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Are the Playoffs Rigged? (Put on Your Tinfoil Hat, We're Going In...)


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Not "rigged". Some teams get extra help and immunity, that's all.


errr that's call rigged. Using refs to manipulate the flow and result of the game is the same as rigging. The only difference is that one doesn't have a script.

I mean they don't even try to hide that anymore judging from last season's playoff...

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errr that's call rigged. Using refs to manipulate the flow and result of the game is the same as rigging. The only difference is that one doesn't have a script.

I mean they don't even try to hide that anymore judging from last season's playoff...

All the 1st round series kinda sucked last year so I don't blame reffing for our loss. Sens vs Habs was pretty bad.

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Were we screwed in 2011? Yes. But did we also benefit? Also yes.

The playoffs have been rigged for quite some time. The league says so itself: 'History will be made.' And in recent years we've seen far to many epic collapses after being up 3-0 in a series, or even in a game 7 for it to be normal.

Meanwhile, American O4 teams view themselves as the league's true deserving power. If you are to face them and you're not an American O4 team yourself, odds are you'll have no chance in the finals.

As for the way we were bounced out by American O4 teams, the way Boston and Chicago trounced this team is indicative of PED abuse. If you look at how they played the other series against other teams, they weren't nearly as pumped up.

Canada has been subsidizing league growth down south for decades, yet we see no cups. Instead we see SoCal teams getting preferential treatment while they try to grow the game in Cali. (Let there be no mistake, once they start losing again, their alluvasudden fans and twitter account will vanish.)

Back to 2011. Look at all the 'heroics' Boston performed over and over again. Too many series went to game 7. That's controlled. Too many times were they just made to look like heroes, when in fact they're just a goon squad.

That being said, yes, we also beneffited in 2011. The SJ series was a joke. They laid down. And the Chicago series was artificially made more exciting through game-to-game management of penalties, but in the end they also laid down. And Nashville? Please.

In the end Boston's true colors popped up, the goon squad popped enough PED's to rage all over our squad and 'hockey' became a bloody gong show. We laid down while another American O4 team prospered.

Bettman's NHL is as fake as NBA basketball, and that's the way he wants it. Increase the level of parity in the league and you can control the outcomes of games, series and potentially even seasons of teams that are deemed blessed to make it all the way.

Examples of rigging:

- LA's sudden rise from barely 8th-place overpaid lazyasses to total dominance after a coaching swap? Give me a freakin' break.

- Chicago's 2010 roid-raging powerhouse. Including getting a 300lb fatass defenseman to alluvasudden skate like the wind for a long playoff run? Please. Don't see too many youngish players on other teams playing with this kind of gumption. Unless they're also 'destiny' teams.

- The Devils make it to the finals vs LA? Was that just a reward for taking on Kovy's bs contract? Yes. That team stunk.

- Ducks acquire Nieder and Pronger via shady means and rise to league power status out of the blue, making Burke king of the GM's. Was that artificial? Damn right it was. Just look at his time outside of Anaheim... Burke is a big fat idiot!

- Carolina wins cup? Hahahaha. Thanks, 'modified to suit us' NHL rulebook!

- Tampa wins cup. Calgary is still screaming murder about that missing goal that Gelinas scored. Tampa (not that great that season) was a team of pre-destiny. These wins in Florida in Carolina haven't helped matters much though, as both teams are still useless at getting fans to pay money.

All of these things happened for a reason. The NHL wants to boost game popularity down south. And to that end, it's kinda worked.

So get used to Canadian teams being screwed for another decade or two, while poor markets down there get a foothold and/or American O4 'league control' teams get their fill. And then keep in mind both TO and Mtl want their cups too. The Canucks may be waiting awhile folks.

Strange thing was he was part of the NBA and third in command before he came to the NHL according to this video.

Well if you watched game 7 you would notice on every two on one that every player took the puck straight to Thomas instead of passing it and getting a goal like the Torres goal in game 1 and the Lapierre goal in Boston. Heck even the sedins weren't passing on the two on one's. If you know something is working why not do it again :lol: .


0:26 sec's if Henrik passes empty net goal for Burrows. Takes it to the net no pass(yes this is Henrik I am talking about)

2:40 Burrows to bieksa empty net goal for Bieksa. Takes shot even though there is nothing to shoot it

4:36 Daniel to Hansen empty net goal for Hansen. Yes once again I am talking about another sedin who failed to make a pass for a guy in perfect position something they never pass up on.

Sounds like the Sedin's weren't themselves that game neither was burrows in the most important game of their lives.

:bigblush: gimme a break.

