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Posts posted by Gnarcore

  1. 13 minutes ago, eeeeergh said:

    Sell what? MDMA? Heroin? Cocaine? At what price? cheaper than organized crime? B/c Cannabis is still a whole lot more expensive from legal sources. 

    Cannabis was a primary income source for organized crime, legalizing it has done nothing to reduce organized crime even slightly. Not sure where this assumption people have comes from that if you legalize something, the organizations that sell it illegally are going to fold and disappear. 

    I would gladly accept a tax increase to pay for more treatment and education, if it means that my kids cant buy cocaine and get addicted b/c a government store sold it to them. 

    It wasn't like it was going to stop overnight nor would it. It takes time. Of course legalizing one facet of their income did nothing.... I can tell you this one thing though: an abolitionist stance doesn't work. The 'war on drugs' is one of the biggest abject failures in mankind's history. 


    MDMA? Sure. Pretty much harmless for moderate use if it is clean. Micro dosing is proving to be an effective treatment for PTSD and depression.  Hell, BC is already one of the largest producers. Heroine? I read it could save us money not dealing with all the fall out of the fentanyl crisis. Cocaine? Hell yes. People will pay more for quality. Did you know that the street price of cocaine has been one of the most constant pricing of any item in the world for decades. Of course the product gets worse and worse as inflation hits everything else.  Odd cocaine fact I wanted to share. 


    There would have to be stringent tracking and controls obviously on most drugs. Ideally I'd say no to heroine and meth but if the goal is harm reduction and hitting crime you really can't pick and choose. 

    Your kid isn't going to get addicted because it is legal. They'll have access to it all regardless if they get into 'the scene'. Trust me on that. Frankly I would be more concerned they buy some tainted product and are harmed because that is how everyone one I know who has been affected these past 10 years has been hurt. 


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  2. 1 hour ago, JM_ said:

    didn't see it, I just had to suffer through that pirate crap when my daughter was a kid. 

    You should. Him and Benicio Del Toro are outstanding in it. I was watching Joe Rogan and they were discussing the trial and Joe and Depp have a mutual friend and they discussed how Hunter was one of Depp's influences.  With how Hunter lived it would explain a lot of Depp. Massive fame and money you normally can't burn through. A healthy intake of drugs and alcohol explain a lot lol


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  3. 18 hours ago, JM_ said:


    I think we're going to have to move to a legal safe supply model to deal with the DTES issues, e.g., so this is at least a step in that direction. I hope the Libs-NDP can get that done while their agreement lasts. 


    Been calling for that since before the fentanyl crisis. Sell it, tax it, control quality, take much of it from gangs's hands and invest the money into education and treatment. It really is the best solution. 

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  4. 38 minutes ago, JM_ said:

    I've always had a wide range of what I find attractive, so to me Peterson's rant is really stupid, and also dangerous. But he's makes his bank on male insecurity so no big surprise there. 


    I agree about variety...pinner Kate Moss types just ain't for me. And yes his schtick is pandering to that demo so no surprise. 

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  5. On 5/21/2022 at 8:18 AM, JM_ said:

    its the programming he uses for his frail young male audience. He's telling them not to like curvy women because the "left" is telling them to. Thats the kind of hateful crap that makes this guy a national embarrassment. 


    The truly sad part is his minions that hang on his advice may be passing up opportunities for real relationships. 

    As if I needed another reason to dislike that turd. 


    I love curvy women because to me they have always been incredibly sexy while bony and flat bottomed women have not. To each their own but is there any reason to try and tear what you don't like down instead of build women up? Yes, there is a reason and it either you're a piece of $&!#, have a small wiener or both.

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