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Status Updates posted by old_time_hockey

  1. She's a humid one out there tonight. Thunder perhaps?

  2. Release the magic? HA! Glade isn't going to cover up what I just did in the can.

  3. I didn't think it was possible for Canucks Talk to get any more stupid, but some how it has. Bravo people! [/facepalm]

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -SN-


      Proposals is now challenging for the title.

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Wow the IQ in there is falling like the barometer ?

    4. SpinDrive


      Never underestimate the stupidity of CDC

  4. I didn't think it was possible for Canucks Talk to get any more stupid, but some somehow it has. Bravo people! [/facepalm]

  5. My once proud and mighty playoff beard reduced to what resembled a small rodent in the bathroom sink.

    1. !


      sell it on ebay

  6. Has a feeling we might see OT tonight

    1. Rented Mule

      Rented Mule

      I really hope it is a lopsided victory just to shut all the haters up :) In LOU I TRUST !

  7. OK everyone, no matter what happens tonight, could everyone please keep their witts about them and not turn into brainless monkeys?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashleigh


      You're asking a lot of the posters of CDC.

    3. LouGongShow
    4. Slender Man

      Slender Man

      RIP Walk The Dinosaur

  8. Time to do some spot cleaning on my Bertuzzi jersey before Wednesday.

  9. This is my summer song

  10. Someone want to pull the pin on today/week?

    1. Shift-4


      to get it going or end it?

    2. old_time_hockey


      End. Just total skippage.

  11. Ephesians 5:22-24...words to live by

  12. Lets Go Bruins! Lucic gonna mess you up Tampa!

  13. ( o Y 0 )

    1. Dazzle


      Someone's scoring tonight.

    2. Master 112

      Master 112

      You might wanna get that checked out...

    3. old_time_hockey


      Real women are asymmetrical

  14. In your opinion. However if you look at my posts they are all on topic, unlike yours, deal with the issue and the background behind it.

    If you have something to say in the thread do so, otherwise I am finished with your attempt to have a pissing match.

  15. I would return comment but you would probably just go crying to the mods again.

    IF you have anything valid and on topic to add please do...otherwise please stop trolling.

  16. Hawks and Ice going to OT tied at 4

    1. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      Portland and Kootenay?

    2. Barney Stinson

      Barney Stinson

      Kootaney Ice <3

  17. CAPS TIE IT!!!!! 2-1 Caps on aggregate!!!

    1. old_time_hockey


      So far...forgot to mention there is still time in extra time...isn't sudden death.

    2. old_time_hockey


      FINAL! Whitecaps win!

  18. That look Bruce Boudreau had after the 3rd T-Bay goal is the look of a man that knows he will be cleaning out his office after this game.

    1. Dazzle


      He ain't getting fired.

      Though there are a lot of coaches around this time of year, Washington would be stupid to dump Boudreau.

      After all, Buffalo re-signed Ruff for four more years.

    2. old_time_hockey


      Ruff has way less to work with and still makes the playoffs.

    3. kanucks25


      lol comparing Ruff to Boudreau... insulting

  19. Jimmy.crack.corn is my new fav poster of the day. I can't believe the idiots in the "Goal Horn" thread. But then again not much on CDC should surprise me these days

  20. Come on people. Grab your sandwich and come play poker

    1. Dazzle


      Congrats on the win.

  21. Awww...How come Buttman didn't come to present the Presidents Trophy?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. old_time_hockey


      Why waste good sea food on Bettman? Throw sea urchins or something with spikes if you want to throw something at him...Hey, this gave me an idea. Lets find out if Bettman has shellfish allergy and lace some food and lock up his epipen.

      Not enough to kill him, just enough to have him step down.

    3. Captain Bob

      Captain Bob

      have a shellfish allergy. Actually, it's all seafood. Worst case, throw them at me and I'll go hug Gary.

    4. canuck2xtreme


      either Bettman couldn't be bothered to come to Vancouver, or he was scared to show his face after this Torres nonsense.

  22. The Referees A WANKER!!! This guy tonight made Auger look credible.

  23. Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer

    1. Captain Bob

      Captain Bob

      It's been ordered, April 26th it'll be ready.

  24. Lets Go Sockeyes! Knock Osoyoos down a peg!

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