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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. Lesnar wins. Lame. Winning does nothing for Lesnar.
  2. Oh, ok. Thanks. Thought it was happening in pre-show.
  3. Aside from Styles losing Jericho. IWC isn't happy about that.
  4. I actually thought Cena might come out when JBL mentioned that A SCSA vs. CM Punk. Sad that never happened.
  5. HBK, Foley, SCSA coming to get some of League of Nations.
  6. Jericho/Styles feels like this year's Sting/HHH. Can't have a guy from WCW or TNA go over. Vince trolling IWC .
  7. Jericho beats Styles? WTF LOL at JBL saying Jericho is greatest Canadian of all-time.
  8. Wasn't expecting Ryder to win at all. Thought there would be that spot in the match where it seems like he's going to win only for it to be taken away. What a week for Zach. First he beats Y2J on Raw and now he wins IC Title. lol at Y2J saying Ryder doesn't have what it takes to be a champion. Wonder if it's a case of Ryder dropping IC Title back to KO on Raw. Ryder at least got his WM moment.
  9. People on wrestlingforum.com are complaining about the new Divas/Women's Title. Some are complaining about the red swish/swipe. I prefer Women's Title and would have rather seen them bring it back.
  10. It's certainly improvement and upgrade over Butterfly title.
  11. WWE was wise not to do individual introductions for the multi Divas tag match and avoid Eva Marie getting booed.
  12. The Little Guy beat The Big Guy. Wished WWE would have brought back Goldberg to face Ryback at WM instead.
  13. I hope The Boss wins and becomes Divas/Women's Champion!!
  14. Seriously? You didn't know that? She's used it before. Brie also uses and does Daniel Bryan's series of "Yes" kicks
  15. New Divas/Women's Title is slated to be presented at WM now instead of Raw. A Diva legend is to be part of the angle and possibly present the new title. Lita said on the pre-show she has a big surprise planned for later.
  16. Maybe. But you can't discount Styles/Jericho which could also be best match of night.
  17. Apparently, some kind of big stunt is to happen at WM. No word on which match.
  18. Styles comments on TNA about their claims he agreed to deal and then backed out of it.
  19. Does anyone know if Habs mascot and former Expos Mascot Youppi has appeared at Montreal games?
  20. Original plans had Samoa Joe winning NXT Title at NXT Takeover but plans changed. Apparently, Joe is set to make his debut on the main roster soon, which might had something to do with the decision.
  21. How is Vince going to screw up Bayley, when she gets called up and probably debuts on Raw.
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