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Mafia: La Nostra Famiglia


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You were so sure he was Mafia and then suddenly it was just an experiment. You could've just went with it for the remainder of the round and let us lynch him, or come up with another reason altogether on why you wanted him dead. I probably would've kept my vote on him if you said you were sure he was anti-town.

Honestly I'm just a regular townperson who thought this was going to be a vanilla-ish game up to this point. Now it's turned into Zodiac all over again, only this time I'm on the other side of it all.

my vote was always on him and I always thought he was mafia, it was my duty as a tp to tell the other tp that I had no solid proof. If you're blaming me for that then lol
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I'm trying my best to get you lynched. No one seems to care to listen so tactics must be used. You're obviously not happy I didn't take the god kill cuz you would've probably won the game.

Keep acting like the victim Vic when you and your mafia bros are tearing the town apart.

OTTS clearly TP People :towel:

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my vote was always on him and I always thought he was mafia, it was my duty as a tp to tell the other tp that I had no solid proof. If you're blaming me for that then lol

Not trying to blame you for anything, I just don't understand what's going on right now. :lol:

1st person to PM me an explanation earns my trust.

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If we lynch VIC and whoever is ???? Kills caboose we might have a chance in this game IMO.

This head blowing character we call otis clearly not working on anyone other than Aladeen, so I think it's time to take a step back here.

Pls lynch Vic guizz

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Ok Man, I trust you fully now, sorry to say I didn't 100% in the first round. Here is the deal, I am the sheriff, I have had two investigations. One that showed up Mafia in the First round and one that showed up TP

This means that I cannot be the paranoid or naive sheriff, that I must be either regular sheriff or Psycho sheriff.

If I am the regular sheriff that means that KH is Mafia and that Dral is confirmed TP.

If I am the Psycho sheriff it means that KH is TP and Dral is mafia.

I need you to be my spokesperson. Obviously I need you not to tell people who I am but relay this message to everyone that we need to vote out KH tonight and Dral tomorrow if KH is TP.

vote aladeen

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Seriously we are in deep guys, at least OTTS has been consistent this whole time. If we lynch VIC and he turns up Mafia we have a chance, if OTTS is lying here and is actually mafia we are pretty screwed anyways.

I see OTTS as our only chance really.

Caboose I have no idea really but if there is a vig they should target him.

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why did it take so long to post that?

I was only invited into the conversation like 20 minutes ago. It's a 5 page PM and I read the whole thing before copying/pasting, just so I had a good idea of what was going on.

FWIW I think Gumball is TP: he was just unlucky enough to have Aladeen take advantage of his newness.

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I was only invited into the conversation like 20 minutes ago. It's a 5 page PM and I read the whole thing before copying/pasting, just so I had a good idea of what was going on.

FWIW I think Gumball is TP: he was just unlucky enough to have Aladeen take advantage of his newness.

Everyone who is taken advantage of by Aladeen is LUCKY!!!!

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