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Posts posted by YearoftheNuck

  1. 11 hours ago, Fanuck said:

    It's a bit hypocritical for sure. 

    When Podz doesn't play people immediately think it's a motivation for him to get out of his contract.

    Yet when a guy like Dahlen doesn't play in the NHL and is moved out of the organization he's given a hard time by some people for not keeping quiet, taking the minutes he was given in Utica, and earning the rest. 


    Big picture, I agree completely - give 100% with any minutes you're played, pay your dues, contribute when/where you can. 

    Nope, I definitely don’t “immediately” think that he should pack up and leave town. However if these one shift games continue for a prolonged period of time that certainly won’t help his development. Sure it might help build character, but we could sign a half dozen high character guys every free agency if we really wanted to. What I’m more concerned with is his actual on ice development. 

  2. There’s so much to be excited about with the continued development of the youth, but it’s the fact that we literally got rid of several of our worst players from last year and replaced them with all substantially better players that has me believing we can make a serious push for the playoffs this year. 














    Honourable Mention:

    Fantenberg (good depth signing)


    Also the Gudbranson for Pearson trade has looked like a pretty big win for us. And Demko is obviously far more promising than Lee and should pull out more wins for us. Overall our roster at the beginning of this season is much better than last. 


    Every year as summer winds down I get excited for the Nucks season to begin, including the last handful of years when I (and basically everyone) knew that they were a bottom feeder team. But this year I have true optimism again and I’m so stoked to finally not be painfully hoping for losses to increase our draft odds, but rather I’m going to be cheering hard for every game. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    Ferraro is a clown. 

    I used to like him, but over the years I’ve gotten really sick of unbearable negativity towards our team. I remember a year or two ago he said that Detroit had much better young players than us and were much further along in their rebuild lol. 


    Now listening to him on the TSN panel crapping all over this signing and our club was just ridiculous. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, KirkSave said:

    If Benning does end up handing out a contract with an AAV like this, I hope it comes completely out of left field and he shocks everyone and signs Anders Lee! (He'll probably command 8-9 million per in this crazy inflated market).


    I know it is utter fantasy but imagine this top 6:


    Lee - Petey - Boeser

    Pearson - Horvat - JT Miller


    Now that’s a top 6 that would command respect. Even without Lee though, I’m loving the way our top 6 is shaping up with Miller now in the mix.


    In a year or two I’m hoping Hoglander will be pushing for a spot on one of those wings. And then we have Podkolzin coming too, ready to supplant anyone who’s not pulling their weight. Things are beginning to look up ;) 


    Now if two of Juolevi, Woo or Tryamkin (or any other pleasant surprises) can become impact players on our back end in the next couple years then we’ll be looking great!

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  5. Such great news to wake up to. I’m honestly relieved by this move because this should definitely allow us to resign Motte now. I know that might sound like I’m being sarcastic, but that guy was an ideal fourth liner for us last year, and he definitely has a high “motor” which is the new hot word with the Canucks management/scouting departments lol. 


    Having said that, I’m so glad that high motor players are the types of guys that we're targeting now. They’re the type of players that’ll really help us during the playoff grind. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, theo5789 said:

    Picked a Russian with the #10 pick. Picked a Swede with the #40 pick. I feel like good things are going to happen. If the Sedins taught me anything, the craziest things happened corresponding to their numbers.

    Neat observation. I totally missed that. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Dixon Ward said:

    I get it.  I do too.  i just marvel at how everybody is losing their $&!# over giving up potential maybe 4 years from now that might be nothing.  They all say that Jim's teams lose so he is a failure, but then he brings in a serious player to help them win and he is an idiot for not waiting over 4 years for a lottery ticket.

    Great post!


    I’ve also noticed that quite a few of the hosts on the sports radio networks here are feeding the fans this extra negativity and fear as well, and not seeing the clear logic that your describing here. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Dixon Ward said:

    Interesting when you think how crazy everybody is going that we gave up a 1st rounder.

    Absolutely. I apologize for going off topic in this thread, but I’m personally alright with giving up the 1st (probably a pick in the low 20’s) and the 3rd for Miller. 


    We’re giving up two unproven assets for a proven one that is in his prime, addresses many of our needs, and is on a great contract. And to top it off the guy has a great attitude and is absolutely pumped to play here. 

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  9. 14 minutes ago, timberz21 said:

    Good luck getting him at under 7.



    Im guessing he’s looking at Hayes money.  That’s why I don’t want him.  Like you say he’s turning  29. That’ll bring him at 36 since mist likely a 7 years deal. Expensive fora 50 pts player.

    Yeah Hayes got paid way too much and I’m really hoping that payday doesn’t set the tone for free agency this year. 


    Of course players will be overpaid on July 1st, but possibly the salary cap not going up as high as everyone thought it was going to back when Hayes got paid will help keep prices in check a bit. 

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  10. 9 hours ago, VIC_CITY said:

    As far as Tanev goes, I don't think if I want to trade him. If we can acquire a top 4 D in free agency and manage to keep Tanev as well, that's where our D gets upgraded. Shipping out Tanev and signing Myers is only a marginal upgrade IMO. 

    Absolutely. Having Myers as well as Stecher with another year of experience and ready for a bigger role, would allow Green to reduce Tanev’s minutes which would likely/hopefully enable him to have a healthier season. 


    It’s time for us to properly push for a playoff spot and get that winning culture back (I know that sounds so cliche lol), and adding Miller without losing any current roster players, as well as hopefully signing Myers and Lee would very likely make us a playoff team. 

  11. 5 hours ago, rekker said:

    I like Myers but damn there may be two more rightys next year hitting UFA. Barrie and Larsson. Would rather have either of them over Myers to be honest. 

    The only problem with that though is that there’s no guarantee that either of those players even make it to free agency. Even if it currently looks unlikely that they’re going to re-sign with their current clubs, they could always get traded before then and sign with their new club. 

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  12. 8 hours ago, gurn said:

    Please elaborate.

    He stood on his head during a few games at the U18’s. Latvia got absolutely shelled and Silovs played great, not allowing any soft goals from my recollection. He stayed very composed as well. This guy could be a gem. 

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  13. I can’t believe Lavoie has fallen so far... the guy just scored 20 goals in 23 playoff games. Apparently he can play both LW and RW. I’m hoping for a defenceman with our second, but I’d be pumped if we got him. Lavoie LW - Horvat C - Podkolzin RW would be a force to be reckoned with!




    For a team in dire need of goal scoring, having Kaliyev and Lavoie still on the board has to be tempting. 


    Then again I love the effort level of Hoglander and Rees, and the size of D men Vlasic and Korczak and Matthew Robertson, and the slick skill of Puistola. So many good players remaining, I think my head is going to explode lol!


    Another guy that stands out for me is Vladislav Kolyachonok. Craig Button’s write up on him is particularly good, "Smooth skater with a calm and settled mind. Sees the ice in all areas and makes plays. Has deception and a confidence to try things to make plays." 



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