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chon derry

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Everything posted by chon derry

  1. I had knife pulled on me drivin cab shortly after I stopped driving truck. He took a swift one in the marbles and two to the nose. It was over. And yes it’s been years since I got into it but power behind blows increases at least for me. Shorty after all that I was at joes place and showed him my knuckles.
  2. As hard nose a player as he was it’ll be interesting how deals with the casual atmosphere. And the immaturish sore loser stuff which he wouldn’t go for. In that regard there’s some acountability coming their way.
  3. 58 is not old. I got into a good one 2 years ago. And I’m every bit as imposing at 63 as I was at 30 pugilism you don’t forget. I’m sure Smithers joe could attest to my comment
  4. It’s the I’ve got more money than brains approach. With a little I don’t give a rats a$$ what you think for good measure. And your right. Benning was at least believable.in his pressers. To his own detriment. As well, he knew the fanbase. And wasn’t as negatively brazen as Jr , he’s is out of touch and Allvin is hiding under a rock. ?
  5. He can be touted for that. But until he brings it to vancity convincing the fanbase he isn’t will be next to impossible. Further to that point how does the base react to a possible losing record on tochett? Because I see him as another quality compromise. A bandaid solution for total hemorrhage.
  6. The hypocritical part is aquaman hiring BB first. And then standing by allowing JRs public flogging. Unless it was jr convincing FA he made a mistake hiring BB, in the first place. The other perplexing part is both of them being in denial of the miller before horvat situation and not addressing the back end. If that’s the case then both FA and JR need to open their eyes. Hopefully the right players are moved ( miller). And whoever else. With good return.
  7. Other things factor in. Demko playin lites out. Masking defensive deficiencies. Slightly better defensive coach’s. And not having the off ice problems , that weren’t near as evident last year as apposed to it this year. Signing miller before horvat jr wasn’t conducting thorough due diligence. Comparing all the pros and cons of both or furthermore that not addressing the defensive core.
  8. For once I’ll agree with you. I’ve thought about this possible struggle. And it kind of puts the FA meddling to bed because it’s clear jr does in fact have full autonomy. It does look like he had to honour FA giving BB the option year. But maybe jr drew the line in the sand. But what I don’t get is how jr got away with the public flogging of BB for so long? There was no intervention to have him tone it down. Which raises the question why did FA hire Boudreau in the first place if he backed up JRs hate of BB?
  9. The team wins 7 in a row when BB comes in. At the time it looked as though the team instantly responded in relief of green being gone, letting the offence do its thing rather than greens defensive approach. Prior to greens firing he’d lost the room. BB was a breath of fresh air. After about 15 gms things kind of levelled out again. The rumblings of BB coming in weren’t as loud as they are with tochett waiting in the wings. In fact it’s the polar opposite. Things were bleak prior to BB but by comparison tochetts arrival seems worse than a COVID cloud coming in off the ocean with nothing we can do about it only to wait and see? I worry the team doesn’t buy in. In spite of jr. which perpetuates more losses. Which also gets the trade movement thing going. A force reaction deliberate hard nose approach. Instant Cold turkey away from the country club atmosphere. This along with the “rumoured” problems in the room. Amazing how 1.5 seasons go by. Aquaman looked like genius bringing Boudreau in and now total grinch’s on his exit.
  10. Actually the right thing would be aquilini come out from hiding behind Rutherford and fire his ass but he seems to have gone deaf dumb and blind
  11. There was some admittance in his latest speech. Who knows maybe he’ll bite the bullet and deal miller. He doesnt have to own up to it with any type of comment it’s just something that 20/20 hindsite should guide him to do. The right thing !
  12. I’ll take Horvats lower pts but with more consistency and arguably better defensive game. There’s also the loyalty factor. And the less toxic attitude ,the attitude thing came with him and at age 30 isn’t likely something coach’s can train out of him either. that comes with manning up. And at age 30 the sore loser attitude probably is with him for life. It’s not very conducive for comradery , it leads to rumours of problems in the dressing room.
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