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  1. Right now, if my team was going into the playoffs and I had to choose between the two, I'd definitely go with Petey as he has the better overall game.
  2. How is it that Sanderson got paid the first year of his rookie contract in 21/22 season even though he didn't play any in the NHL that year? Any insight would be appreciated. Edit: Nevermind, apparently he had a hand injury when he signed his rookie contract and was ruled out for the rest of the season that first year.
  3. For sure the contract he was on during Chicago's glory years, but definitely not on his final contract which was for 8 years/55 mil. Seabrook last played in the 19/20 season and the contract ends this season.
  4. It would be interesting to see what the "oddsmakers" predicted for NHL teams over the previous 5 to 10 seasons to see how accurate they were. I'm sure they're right more often than not, but I'd guess they've had their misses as well. Having Demko healthy will do wonders for the goals against. Last season, even before Demko went down to injury, he just didn't look right out there. With the additions the Canucks have made, the PK should be much improved as well. This year's team just seems to be better constructed than the teams we've iced over the previous few seasons.
  5. This past season Caleb had 4 PP points to Seth's 12 PP points. What metrics show that Caleb performed better than Seth on the PP?
  6. @kloubek I'm curious as to why you think Beau is too injury prone. In the last 5 NHL seasons he has only missed a total of 17 games and 2 of those games missed were due to COVID.
  7. Samsonov actually went 4-4 in 9 playoff games this past season.
  8. As small as Debrincat is he has proven to be very durable, having missed only 4 games during his six years in the NHL. All 4 of those games missed were due to having COVID during 2019-20 season. He's scrappier than you would expect for a guy his size and also has a good work ethic.
  9. Does anyone know how they (JFresh Hockey) calculate these percentages? I see Zadina has an EV offence of 82% and his offence in the line graph has increased each subsequent season after 20-21. If you look at Zadina's stats for the last 3 seasons it would lead me to believe the opposite is happening. He went from scoring a pt about every 2.6 games in 20/21 down to a pt about every 3.1 games in 21/22 and then further down to about a pt every 4.3 games this season. I'm curious how they calculate that his EV offence is actually increasing during this time.
  10. I disagree on the vision. Think it's more his lack of a hard shot. There are too many better options for Garland to be on the 1st unit PP, but he's a staple on the 2nd unit PP.
  11. Smith is a good PKer, so that does give him some added value over Garland there. This season Garland actually produced pretty decently on the PP considering he only got about 1:30 per game on it, nearly all of it being with the 2nd unit. I did a post not too far back where Garland was right there with Pettersson and Miller this season in points per 60 minutes while on the PP.
  12. Petry is getting up there in age at 35 years old but still seems pretty effective. He averaged 22:21 per game this season in Pit and put up 31 pts in 61 games while posting 190 hits and 111 blocks.
  13. PLD has the talent but I'm not sure he has the drive and consistency to be an elite player. The amount of times he's seemed invisible out there is worrisome. He's not particularly good at faceoffs and he doesn't PK. He came into the NHL as a 19 year old and scored 48 points and 5 years later he's only upped his best season production to 63 points. How long until he requests out of LA?
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