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Everything posted by Generational.EP40

  1. Let an obvious offensive goaltending go. Ok. And continue to let Kawhi get assaulted. K.
  2. No. Call a spade a spade. Refs can’t be letting minimal contact be a foul for one team but hacks be non-calls for the other.
  3. GS gonna be on the line with half the quarter left at this rate While the zebras continue to play blind for the Raps
  4. Like seriously in a league that’s so star driven in terms of calls, the way Kawhi barely gets calls is outrageous considering he’s a fricken NBA Finals MVP and arguably the best player in the world rn. Ffs
  5. Compare the contact and bumps Kawhi plays through where he gets no calls versus GS and their sissy little touch calls So stupid.
  6. Pls no 18-0 run or whatever to start the 3rd If Kawhi averages his normal production 2nd half, I’m confident we win
  7. Gotta get Kawhi going offensively. GS is isolating him out and are gladly taking his absence on offense as Raps play around him. 4 quarters of that and it won’t be enough as it won’t be sustainable to get a W. Get Kawhi involved!!
  8. Raps PGs always in early foul trouble. No surprise Kyle gets called for the block on a clean af charge
  9. What in the world is this game...do we not know how many mafia/special roles there are??
  10. I’ve been preaching this for a while Our fanbase
  11. Blues model: never give up regardless of how bad things look. Don’t sell at trade deadline and pray.
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