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Apple Juice

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Everything posted by Apple Juice

  1. True. Although we've got many flops such as our very own Casey Printers for example who never succeeded in Kansas and when he came back, he was never the same. I've always wondered if Dave Dickenson had ever thought about trying to go for the NFL again and if he did, would he have succeeded. I remember he was a great pocket passer with precise passing and was so calm and cool on the field. I do know his first stint wasn't that great but over the years, he must've thought about trying for the NFL again..
  2. I didn't say it wasn't a clean hit. I'm just saying Thomas got his lick in and it was all legal. Just that Thomas had a shot at putting a good hit on Gronk and he did while all legal
  3. Dunno how skewed that statline of "vs blitz" is.. I mean honestly how long have they been tracking this stat to determine that? Only trolls mention the asterisk whenever it comes to the Patriots accomplishments in the past decade. Well I mean, he put that lick in on Gronkowski on an incomplete pass which I'm calling it the reason why Gronk is out for the rest of the season so I guess karma got to him?
  4. I love how FOX somehow picked out a fan at Gillette Stadium and the commentators are just ogle and in love that a fan looks nearly exactly like Matt Patricia.. Got the hat on backwards, full on beard, red hoodie, everything.. Was hilarious to see
  5. I can't remember who put that lick in on Gronk against Seattle (I think it was Earl Thomas, or could be Chancellor) but that person must be feeling pretty good about himself right now for pretty much being the reason why Gronk is done for the season
  6. Nvm.. I was reading the page wrong.. Seabass' contract expires this year
  7. I think they should change it up... Instead of a commercial break after every switch of possession and/or kickoff/punt, they should just continue. So for example, each team will possess the ball on offence once each time and then go to commercial and keep doing this until the 2 min warning for each half and then of course halftime. If not, then instead of sticking in a 2 min slot for commercial after a punt or even a kickoff, let the team that receives the ball go on offence right away and THEN go to commercial when their possession is over. So for example from kickoff.. Kickoff team 1 offence team 1 ends up punting team 2 receives team 2 goes on offence and ends up punting team 1 receives... cut to commercial and so forth If Team 1 scores a touchdown then maybe after the PAT go to commercial and then come back for the kickoff So for example... Kickoff Team 1 offence Team 1 TD Team 1 PAT = good Commercial Kickoff Team 2 offence Team 2 punt Team 1 receive Team 1 offence Team 1 punt commercial If that makes sense... It'll cut down on commercial time and will help provide more live action although the games would be cut short by around 30 minutes or so more or less
  8. Probably put all of their game prep into beating the Pats and came out flat today against the Bucs. I didn't watch the game but judging by the score, sure looked like it. Seahawks seem to have a problem this year with offence. Not the first time this season they couldn't score a TD.
  9. Gostkowski misses yet another FG. 39 yards out. I'm sure nearly everyone in Pats nation has lost faith in Gostkowski now considering his dreadful performance so far this season.
  10. I caught one but haven't seen another since. Caught mine off a 140 cp Pidgey
  11. If the Pats did it, everyone will call it cheating and we won't hear the end of it. NFL would change the rule as soon as they can just because of this.
  12. I kinda miss the old Jets-Patriots rivalry during the Rex Ryan era... That was some good football.. Bills Rex Ryan doesn't have the same intensity compared to Jets Rex Ryan
  13. I'm kinda pissed that I spent a lot of my stardust on powering up my Victreebels and Wigglytuffs only to find out the CPs got deducted by a bunch. I can at least recoup the stardust through the 2x event but still.. Grinding and powering them up took a long time.. People are now reporting Ditto is catchable too
  14. Seriously what the hell is wrong with Gostkowski this year...
  15. Gotta say, the Saints and Panthers colour rush uniforms look spectacular
  16. Finally completed my NA Dex plus a Farfetch'd... Gonna take a break although I might just play for like 5 mins per day to get the daily bonus. I need them stardust
  17. Just wondering if you had watched preseason at all but any thoughts on Rashaun Simonise? He's from Vancouver as well and from my high school and I know he didn't make the roster but just wondering your thoughts. I didn't get to watch him much. I realize he's probably a longshot to make the NFL for the next couple of seasons.
  18. I just said in the post that it was a bad call.. In real time and the way Edelman's helmet was positioned against Sherman's arm, it looked like a facemask but it clearly wasn't after replay showed.
  19. I know the loss of Jamie Collins was huge but even with him, I doubt the coverage on the field wouldn't have changed... Had no idea what the hell the D was doing. No idea why Logan Ryan wasn't benched. He had a terrible first half and the second half didn't improve either. Just kept letting guys go in open coverage. Ryan was one of the biggest reasons why Seattle was able to continue sustaining drives and making long passes (including two TDs)
  20. We did. 3 times. Just couldn't break the plane. Unfortunate Brady fumbled the ball on a sneak when he's 99% automatic. A lot of noncalls and bad calls last night. Especially the 15 yard facemask to Sherman when he clearly grabbed Edelman's shoulderpads. Oh well. With the way Edelman's head was turning against Sherman's arm, it definitely looked like a facemask in real time
  21. Love how Sherman lights up the WR and the ref is only a few feet away looking at the play. No flag. lol
  22. Should've been a 15 and Carpenter stays on the field for the kick. Then that delay of game shouldn't have happened either.
  23. Now that FPM is back, I was able to catch my first Dragonite today. My first one at 1558 CP ran after one berry and ultra ball.. But the second one I caught was 428 CP. Terrible IV but whatever. I'm all for filling up the Pokedex now. I'm close to getting it filled and of course, the last ones I need just had to be the hardest ones to get.
  24. Would you rather keep a guy who is about to head to free agency, who roams around on the field at times, and became a non starter on the D this season and thinks he's got all the talent in the world to demand big money, or a guy you just drafted in Elandon Roberts with the same type of skillset who you know will do anything to not only stay on the 53 man roster but to also try and earn a starting position on the D? On top of getting an earlier draft pick. I'd go with the latter. I'm still shocked a little but to send a guy to the winless Cleveland Browns, there must have been something extra behind the scenes that we don't know to send him to the Browns. (disregarding all the other offers if other teams had came calling)
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