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Posts posted by YearoftheNuck

  1. 2 hours ago, DeNiro said:

    Nope makes no sense. Horrible trade.


    I can just imagine Virtanen figuring it out in Calgary and Canucks fans whining for the next decade.

    On the flip side, perhaps Bennett figures it out here. Both guys are waisting away where they currently are. Might as well give each a shot in a new market. 

    part of me sincerely believes that hometown Jake might be distracted here. 

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  2. On 1/26/2021 at 4:18 AM, Merely said:

    Brandt Clark would be my pick. He's like Quinn Hughes. 




    Clarke is my dream pick for this draft.

    We could really use more depth on D, and especially on the right side. This guy fits the bill perfectly. 

    A lot of appealing LHD in this draft too though. 

    Adding that big Swedish goalie, Jesper Wallstedt would be great too. 

  3. Before I get flamed let me preface this by saying that I do not want the Canucks to tank and I’m not panicking lol. Also I do believe we have a good team and there’s a solid chance that we could bounce back soon. It’s only a matter of time until Petey, Hughes, Miller, etc, catch fire. 

    Having said that, if there was one year to stumble, this might not be the worse year for several reasons:


    1. this season is short and quick so it’ll be like ripping off a bandaid, rather than the prolonged pain of usual drawn out 82 game season


    2. we really aren’t yet primed to make a consistent push for the cup, but we’ve got a lot of pieces in place for an eventual (hopeful) cup run a few years down the road. Many good young teams rise up one year, then take a step back, before making a leap forward. Take Colorado for example. 

    3. we might be able to sign Hughes and Pettersson for a bit cheaper than what they would signed for if we were to go on a proper run, saving some valuable dollars to help build the team around them 


    4. to the last point, we need to upgrade our bottom six and having a few extra dollars to sign a couple key pieces for those positions could be very valuable 


    5. we’ve got a few pieces we could trade off at the deadline this year to pull in a few picks and prospects. And these pieces could likely all be replaced at below market value during next year’s free agency due to the flat cap. Just look at how many quality players we could’ve snagged this year if we just had some cap room


    6. there look to be a lot of high end and big bodied defensemen in this year’s draft. Another top d man moving forward could massively help our team


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  4. 3 minutes ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

    It's frustrating but the overreactions on these boards is laughable. Do people not realize there will be great stretches and bad stretches? That's exactly how it goes and this panic is so Leaf HF.

    Sure the PP and pK sucks but it's 3 games. Once we have a good stretch the same people will be saying the complete opposite. Everybody step back off the ledge.

    Every year the first handful of games to start the season are deeply over analyzed because everyone is excited (myself included).

    I'm sure we’ll come into form soon. Also, I think we’re seeing right now how important of a piece Miller is to our team. 

  5. I had to work tonight and made the mistake of turning on the radio on the way home and heard the score immediately. 

    Can anyone summarize who played well and who didn’t? Flipping through the last several pages it sounds like Jake had a terrible night :( 


    Did we play bad tonight or did McJesus just have one of his walking on water kind of games that could beat any team? PS I’m not a  McDavid fan but I respect the hell outta his skills. 

  6. Hoglander - Wow, I was blown away by this kid. His speed, tenacity, hand-eye coordination on at least two nice tips, and his quick release were all very impressive. But honestly the thing that amazed me the most about him was passing ability.

    One day when fans are allowed to begin packing back into Rogers arena, I think there’s going to be a lot of #36 jerseys... and I’m not talking about fans dusting off their old Jannick Hansen jerseys lol. 


    Juolevi - I thought that Juolevi had a good game too. The final shift of the first period he put on a clinic. It was too bad he got stripped of the puck on that goal, but those things happen sometimes. 

    Hammonic - he made some nice plays, but you could tell he was a step behind. Definitely has to work off some rust. Understandable though seeing how he hadn’t played a game since February 8th. That’s almost an entire year without any meaningful ice time. 

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  7. I love this trade! We needed more tenacity and Schmidt brings a lot of that! 

    Also, I’m not sure if anyone posted this, but NHL.com recently released a list of the Top 50 draft Fantasy Defensemen for next year and Schmidt is #46! 

    Pretty crazy we got him for just a 3rd round pick. This kind of reminds of when we snagged Erhoff for Patrick White. 

