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Everything posted by wloutet

  1. Eh, can't blame the public if they don't want to chose between who's the least corrupt. If that is the case, no candidate is worth your vote, then you still vote, but purposely spoil your ballot.
  2. I was talking to a person her knows her professionally, and she is how she comes across on TV. What a fine role model!
  3. Apparently a doctor who wanted better vetting on a medical solution that Trump was touting, has been demoted, or let go.
  4. A new anthem for this November:
  5. Watching Justin Trudeau this morning (April 21), it really hit me how different his newscasts are to Donald T-rump. No once did I hear him say anything about his party or the other parties. If you were an outsider, you would not even know which party he represented. The questioning was good, and he answered with well thought out responses. There was no blaming, no false numbers, just information that we should know told in a very soothing voice.
  6. Yes, that was Trump's strategy. He knew that the Governor's were in charge of their states, not him. But he had been saying "I'll make the call, it's up to me!" (or words to that effect). I think that somebody pointed out to him that if he let the Governor's decide, then he couldn't be blamed. The next day he relented. Now, if it backfire's it is their fault. Q.E.D.
  7. A couple of questions for you guys and girls. I thought I saw that one of the problems in the US of getting out the payments to people was that some of the computers were still using COBOL and were from the 60's and 70's. Can this be correct? Secondly, with the USA being so good in Nobel Prizes, technology companies, some excellent Universities, and so on, why can it not get an easy way for EVERY eligible voter to get a vote?
  8. Whenever we have Olympic games (summer or winter) I always hope for ABUSA to win. It stands for Anybody But United States of America! I usually meet (for the last 20 years) with the same people at Yellow Point Lodge (Near Ladysmith) starting the the last weekend in June. This year we have been having ZOOM meetings as we don't know if the lodge will be open at the end of June. The same people come back each year, and many are from the states. On meeting them, they almost always say, "I didn't vote for Trump", and they seem very embarrassed that he is their president.
  9. A little bit about hours of work. take, for instance, a sports radio talk show host. He/she might be on the air for 3 hours each afternoon. But how many hours is he researching and preparing for that 3 hours. Trevor Noah has a one hour show in the evening. Is that all he does to prepare for that? A pro golfer might take four or five hours to complete a round. He does that 4 or 5 times a week. Is that all he does to prepare for that? A lawyer might be in the courtroom for two hours. Is that his day's work? Now why am I talking about this? A teacher is in a classroom about 5 to 6 hours a day, for about 180 days in the year. Regular Joe would say he works for 7.5 hours a day for 20 days a month for 11 and a half months. This works out to about 1725 hours a year. As a teacher, when regular school was in, I would put in about 50 hours a week for 4 weeks a month and about 9 months a year (subtracting Easter and Christmas breaks, etc). This works out to 1800 hours a year. With this Corona Virus teaching, how much time does a teacher put in when not "online"? I'm sure that it varies. I talked to a PE teacher the other day, who had decided to telp out a fellow teacher who was not too computer literate. She started on the computer at 7:00 AM, and was still on at 10:30 PM that night. All work seems to be "Greener" on the other side of the fence. Don't be too quick to criticize.
  10. With Trump now saying, "It's up to the states to decide how and when they bring things back to normal", I have two thoughts. Didn't he just say a day or two ago that he would make the decision? And, I think he might be setting the states become a scapegoat for when it doesn't succeed. If it blows up in, let's say, Florida, then he can say, "Well the Governor there really made a huge mistake, it wasn't me!".
  11. Possible staggered start and stop times for schools when reopened in September. we used to call this "Shifts".
  12. Speaking of "yeast", I heard a story of a fellow who had trouble with birds building nests in his horses' hair. After many attempts at trying on his own to solve it, he asked a veterinarian who said to sprinkle yeast in the hair. Sure enough it worked! When asked why, the veterinarian replied, "Yeast is yeast, and nest is nest, and never the mane shall tweet!!!
