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Watermelon last won the day on July 27 2014

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About Watermelon

  • Birthday 07/02/1999

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  1. Electronics question: If one gets an exelctronic wet while the battery is out and there is no electricity going through it it, would the electronic still operate? Given that I keep any electricity away from it until it is 100% dry

    1. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      Depends on the specific device and what kind of water it was. Best to overly dry the device to be sure that no water is present. Leave it in a dry area (rice?) for atleast 5-7 days.


      If the device had "zero" power going through it at the time then there won't be any immediate damage. The damage is done because water conducts the electrical flow to places it shouldn't. Most devices nowadays have small batteries in order to keep the devices memory intact while powered off. Unless it has a solid state memory.


      And depending on the cleanliness of the liquid there might be mineral/residue left inside the device that can harm it. Not normally an issue, however.


      And in the unlikely scenario, if it was distilled water, then you shouldn't have any issue what so ever. As Pure H2O lacks the necessary ions to conduct electrical energy (heats up instead). It still can though! But would be considered more of a insulator than conductor.

    2. Watermelon


      So I was trying my best to operate on an old ps4 controller and see if I could get it to work and spilled rubbing alcohol all over it and into the analogs. Then I ran some tap water over it to wash it out(not smart looking back at is aha). Chance of it working after this?

    3. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      Oddly, alcohol will clean electronics, I'd even recommend to delicatly and extremely lightly brush a water damaged device with 95% isopropyl alcohol, after it dries, then dry again.


      You said you took the battery out, and I don't know... but I assume a video game controller doesn't store memory? So that's good news.


      Keep the battery away from the controller and dry both parts for 5-7 days. Maybe blow on the controller once it is dry, to remove water vapour and residue/minerals. 


      Hopefully you didn't try to charge the controller or use it after it got wet or the damage is probably already done. Otherwise it should good to go. 

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