    GMJB for the win!


    ps here’s the link to that list: https://www.nhl.com/news/nhl-fantasy-hockey-top-50-defenseman-rankings-pools/c-282830728

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  8. 16 hours ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    Too bad Benning didn’t pick up Bogosian. Not sure what Benning has up his sleeve, but I’m assuming a trade of some sort might happen. If not? Yikes. 

    It terrifies me that in an interview before free agency, Benning mentioned Chatfield and Rafferty both being ready for the big leagues. Either one of them playing sheltered minutes, sure no problem. But if we go into next year with our D right side looking like Myers, Rafferty and Chatfield, then we’re probably in trouble. 

    I can’t help but think Benning has a game plan to bring in another sold RHD. At least I really, really hope he does. 

  9. 6 hours ago, peaches5 said:

    Colorado can give him whatever he wants. We could offer 9.5m but then we have to dump Virtanen and someone like Sutter. This is also assuming we don't re-sign Markstrom. Still room to re-sign Toffoli may have to dump another contract like Baerstchi. This is a guy worth having to give up some picks to dump some contracts if you can snag him. Number 1 dman do not ever make it to free agency. I wouldn't be surprised if someone trades for his rights and he never even sees FA.

    Come on Benning, don’t wait on this one. Trade for his rights! We’ve had so few true, elite #1 D men in the history of this franchise. With the addition of Pietrangelo we could have two at once!

  10. 18 minutes ago, LegionOfDoom said:

    Would love to use Jake as part of a package to get Gallagher from Montreal, feel this would solidify our top 6 if we resign toffoli and find a way to shed cap elsewhere but for this up coming season his 3.75 million would be a nice addition to our top 6 

    I think it would take a loaded package to pry Gally from the Habs. He’s their heart and soul. However his contract is up for renewal at the end of next season ;)


    Funny story; back when Gallagher was playing his final season for the Giants, myself and my girlfriend at the time (now my wife) waited outside the dressing room to have him autograph her Gallagher jersey. He was such a good guy, always grinning. Anyway, I mentioned to him that when the day arrives when he becomes a free agent that I hope he comes home.

    Who knows, it just might happen. 

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  11. 14 hours ago, aGENT said:

    No Stecher or Tanev would cover a good chunk. We could make the cap space.


    My concern would be, as good as he is, committing 6 or 7 years at likely around $8m, at age 30 for him

    Good points. I’d love to have him, but the term he’ll be looking for scares me a bit. 

    Also, if Gallagher makes it to free agency next year, I’d be great if we had enough salary cap left over to bring that warrior back home. 

  12. On 9/8/2020 at 3:20 PM, J-P said:

    Agree that Jake to the canes makes a lot of sense for everybody involved.


    Don't agree that Jake's excused for not impacting the game unless he gets top 6 minutes. It's not all about scoring and it's up to each player to have an impact on the game with whatever ice time available.


    Also after these playoffs I no longer believe Jake will ever be a top 6 winger, I thought he showed lots of limitations when the level was raised, mostly caused by his slow processing of the game.

    This. Absolutely this. 

    He has all the tools, but lacks maturity, consistency, and most importantly, hockey IQ. 

    I wish him well, but also wish he will bring us back a more valuable piece in a trade. 

  13. On 9/10/2020 at 2:32 PM, BCNate said:

    We are in pretty good shape for prospects.   I feel we are looking at:


    High End:




    Probable NHL Regular:








    Potential NHLer:











    Not a ton of likely star power, but real solid depth, which is what we need.

    Sorry if this was already said, but I think you could definitely slot Woo into that second bracket. I think this guy will be a solid mid pairing D man. 

  14. 3 hours ago, peaches5 said:

    I don't even know how Ferraro has a job. He is wrong all the time and he can't even form a sentence without stuttering. I recall one game he was like they changed the rule so if you score on a delayed penalty it's still a penalty and he went on for like 2 minutes about this and then there was no penalty cause they scored he was dead silent then was like oh I guess this hasn't been approved yet.. still waiting on this approval 3-4 years later, lol

    Too funny lol!


    I recall him flaming us at the draft for the Miller trade and saying Canucks had no direction. He then lost all credibility in my eyes when a few days later on the radio he said that he felt that Detroit was further along in their rebuild than Vancouver. 

    He usually sounds like one of those jaded cranky old Canucks fans that seems to resent the team. 

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