  13. Recently watched the NETFLIX show about the Flat Earther's convention. A few years ago, I was so intrigued with how people could still be saying the earth is flat, I read a book from the library on the history of the Flat Earth Society. It is amazing how they refute all attempts with showing them that earth is not flat. Things like, the pictures in 1969 from the first spaceships in space and their picture of the Earth from space, they refuted by saying it was an aberration of the camera that makes the Earth "appear" round. These people should study Eratosthenes' work from about 200 BCE where, not only did he prove the Earth was round, but he also worked out the size of Earth pretty accurately. Ever since then, I have see the same sort of denial about COVID-19, and "Social distancing".
  14. This is downloadable (for free) piece of art of our favourite person (not in hockey). It can be downloaded at sharonmontggomery.net , she is also selling some pins with the proceeds going to a worth cause. DR_HENRY_ART.pdf
  15. Apparently (from noon on MSNBC) Trump plans to get back to normal on May 1st.
  16. Yes, I have always thought that the far right might have different views about gun control or abortion rights if one of their children had been involved in a school or mass shooting or an abortion done in a back alley gone wrong, or a daughter pregnant after a rape.
  17. Having taught in a self-paced school, 1400 students in all 8 courses, self-paced, AND having taught a class of 30 with 6 different Math courses all going on at once, so the only alternative was Distance Learning, I have come to the conclusion that a lot of the success boils down to self-discipline. And, a lot of students just do not have that yet, and they will use their i-pads and smart phones to watch movies, text friends, play games, instead of watching the (very good) online videos. Also, in my classes, I go beyond the curricular stuff, with math in the news, math in sports, math in history and so on.
  18. John Conway, a very noted Mathematician in the US (he was born in Britain), has passed away at 82, from COVID-19. He was into "surreal" numbers and new infinities, but was best known for inventing the mathematical "Game of Life" (not the board game). I found that I had his book, "The Book of Numbers" on my bookshelf, so I have some new reading material as I haven't cracked it for about 3 years.
  19. It will be interesting to see how the USA deals with their health care now. Suddenly there might be a realization that Bernie Sanders was on the right path, and that Trump should not get rid of "Obamacare" without a very, very, good replacement
  20. WHO is on first, WHAT is on second and I Don't know is on third.
  21. Curried Lamb, with Scotch, and Red Wine with Chinese..
  22. As a Math teacher, I would sometime ask my students, "How many can program a computer?". I very rarely had no more than or two of thirty students. I today's age, it is an important thing to learn for four reasons (1) It helps expand your ability to work with logic, (2) It gives you the ability to work with some software such as programming Microsoft Excel, (3) It could make you more valuable in whatever job you might get into, (4) It could lead to a future career. With students at home now, maybe looking for something to do, now is a good time to start learning. There are many sites on the internet that teach you how to code. You can learn on your own, you don't necessarily have to take a course. Just a thought. Works for adults too.
  23. 9 years ago I did a youtube video on how to have a better overall world. It takes less than 5 minutes to watch the video, but I am thinking that when we come out of all of this, then something like this maybe useful. Here it is, flame away: https://ca.video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrVkY6MrpBeN3wAOgwXFwx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=youtube+minkusbc&fr=yhs-trp-001&hspart=trp&hsimp=yhs-001&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9jYS5zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3locy9zZWFyY2g_aHNwYXJ0PXRycCZoc2ltcD15aHMtMDAxJnR5cGU9WTE0OV9GMTU5XzE5MjE0M18xMjE4MTkmcD15b3V0dWJlK21pbmt1c2Jj&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIPjzYsOlicFYYhyIxAH8Rqy4lVLKnMou3tQWubMf9hMHexFFwn-CnKpwqj1ArUPyt_yaMhM2KMc1nlLJiao0uQ-3tG7_GPnJYG8UvEilmwYtik3IxaauSnYCfjLWCUDnVnCW3m92JvtUOyNzMm7pVnvybW-iAToNe72JhY5Zb-B&_guc_consent_skip=1586540205#id=49&vid=91270bd33b37f5d6e217e960c88b63c8&action=view
  24. Also, Newton did his great work from his parent's farm when he had to leave Cambridge because of the 1666 plague. Wasn't Trump's grandfather also in the casino and entertaining ladies business?
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