There's preferential treatment for some teams, it sure looks like it to me. Teams whose success would be beneficial to the league sure seem to end up having an inordinate amount of success. Teams whose success does not matter one way or another to the league always seem to be fighting against the current. There's something of a favourite sons/abused stepchildren dichotomy to the way the NHL treats its franchises, and it comes down to where there are profits to be realized. Remember Bettman comes from the NBA background, and the NBA was notorious for boosting the favoured sons, remember when Sacramento almost upset the Lakers until the league intervened? That's the environment Bettman comes from. It's not that the outcomes are predetermined, but when you see certain matchups you know ahead of time that one team is gonna have to go above and beyond in order to overcome those in-built biases. It's not so much "the fix is in" sort of business, it's more swimming with the current or against it, that's the metaphor I'd use.

New York vs LA would have been far more profitable in 2012, IMO.

actually New Jersey, New York Rangers and New York Islanders are in the same media market so it makes no difference


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There are no Canadian cup contenders at this point in the season and it will be a LONG time before Canada wins a cup again. This only helps the Nhl as Canadian arenas are filled regardless while southern teams improve their standing in their non-hockey markets.

Gotta admit Bettman knows what he's doing. whether or not it's fair, or ethical, it's growing the game in the US.

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Until Colin Campbell and his cronies are gone, there can be no faith in the league rules, referees, or the process of "going upstairs" to the war room.

Campbell was outright caught sending emails to the head ref to lay off his son, calling Savard a diver, etc. Forget about the lack of class and basic intelligence. This just stinks.

Oh...his son was on the Boston team that won. He stepped aside...I think in the playoffs... and handed over his duties to his best friend, and then brought in Shanahan to be the new voice.

The Canucks then proceeded to get fed a boatload of baloney. The Rome suspension. Marchand being allowed to punch Daniel in the face 10 times and Danny gets the penalty?

Everytime there's a call on a goal that could go against us it does. Danny's kick in...

And how could we forget the Burrows/Auger(sp?) incident? The ref was so arrogant and sure of himself he told Burrows he was going to get him and he did. Burrows couldn't believe it, said something to the press, and the Canucks have been paying ever since.

Reinforced by the crap games called against us in the last month.

And...the refereeing has gone downhill since the cup final.

The rules and the way they are enforced are so subjective that there is plausible deniability by the NHL in every situation.

True fans know what we're watching: poor refereeing, games being managed/mismanaged.

It saps a fans energy. It really does.

For the first time ever, I find myself disinterested in the NHL...a sure sign that something stinks at the very core of this game.

Frustrated fan? You better believe it!

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Until Colin Campbell and his cronies are gone, there can be no faith in the league rules, referees, or the process of "going upstairs" to the war room.

Campbell was outright caught sending emails to the head ref to lay off his son, calling Savard a diver, etc. Forget about the lack of class and basic intelligence. This just stinks.

Oh...his son was on the Boston team that won. He stepped aside...I think in the playoffs... and handed over his duties to his best friend, and then brought in Shanahan to be the new voice.

The Canucks then proceeded to get fed a boatload of baloney. The Rome suspension. Marchand being allowed to punch Daniel in the face 10 times and Danny gets the penalty?

Everytime there's a call on a goal that could go against us it does. Danny's kick in...

And how could we forget the Burrows/Auger(sp?) incident? The ref was so arrogant and sure of himself he told Burrows he was going to get him and he did. Burrows couldn't believe it, said something to the press, and the Canucks have been paying ever since.

Reinforced by the crap games called against us in the last month.

And...the refereeing has gone downhill since the cup final.

The rules and the way they are enforced are so subjective that there is plausible deniability by the NHL in every situation.

True fans know what we're watching: poor refereeing, games being managed/mismanaged.

It saps a fans energy. It really does.

For the first time ever, I find myself disinterested in the NHL...a sure sign that something stinks at the very core of this game.

Frustrated fan? You better believe it!

Couldn't of said it any better myself, and have also been saying this for the past five years.

What the NHL needs is MORE PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS TO EVERY LEVEL OF THE LEAGUE. Officials, League Head office et al. If enough fans and -I think most importantly- media complain about the declining integrity of this game, the talking heads that run this league will be FORCED to do something.

When would you EVER see a NFL official making blatantly obvious biased called against one team, then be seen to be calling that team's coach a f#$@n a@$%#hole to another official:


Yep...NHL officials = class, integrity, and professionalism :picard:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting tidbit for this season:

Player-for-player transactions involving Canadian teams: 18

Player-for-player transactions involving just all the other teams: 8

While the majority trades involving Canadian teams have been minor, they have been plentiful compared to what our American counterparts find themselves having to do. This to me indicates that Canadian teams don't have the prospect pools and development needed to avoid making trades. We've seen it today with the, yes, minor Weise for Diaz trade, which is one primarily made due to our lack of prospect depth, and depth in general.

