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Apple Juice

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Everything posted by Apple Juice

  1. Charmander all around Stanley Park.
  2. Nice to know that they've increased the price for the Canucks Calendar from Pharmasave. Went from $6.99 last year to $8.99 not that it's a big difference but still.

    1. Heretic


      I noticed that as well, got it on Saturday. :(


    2. Apple Juice

      Apple Juice

      Yea I guess they can use the extra $2 they earn for proceeds to charity. At least I hope that's where it will go.

  3. Sam Bradford is impressing a lot of doubters week after week.
  4. Add that plus people are back in school and work as well. Majority of players were definitely teenagers and people in the early 20s in university.
  5. Probably cuz there's nothing new that's coming to look forward to. I certainly am not looking forward to seeing Gen 2 Pokemon coming into the game. Much prefer them to integrate trainer vs trainer battling first or trading or even the legendary Pokemon (Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Mewtwo, Mew, Ditto) BEFORE looking to bring in Gen 2 Pokemon as most of us associate with the original 151 anyways.
  6. Kinda wish the rain didn't come down as hard as it did.. Otherwise I would've been at Stanley Park longer than 2 hours collecting Charmander.
  7. Not salty when it happened on back to back plays. Love how you call every Pats fan a bandwagoner right off the bat.
  8. Bills played a near perfect first half. Couldn't get anything going offensively and that killed us. One thing is certain though that Bennett is dangerous down field and can make plays.
  9. So I guess penalties for tackling out of bounds are non-existent when it comes to the Bills
  10. McDaniels play calling has been weak. Other than the one big play to Bennett, everything else has been way too conservative and brutal.
  11. Run game obviously isn't working so can McDaniels stop calling them? And way to go officials for not hustling and getting set, basically taking away an easy 3rd and 1 gain for a first down and stopping momentum.
  12. That's what I figured. I remember something about that being announced earlier in the year. I guess I forgot which teams were playing.
  13. Are the Jags and Colts playing in Europe or something? Why the game so early?
  14. Well I mean there really isn't anything the Eagles could have done. Their colours are pretty dark already with it being white, dark green, and black as the only options and they already have a dark green uniform.
  15. I rather them wear their teal/baby blue. Wait till the Seahawks wear their neon green...
  16. I remember how when they signed Mike Wallace that they were finally going to be able to light us up and challenge for the AFC East. What happened that year? They went 8-8
  17. I read that report as well. Only notables are Lewis, Sheard and Mingo atm. (I'm forgetting one more)
  18. OH boy. Coughlin in the AFC East facing the Pats two times a year would be lethal
  19. It's sad when the "supporting acts" are the ones that I'm more interested in than the main headliners. Worst Contact lineup ever. And people had the balls to tell me why I'm so negative about the lineup..
  20. Yup. Kinda sucks it happened.. I was planning on heading down to Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver pretty soon cuz it was an Onix nest and now it's gone.. Also had a Kabuto nest near my house too and that too is gone. On the bright side, the Charmander nest in Vancouver is now at Stanley Park and the spawn rate is 5 times greater than where it used to be at Jericho Beach.
  21. Was at the game this past Saturday and the boys played well through much adversity from the official. Laba did not deserve a yellow. The guy ran into him. And that red for Waston was terrible. Foul was outside the box and even if it was a foul, that definitely did not deserve a red. If anything, a yellow. But the free kick scored by the Rapids was a thing of beauty.
  22. The one game the Steelers decide to crap the bed.
  23. lol Dolphins just killed themselves. Browns should have this FG
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