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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. Poor Luongo :(. He never gets a break in the playoffs.

  2. Hutch should take Dickey's spot. Frack Dickey and Thole. I've sick of those 2.
  3. Original report said that Undertaker pulled himself from the European Tour because he was afraid with the recent terror attacks, and refused to travel to Europe.
  4. Call up Montero soon and give Thole the boot. Dickey can leave too if he doesn't like it.
  5. The reason Undertaker was pulled from European Tour because of terrorism going on in France and Belgium. That and also Undertaker has well known back problems and long flights can be rough.
  6. What's this I hear about Windows 10 forcing itself onto your computer/device? Does the way to stop it no longer work?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tre Mac

      Tre Mac

      Lol opposite for me as i wanted to upgrade but nothing happens.

    3. Master 112
    4. nux4lyfe


      If it ain't broke don't fix it..I'm sticking to my Win7..

  7. Punk taking in Hawks game and hanging out with their mascot.
  8. Some new girl that goes by name Sienna (Allysin Kay on indies) debuted at Impact Tapings.
  9. One reason is she sells lot of merchandise. She was #2 in merchandise only behind Jeff Hardy.
  10. Velvet Sky gone from TNA. Maybe she comes to WWE and be manager for Dudleys.
  11. Heel Roman with a faction including The Usos. Meh. We already saw that before briefly when faction was was called "The Family" with Usos and Ambrose. HHH vs. Shane should have happened at WM instead. Seth Rollins returning to team with Styles, Ambrose and Balor. Are they just going to have Ambrose forget that Rollins was the one who ended The Shield. It really should be awkward situation between the 2. The only thing Cena could do that would be a surprise is a heel turn.
  12. Balor debuts at Payback with Anderson and Gallows attacking Styles and starting a feud.
  13. I'm thinking Anderson and Gallows are working for someone such as The Authority. Speaking of which HHH returned and wrestled losing to Ambrose.
  14. This team sucks right now. Pitching is garbage, as are the big bats.
    1. Blueberries


      He hit the manager with his car...

    2. Master 112

      Master 112

      ^He's the hero of the homeless.

    3. sponge62


      Didn't read past the headline, did you?

  15. The plan is for HHH/Steph to feud with Shane and it could start in early May. Bray Wyatt's injury isn't as bad as first feared. It's believed he has a pulled calf muscle and will be out for 4-6 weeks.
  16. Such a shame WWE never brought Chyna back for appearance to say goodbye to fans.
  17. So much for those rumors last year that Dickey was going to retire at end of season.
  18. What is this business about this referee from Kelowna keep seeing about on social media. He apparently shows favoritism to his hometown Rockets. Royals can't seem to get past second round of the playoffs. I agree with oldnews. Rockets had no business didn't deserve to win.
  19. Sandow did twitter Q&A and basically said he's too entertaining for WWE.
  20. At live event in Newcastle, Curtis Axel teamed with Viktor from The Ascension. Viktor was wearing Social Outcast t-shirt.
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