And why don't Canadian teams have decent callups and prospects like our American counterparts? Because the league is growing the game in the US. Not only is it cheaper to have good prospects as opposed to vets in these depth roles, which helps budding markets down south cap-wise, but it is very important for the NHL to have most of the marketable young talent down there regardless in order to attract more fans.

Don't be surprised when Canada, in particular the Canucks, who are now on the decline due to an everlasting lack of prospect development and holding onto vets for far too long, funnels more and more talent down south soon.

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Interesting tidbit for this season:

Player-for-player transactions involving Canadian teams: 18

Player-for-player transactions involving just all the other teams: 8

While the majority trades involving Canadian teams have been minor, they have been plentiful compared to what our American counterparts find themselves having to do. This to me indicates that Canadian teams don't have the prospect pools and development needed to avoid making trades. We've seen it today with the, yes, minor Weise for Diaz trade, which is one primarily made due to our lack of prospect depth, and depth in general.

And why don't Canadian teams have decent callups and prospects like our American counterparts? Because the league is growing the game in the US. Not only is it cheaper to have good prospects as opposed to vets in these depth roles, which helps budding markets down south cap-wise, but it is very important for the NHL to have most of the marketable young talent down there regardless in order to attract more fans.

Don't be surprised when Canada, in particular the Canucks, who are now on the decline due to an everlasting lack of prospect development and holding onto vets for far too long, funnels more and more talent down south soon.

This thread has been mildly entertaining in its galloping paranoia but you are now grasping at straws. If I interpret your gibberish correctly you are alleging that the reason that the Canucks don't have a decent prospect pool is that the "NHL is growing the game in the US"? Exactly how is the evil NHL accomplishing this? Are they hypnotizing the Canadian team GM's? Are they poking pins into voodoo dolls? What's next? Maybe next you'll uncover a devious plot where the NHL provided Luc Bourdon with a dangerous motorcycle... against his wishes, of course. Geez Louise!

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This thread has been mildly entertaining in its galloping paranoia but you are now grasping at straws. If I interpret your gibberish correctly you are alleging that the reason that the Canucks don't have a decent prospect pool is that the "NHL is growing the game in the US"? Exactly how is the evil NHL accomplishing this? Are they hypnotizing the Canadian team GM's? Are they poking pins into voodoo dolls? What's next? Maybe next you'll uncover a devious plot where the NHL provided Luc Bourdon with a dangerous motorcycle... against his wishes, of course. Geez Louise!

Draft rigging, for starters.

Ineffective player development for Canadian teams in the Bettman era, secondly. Esp. post-cap relative to a lot of teams south of the border.

Add in some stupid trades to take on expensive contracts on flawed declining players from teams down there and you have a Canadian subsidy for growing the game economically in the US. And it's succeeded.

Shame on you for randomly bringing up Luc Bourdon though. Show some respect.

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You said you would but doesn't matter anymore the two weeks you tried to just leave it have past.

I said thank you and that I would take a look. I took a look a few days later. If it showed anything different from what i already said I would have commented. As much as I do appreciate you finding it for me I didn't find it as extensive as what I had found myself. If they would have shown anything important I would have commented; and dividing the two ratings from different networks isn't how ratings work. As it stands the New Jersey Devils don't draw New York Numbers. There would be zero reason for the league to want them in the big dance.

I'd rather talk about how fast Weise is with ya tom. This thread got as boring as boring could be no matter how many times the "two of you" bring it back. Nothing anybody else says ends up mattering so what's the point?

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Weise the speedster? Yeah I heard Valk say that too. He must've watched the skills competitions as well.

But with relation to this thread, maybe the league put in the order for us to trade him because he's just so big and fast and the Canucks need to be kept down. lol

All i said btw to spark off the braintrust is that Weise needed to work on his speed and consistency. What player his age and current development level doesn't? I think it's just a matter of the braintrust getting mighty testy because of all the current losing. So much so that 'proving TOML wrong' has become a paramount importance.

Oh, but now that Weise is gone, who's going to win our skills speed competitions? Sestito? lol

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Weise the speedster? Yeah I heard Valk say that too. He must've watched the skills competitions as well.

But with relation to this thread, maybe the league put in the order for us to trade him because he's just so big and fast and the Canucks need to be kept down. lol

All i said btw to spark off the braintrust is that Weise needed to work on his speed and consistency. What player his age and current development level doesn't? I think it's just a matter of the braintrust getting mighty testy because of all the current losing. So much so that 'proving TOML wrong' has become a paramount importance.

Oh, but now that Weise is gone, who's going to win our skills speed competitions? Sestito? lol

awww muffin.

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