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Everything posted by crunch55

  1. We need d men who can transition the freaking puck ..cue Rathbone and Oli please
  2. What a stench..bench Benn and play Rathbone who can transition the puck
  3. When does Rathbone come in..Benn out please..I'd like to see a dman that can transition out of his zone ..Myers Benn..both brutal
  4. Shup up Stewart..modern day Krutov who ate himself out of the NHL as well.Juice owns you every show.
  5. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fih1.redbubble.net%2Fimage.805971727.4059%2Fflat%2C750x%2C075%2Cf-pad%2C750x1000%2Cf8f8f8.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redbubble.com%2Fi%2Fart-board-print%2FIt-s-not-the-size-of-the-dog-in-the-fight-it-s-the-size-of-the-fight-in-the-dog-by-Lamji%2F38444059.TR477&docid=hpL1LhjKEEB6NM&tbnid=JPJ32BMkvC39IM&vet=1&w=750&h=1000&itg=1&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&bih=766&biw=412&ved=2ahUKEwiK5LH2oZPuAhXjK30KHSNMBRoQxiAoAXoECAEQHw&iact=c&ictx=1
  6. In your own words " young man " as in 18 years old.Lots of time to mature ..think of where you were as an 18 year old...assuming your much older and mature now.
  7. Ask Edmonton how that worked with not surrounding the rookies with vets with leadership qualities.Every GM has made many a mistake in their tenure , I'm sure Jim will call Louie one of them.Its pretty funny reading the posts before and after the Schmidt signing..typical Canuck fans in panic mode when the season is still 3 months away.Lots of time to make some more moves.
  8. He's just trolling for attention.Armchair GMs with hindsight everywhere these days loving to hate.
  9. Arizona will be down 8plus million on OEL and 6 million on Taylor Hall so closer to the floor than some think.If we get OEL then we are not signing Tanev, so in reality if we get Arizona to eat a couple million and don't pay Tanev 4 million then it's only a couple million more for OEL
  10. So your saying he was "taxed heavily on the first $31 million and didn't make lots of it ...but ..wait for it......the last 5 million will be different ??? In your own words the last 5 million isn't 5 million either so he's not really walking away from that amount but far less ??
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