the Peace paused while the Mayor’s secretary entered the room with a silver tray holding coffee and two cups.

Mayor: “Well what is it?”

Looking over at the secretary who was now pouring each man a cup of coffee, the Justice of the Peace replied.

JOP: “It may be nothing your honour.”

Mayor: “Poppycock man! Come on, out with it!”

JOP: “Well sir, Deputy Donald stopped by my office earlier this morning for a warrant that the Sheriff needed for an investigation…”

The Secretary finished pouring the coffee and began walking towards the door.

Mayor: “..and?”

JOP: “Well it was for a potential bootleg operation down at the abandoned Thompson farm just outside of town. He left to head down there earlier this morning.”

The secretary stopped before exiting the room.

Marjorie: “I’m so sorry your honours, I almost forgot would either of you like cream or sugar for your coffees?”

JOP: “Black is fine”

Mayor: “You know I drink mine black Marjorie. Now Thomas, what’s so unusual about the deputy getting a warrant for the sheriff?”

The secretary closed the door behind her as she quickly left the room.

JOP: “Well nothing in of itself, but after I signed off on the search warrant, I had a case come before me. A simple misdemeanor, some balled up juvenile running some errands for the mob. He broke down pretty hard when I explained what we did to Mafiosa in this town. I told him he could help himself out but telling us where the Mafia hideout was. He swore he didn’t know, but he did say that he heard talk of about twenty torpedo’s the mob has working as footsoldiers at their gin mill.”

Mayor: “Twenty hired guns? How many men did the Sheriff bring with him?”

JOP: “Just himself and two deputies.”

Mayor: “Horsefeathers man, those boys could be walking into a bloodbath!”

The Mayor reached into the top drawer of his desk and pulled out his old service revolver.

JOP: “What are you doing sir?”

Mayor: “Taking action man! I’m going to round up a posse of men and were going down there to back up the sheriff. You need to be here for the hangings tonight, so have Deputy Donald spring that juvenile mob lackey and we’ll see if we can’t get some more information on the way to the old farm. Then have the Doc get his ass over here, I have a feeling his services will be needed soon.”

JOP: “Right away Sir!”

The Justice of the Peace and Mayor walked out of the office. As soon as the door opened the Mayor’s secretary hung up the phone.

Mayor: “Marjorie you’re coming with me.”

The secretary’s face turned white as she stood up and followed the Mayor.

Marjorie: “Where are we going sir?”

The Mayor kept walking hastily towards the exit with a skip in his step.

Mayor: “To war my dear.”

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NAF is a TP... PPCLI, JE is playing you. I can promise you that I am a TP. You HAVE to vote for JE. Don't blow it for us. JE is mafia and when he was acting as a sheriff he had to "investigate" NAF. Because NAF wasn't a mafia with him he said he came clean. Unless NAF is the Kingpin, JE is mafia... I beg you not to throw this game away to the mafia

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