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Time Lord

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Everything posted by Time Lord

  1. I was PMing Dral at the start of the game and I couln't decide if I should trust him. Then right before the second nightfall, he said he trusts me and invited me to the alliance waiting room with 112 and Luciferase. I was so confused, but I trusted him. He said he could die that night but I thought it was unlikely. Then at nightfall, we both died. I say Dral was MVP. He created "the list" and passed it on to 112, who was also MVP worthy this game
  2. So there were no sheriffs that got incorrect investigation results in this game? I was paranoid for nothing.
  3. What a game! I know it was only my third game, but it was GOAT for me. The first time my faction won.
  4. He isn't confirmed, there can be false sheriffs. I think more than one sheriff should investigate him maybe.
  5. If the doc wants to save me they can. I don't really have a good reason, but trust me, it would help the Town win.
  6. Let the vigilante kill Drouin. Nothing legitimate has convinced me to change my vote
  7. No, but he claims ( to everyone) that he knows the signs and roles of about a dozen people and he told me a sheriff and watcher have contacted him.
  8. Sad to see Dale Weise go, he was amazing in a fourth line role. Just look at his offensive stats. He was decent defensively as well. At least this opens up spots for Sestito and Dalpe when the team is healthy. However, I can't believe we got Diaz for him! Apparently Dutch Gretzky has more value than I thought.
  9. Vote CatsPJs Dral is certainly dangerous if he is Mafia or SK, but if he is a TP, and we kill him, all our information is gone.
  10. I don't see any investigations helping us right now. There are likely many false sheriffs in the game. ( naive, paranoid, etc. )
  11. Are there any other rabbits that can confirm their ability to vote twice on a player (like Dral claims to be)?
  12. Is Dral almost confirmed TP? There have been people PMing him apparently, so could those people help me out?
  13. Good night people. Although in Mafia, it's just an extended day.
  14. What do you think about his chances of being mafia? Or is your PM about something else...
  15. What do you guys think are the chances of Dral being Mafia?
  16. I have a random thought. After doing some searching, I realized that a lot of people haven't even posted yet, including people who usually post a lot. So maybe there is a role that silences people for 1 round or something like that?
  17. That's right. I don't know if I should give away my role yet. I want to start an alliance, but I don't know who to trust. I did attempt to start one a few minutes ago, so I will see how this goes. If nothing happens by tomorrow, I will do something drastic.
  18. I don't know who to trust right now. I guess I'll wait until things get a bit more interesting.
  19. You're kidding, right? Booth has a decent wrist shot, is very fast, and pretty good at puckhandling and breakaways.
  20. What a great game. As you all know by now, I pretended to be the doctor. The vigilante(VICanucksfan) told me his identity. Peaches told me he was the sheriff's spokesperson. I gave the Mafia this information, which turned out to be quite useful. Of course, It became known quickly that Kryten was the real doctor, and I was lynched. But my work was done. The rest of the Mafia carried out the plan, not looking too suspicious at all. The sheriff got lucky with his investigations though. GFY was by far our best player. He raised no suspicion in any way from the Townspeople. In the final round, everyone had voted to lynch him, but he managed to change their minds and got PPCLI lynched instead. Unfortunately, BDM serial killed him. The mafia came so close. I forgot to pass the medkit to the mafia because I thought I could pass it at daytime in round 2, but it turns out I was wrong. I guess this is my fault. Great game AT and everyone who played.
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